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Jul. 11th, 2008


Week Thirteen: Saturday, June 29th

Who: Starbuck and Lani
When: Saturday evening
Where: Aquatic House

Starbuck had been having a superbly shitty day. The semi-annual gossip rag had really done a number on his head, and he'd spent the afternoon talking to Ada about it, trying to figure out what the fuck to do with his life. Returning to his room after some puppy therapy, he'd found an email from his mother. It was pretty cryptic, especially so considering it came from Kai, who was always so honest and straightforward about everything. She and Starbuck didn't have secrets, but it seemed she wanted to surprise him, and that was different.

Then the surprise showed up, totally out of the blue! Starbuck was actually kinda shocked Kai had said anything, because it would have been even more exciting to find out that Lani was another half water nymph, if he'd not been given a little warning ahead of time. He'd have to call his mother later and laugh at her for it all. Crazy woman. Just as crazy as this situation.

Starbuck and Lani had hit it off instantly when they'd met back in Maui. She was a local too, though unlike Starbuck, she traveled a lot. Their relationship had been extremely brief, but it made a lasting imprint none the less. She was wicked cool, he'd always thought so, and maybe things would have had time to develop between the two of them if she'd not had to run off to Japan to help a friend. Starbuck was a little fuzzy on the details now, but he remembered it had something to do with a sick relative.

But, seemed she was back. Well, had been back, in Maui that is. And now she was here at Halcyon! It was going to be nice having an old friend around, especially someone who understood where Starbuck came from and all that. Plus, another water nymph! Starbuck wondered if she could communicate with sea creatures as well. He had so much he wanted to ask her!

As soon as he'd sent her a quick reply, he threw on a dark grey t-shirt with his worn out old jeans. Didn't bother with shoes, as he was just going to the common room. His bare feet moved quickly, the smile on his face really genuine for the first time today, as he ran into the common room, eager to see his old friend.
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Week Thirteen: Monday (Early)

Who: Selene and Cassius
When: Monday Early Morning
Where: Their rooms

She'd been out for too many days. It wasn't like Selene to be so absent, but it also wasn't like Selene to allow so many thoughts to press down on her mind. And most of all... it wasn't like Selene to get into something that was hard to describe in any other words than a cat fight. But she had. She had sat across from Valeria and taunted her with words that were almost designed to aggravate the other woman, that preyed on her vulnerabilities. Pushed until she had snapped and attacked Selene.

But she had. And some part of her had enjoyed seeing the other woman's face tighten in anger. She hadn't necessarily enjoyed the claws that had ripped into her face or the fangs that had tore at her face but they were merely a price to pay for enraging the other as she had. Those marks were all healed now, no longer visible on her bare skin. But she remembered them all too well.

And sometimes she smiled at the thought. Other times she was angry at herself for that pleased warmth that flowed through her at the memory. It wasn't like her. But maybe it was? Maybe it was like her now? The thought didn't sit well and had been the main reason she had kept to the city far longer than she should have. Kept herself from Cassius as long as she had. The thoughts were unsettling. Reminded her all too clearly of what he had shared with her not all that long ago in the grand scheme of time. The memories had been taken back but they were not erased, there were still moments where the remnants of those thoughts and the... chaos were rich in her mind, consuming and alive. Never the same and never as strong but it couldn't be entirely forgotten.

Just as she couldn't forget the irritation and rage that Valeria created in her and how she hadn't pushed it aside as she knew she ought to. She didn't fight it but rather seemed to embrace it. It frightened Selene as much as it intrigued her.

A long restless night was spent in the city, not filled with sleep but rather with restless thoughts that she couldn't quite seem to tamp down. Her clothes were nearly the same as she had worn to her rendezvous with the other blond, black and short. Though it was all rumpled now. Not quite her usual standards, but little seemed to be of the usual at the moment.

Quiet and slowly she worked her way through the hallways of the school. The path one she could do by memory easily, it was her room, their room, even if she had been absent for a few days. Her fingers paused on the door handle momentarily before pushing it open and stepping inside. Selene's back fell against the door as she closed it behind her, fingers holding onto the handle as she leaned back, take in the scent of the room. She had returned and he was waiting, she could feel him in the room.

"I'd ask what you saw in her but I don't know that I'd care for the answer, or maybe I'd understand and that is perhaps just as troublesome."

Jul. 10th, 2008


Week Thirteen: Thursday

Who: Kim and Xael
When: Thursday night
Where: House of Fire common room

All week, Kim had been feeling even more restless than she usually did before the full moon. If anything, she should have come back from break more relaxed but that wasn’t the case. The first week of break was fine. A little weird at times because she wasn’t used to having adult figures genuinely care about her. And also weird because she and Ray were staying at Manny’s parents house without Manny there. That changed the second week of break but Manny didn’t show up alone. Jax had come along and that was something Kim was not expecting at all. Kim would be lying if she said that the other girl’s presence didn’t bother her. When she agreed to go to Salem for break, part of her did it because she was hoping to spend more time with Manny. Yeah, that mini crush was still alive and well. But with Jax being there, that semi-plan was all shot to hell and the rest of her time there felt pretty awkward and tense.

It didn’t get any better when she got back to Halcyon either. Her first three classes of the day were fine, but once she got to Combat class, the aggressiveness went into overdrive. The first day she had gotten hurt cuz she didn’t know what to expect, but every other day after that, she was ready. Grappling was kinda helping with the restlessness, but it didn’t do enough especially since she was matched up with girls her own size so she wouldn’t get “hurt”. She hoped that after going through four different partners this week that her professor would get the hint and give her a tougher partner.

After Combat class, she’d try different things to get rid of all this excess energy like running or weight training or swimming. They all helped for a bit, but then the next day she was back to the same level of energy.

And now, the night before the full, Kim couldn’t fall asleep yet again. After tossing and turning for an hour, she gave up and sat up in bed. She didn’t wanna wake Natalia up by being on her laptop the whole night so instead she reached for her cell and texted Xael, wondering if he was still awake.

Lucky for her, he was. After a few quick texts between them, Xael suggested they meet down in the common room to keep each other some company. Kim pushed the covers off her body and put her slippers on before getting off the bed. Grabbing her cardigan off the back of her desk chair, she put it on over her pajamas and headed downstairs. She settled herself on a couch, looking around the empty room as she waited for Xael to show up.
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Week Thirteen - Saturday

Who: East and Sam
When: Afternoon
Where: Sam's room

That first week back on campus had been more hectic than he'd imagined. There was the jet lag to deal with and then of course the new classes starting, not to mention the whole week wrapping up with a full moon. He hadn't actually gotten to see Sam since his return, though they'd gotten to talk to one another a few times...e-mail, phone, even those bloody little text messages he was bound and determined to master. He didn't want her to mistake the distance for a lack of trying to fix things on his part. Earlier in the week, East had made the decision to go and check in on her after the full moon, making sure to give her time to recover, of course. He was sure that she was fine, but there was understandably that little voice in the back of his head that feared the worst. Now was not the time to give that annoyance any undue power.

Of course, he couldn't show up empty handed, that was just rude. So he was quick to shower and pulled on a pair of old, kind of ripped up jeans and pair of bright green trainers. He nabbed a black and cream striped shirt and slid it on while he gathered up anything else important and ran out the door. Thankfully Sam wasn't one of those annoying girls who would refuse to sink their teeth into anything remotely resembling food, so he rushed towards a little deli in town he'd found that made the most brilliant sandwiches. He ordered two to go and a couple orders of their homemade fries, waiting while the staff whipped up their delicious snack. Once it was done he made sure to thank them, heading back out to catch a cab back to campus.

The ride back to Halycon was so quick that when he was knocking on Sam's door, the sandwiches were still hot in his hand. He only hoped she could appreciate them as much as he did. If not, he had her present from London in his pocket and that was surely something that would get her all excited, which was half the reason he gave her gifts after all...he loved seeing how thrilled she got. "Sammy, open up," he called with a laugh, waiting outside her door. He could hear Prince's tags jingling on the other side, knew she had to be heading his way.
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Week Thirteen: Saturday

When: Late Morning
Where: Clove's room
Who: Kat and Clove

The day after a full moon Kat was usually always up early. Since they weren't "supposed" to leave the school, she usually crashed early and caught up on some sleep. Oh yeah, she led a pretty wild life. Whew! So she was up and bumming around her room just chilling and watching some cartoons. Breakfast was considered as an option but she was lazy so she flipped on her computer instead. Oo what was this? Her lips curled into a wicked smile as she read probably her most favorite thing ever. So, Frankie was a giant slut now huh? And she had had the audacity to give her crap!? Pshaw. At least Kat hadn't given her first time up in front of an audience AND had been dating the guy. Kat: 986675789 Frankie: 0

Deciding news of this caliber was just too good to leave alone, Kat got dressed and practically ran out of her room. Considering she didn't want to face the wrath of a prematurely woken Clove, a quick stop to the kitchen was in order before she braved the House of Fire. Breakfast burritos seemed to be on the menu for the morning so she grabbed two along with a couple of juice boxes and then headed for the other side of the school. Kat was practically giddy as she made her way through the halls and part of her hoped that she'd run into Frankie along the way. It was almost like Christmas had come early!

When she reached her destination, everything was pretty quiet and it was a cake walk getting into the guys' wing. Poor little weres all tired and blahblahblah. Kat almost decided to stop by Xael's room just to disturb his beauty sleep but got over it in the end. There would be plenty of other opportunities to disturb Xael's slumber since the guy spent a lot of his time sleeping. Right now she had more important things to do and that was cheer up Clove with this fantastic news!

Regardless of whether or not he had locked his door, heh, Kat got it open and bounded into his room. "Wakey, wakey! Hands off snakey!" she called as she set the food down and then hopped onto his bed. Huh, hopefully he wasn't the type to sleep in the nude.
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Jul. 7th, 2008


Week 13: Wednesday

Who: Jesse and River
What: Roommates
Where: Room
When: After classes

River was playing Grand Theft Auto on his laptop. Yeah, it would be better on Xbox or something, but he wasn't about to go out into the common room. There were a bunch of moody werecreatures in this house and he did NOT want to get bitten for turning the television off of their favorite soap opera or something. Instead, he was kicking some ass and stealing some cars.

His roommate was still absent, thank goodness. That kid was driving him absolutely batty. Not that it was a diffucult thing to do, as River was very easily annoyed (and also very annoying), but it was working either way. He thought his dad must have hand-picked the most ridiculous roommate ever for him just to make him suffer more. As if being at this freaky place wasn't punishment enough!

"Gimme your Jeep or I'll shoot you in the face," he said, kicking some poor schmuck out of a car before taking off and running it into a crowd of other people. The police were coming, now, so he entered a cheat code for the tank, his favorite thing in the GTA world, and started flattening people and cars as he drove through the streets exploding things. "You can't stop me, chopper!" he exclaimed as a police helicopter started shooting him from over head. "I'm INVINCIBLE!"
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Jul. 6th, 2008


Week Thirteen: Wednesday

Who: James and Nell (Or will it be Blake)
When: Evening
Where: Nell's room
What: James drops by for a surprise visit.

The House of Fire was feeling too oppressing. Knowing that Natalia was there and knowing that it was in his best interest, and hers too, perhaps, that he not see her, was sometimes a bit too much for him to take, and he found himself, more often than not, wandering around anywhere else he could find to wander in order to avoid thinking about that, in order to avoid feeling it. Tonight it just so happened that those wanderings had led him to Zephyr house, not a place he was supposed to be, but half the fun in life was being places that you shouldn't.

He had found out ages ago that Nell was a resident of this house. He had found out which room she was in even, and who her roommate was though it wasn't shocking that she would choose her sister. Had he a sibling here, and the choice of rooming with them or some random stranger, he would certainly have chosen the former. He hadn't let her know, however, that he had this knowledge, nor that he had sought it out. Tonight seemed like the time for it though. He had nothing better to do, after all.

The room, once he found it, careful to avoid running across anyone who might send him in the other direction, was empty. A knock, two knocks, and a few words spoken had produced no response. So what did he do? He'd not been so cautious in sneaking into her dorm that he was ready to just turn around and head back out. So instead he took a credit card, slipped it into the door to jimmy the lock, again, half the fun in life with the youth of the rich was seeing what you could get away with, and let himself in.

After roaming about the room for a moment, looking at the various things strewn about, he picked the bed which most seemed like it would be hers, and made himself at home. There he would wait, body stretched out, back against the bed, arms folded beneath his head, for her to arrive.
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Week Thirteen: Tuesday

Who: Noah and Summer
When: After Football Club
Where: Summer's Room
What: Summer needs to get something off of her chest.

Football Club had been more than a little bit torturous due to the simple fact that she had to wait for it to be over before she could discuss with Noah something that she should have talked to him about a long time ago. Or maybe she shouldn't have. Maybe she had been right in just keeping it all from him. Maybe telling him was the wrong thing to do all together. She wasn't sure. But she had made up her mind and she was going to stick to it. She was tired of being the only one that knew.

She had told him to meet her in her room, heading upstairs after practice to take a quick shower and pull on a pair of sweats. Long blond hair was up in a ponytail as she sat on her bed, long legs folded Indian style, a small trinket box in front of her on the bed, teal eyes fixated upon it.

She was nervous, and she just wanted to get this over with. The days that had passed since she had decided to go through with this had been impossibly long and she had found it more than a little difficult to focus on anything other than the thoughts running round and round in her head. At least the fixation had kept everyone else's emotions at bay. That was the only good thing about it, though she could feel his anxiety already. Or was it her own.

Breathe. Just breathe. And don't throw up. The last thing she needed was vomit breath on top of everything else.
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Jul. 2nd, 2008


Week Thirteen: Monday, June 24th

Who: Frankie and Sydni
Where: Sydni's room, House of Fire
When: 9:00ish

Frankie didn't have a lot of homework, what with it being the first day back and all. She had some reading to do, and she was expected to write a short story, but that was all fairly simple and quickly accomplished. Frankie could handle bigger work loads, especially considering she wasn't working a part-time job at the same time. Halcyon wasn't easy, but the challenges were different than she'd experienced in human schools.

Once she finished up her work, she checked the clock. Shit, she was supposed to meet Sydni in ten minutes. Oh well, seemed she wouldn't be showering before their night of drinking and junk food eating. Didn't matter. She'd probably just need another shower afterward. Frankie could get a bit clumsy as a drunk. She also giggled like a mad woman... well, unless she had far too much, then she just bawled her eyes out. Considering how screwy her emotions were right now, she'd probably do a bit of both.

Since a shower wasn't an option, she just threw on her PJs. Nothing fancy tonight, obviously. It wasn't Clove she was seeing, so the barely there lacy number got to stay in the closet tonight. Nope, she just went for comfort, and that meant a tank top, that allowed her wings to be free, and a pair of matching shorts. She really did love Victoria's Secret. Throwing her fluffy red robe over the top of it all, for warm in the drafty hallways, and slipping on some fuzzy flip flop slippers, she was just about to set off to meet Sydni, before she realize there was one more thing she should probably bring with her. Snatching up the item, she chuckled a little. Kinda scary, but still funny!

The door was open, just as Sydni said it would be, but Frankie still knocked on it as she walked in, not wanting to startle her friend. "Ok... booze and sweets... I need both. Oh, and don't mind this," she said with a little laugh as she set down a bright red fire extinguisher on the ground. "I find that it's a good idea to have one around when I'm feeling moody. Just in case." See, to Frankie, that was funny. To other people, it probably wasn't.
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Week 13: Thursday

Who:Ezra and Rudra
Where: Ezra's room
When: Thursday, evening
What: Ezra finally leaves his malaise enough to communicate.

Like a storm, it broke. A simple atmospheric snap and the clouds parted, as it were. Ezra opened his eyes and saw his ceiling. As it was. Present time. It was dark and he immediately noticed he was cold, and damp. There was a moment of dizziness as he acclimated himself to his own existence again. Moments had come and gone of greater clarity, but none that he could clearly remember. Those moments when he'd wake up somewhere different wondering how he'd managed to move from one dirty location to another or get enough water and food in him to survive the episode.

His arms felt like and were shaking a little. They felt like moving wet noodles as he dipped two finger tips in the tiny hollow between his pectoral muscles. Ezra was skinny enough that it was probably only his ribs stopping that caused the natural rift enough for sweat to gather there. Thank the Gods, it was just sweat. Trying to prop himself on his elbows, he found it was a little too much of an effort and gave up, breathing heavily before finding the will to try moving again.

He'd be damned, he smelt awful and was cold. It did occur to him that he might want to see what day or time it was, but it was only a fleeting thought. Those things didn't mean much to him, even if he did want to check. Ezra was more concerned with the next ten minutes as he swayed towards the bathroom, holding onto various surfaces. After realizing the closet was not the bathroom, but finding his robe, he left the light off and twisted the knob to hot water. Barely finding the forethought to make sure it wouldn't scald him (more of an above tepid temperature, actually), he crawled into the tub.

"Wuh?" The room had turned blindingly white. Ezra blinked up, his vision filled with dancing lights and moving shapes that were taking a significant amount of time clearing into actual sight. His legs felt sluggish and he realized it was because the water level was at his waist. Where had the time gone to?
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Week 13: Wednesday

Who: Serghei and Sydni
Where: Sydni's room of sexy
When: Wednesday evening
What: Serghei no read english good. He knows just where to go if he needs a helping hand or two...

Classes were...hard. It was so disappointing to think of that word in English and not get a little trill of excitement. Once upon a time he could have muttered that into a man's ear in his thick accent and look down to see what would happen. Instead, the only groaning was in his own head and it wasn't pretty. Serghei had spent about an hour at the library trying to distract himself from distracting himself to focus on his work.

The fact was that he didn't have the focus to remember what he was studying from one moment to the next. When he replied on the journals he'd had an easy reference dictionary by him and just hard translated what was written, then wrote a reply, then translated it back. It took forever and was hardly accurate. Verbally he was okay, but the way the words were spelt and pronounced were foreign from what he actually knew. Serghei was more familiar with the arabic alphabet than this one.

He'd met a lot of brainiacs at the school. Some of whose brains he tried to pick less figuratively than one might imagine with parts of his body one might not readily expect. Unless, of course, one knew one was speaking about Serghei.

What he needed was some help and a more conducive studying environment than the library. Like an entire floor full of women. He'd made some easy inquiries to "Seed-nee", his pool galfriend. Flip-flops, cut off camo cargo pants and a tank top. Serghei rapped on her door with two of his large knuckles and leaned against the doorframe. He wasn't in the mood for learning today. Just getting his homework done.
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Jul. 1st, 2008


Week Advancement: Week Thirteen

Week Thirteen
Dates: Monday June 24th through Sunday June 30th
Season: Summer 2007
Month: Late June


Back to School! We hope you had an enjoyable vacation.

NOTE to Werecreatures: Do NOT attempt to shift outside the school grounds. There are many farmers and ranchers in the area who will not hesitate to take whatever means necessary to protect their livlihood.

Remember the curfew for students under eighteen is 10 PM on weekdays and midnight on Friday and Saturday. No such limits for those over eighteen. Students are not to hang out in other houses. This is for your safety. Also, male and female should keep to their own floors. Again, doing so is in keeping with propriety and the safety and well being of all students.

The librarian is seeking assistance in the form of one or two students with good records over the age of twenty one. Please report to the library if you are interested.

FULL MOON this Friday Night. All weres are to report outdoors to the designated ares before sundown. All other students are to remain indoors the entire night. Full curfew in affect for all non-were students.

Birthdays this Month:
Aqzlece Szczyk - June 14th
Xael Hecatomb - June 17th
Aramil Amakiir - June 21st
Francis Knock - June 28th

Monday June 24th:Mostly cloudy. (High: 88°F Low: 71°F)
Tuesday June 25th:Mostly cloudy, but clearing overnight. West winds 5 to 10 mph. (High: 87°F Low: 60°F)
Wednesday June 26th: Sunny. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. (High: 89°F Low: 60°F)
Thursday June 27th: Mostly sunny, becoming cloudy overnight. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph. (High: 91°F Low: 68°F)
Friday June 28th: Partly sunny with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Chance of rain 40 percent. Rain chances increase overnight with heavy cloud cover. (High: 87°F Low: 65°F)FULL MOON
Saturday June 29th: Cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Chance of rain 40 percent, increasing overnight. (High: 83°F Low: 69°F)
Sunday June 30th: Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Chance of rain 30 percent, decreasing overnight. (High: 84°F Low: 69°F)


Week 12: Saturday (narrative)

This was going to suck.  There was no other way to put it.  Sydni had been thinking long and hard about her relationship with Justina, and while it had been a good time, and she still cared for Justina, she didn't see it going any further.  Justina had been taking days to reply to her e-mails, and even seemed to be avoiding her phone calls.  Sitting on her bed, Sydni dialed the number, as close to in person as she could do here at Halcyon, she listened to it ring, and half-hoped she didn't pick up so she could put it off another day.

No such luck, of course.  Justina's voice rang through clearly on the other end.  "Hey, babe.  What's up?"

Her stomach turned, but she said the words.  "Hey...  We have to talk.  You have time?"


Jun. 30th, 2008


Week Twelve: Saturday

Who: Charlie and Davia
Where: Charlie's Room
What: Neither of them really feel like dancing.

Davia had gone to the showers right after sending her last message to Charlie, all of her personal items and her pajamas in hand. Today was turning out to be very different than she had anticipated. Last night, even this morning, she was all for going out, ready to just drink too much and forget about her problems. But the longer the day progressed, the less like doing that she felt, and the more like remaining curled in a ball on her bed crying she was tempted to stay. But that was no good. She was tired of crying, tired in general, and tired of thinking about all the things that she would rather just forget. And all of this was because of a gift, though there were no ill feelings towards he who had given it.

She lost track of time as she stood under the stream of hot water until it became cold. Even then it felt good, maybe even better than that initial bit of steam. It cool her face, cheeks having been flushed and swollen from crying, and helped alleviate some of the puffiness of her eyes. It wasn't until she started shivering that she decided it was perhaps time for her to get out. She shut off the water and grabbed her towel.

Her hair was still damp when she pulled on her pajamas, sliding her feet into a pair of pink, fuzzy slippers to match. She ran a comb through blond locks and then gathered everything up, stopping by her room to drop her things off before making the attempt to slip undetected into the boys' dormitory. It took her a few, and there were a few near brushes with someone who may or may not have turned her in, but a last she made it, knocking lightly on the frame of the door before slipping inside, the door closed quietly behind her.
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Week Twelve: Sunday, June 23rd

Who: Frankie and Vinnie
When: Sunday evening
Where: Vinnie's room, House of Fire

Frankie felt emotionally and physically drained. Crying and running at the same time tended to do that to a person, and those were about the only things she'd been capable of doing. It was all basically a repeat of her first fight with Clove, and while they say three times a charm, it had only taken two times to end their relationship.

It wasn't so much about trust this time, as respect, and she'd finally had enough of him not sticking up for her where Kat was concerned. Frankie could fight her own battles, definitely, but should have, as her boyfriend, wanted to step in and say, 'Don't talk to my girl like that!', shouldn't he?! But Clove never did, he just continued to joke around with the slut.

Frankie had even tried ignoring Kat. She stopped responding to anything and everything Kat did. Replies to Frankie's journal were ignored, no matter how much she wanted to say something bitchy in return or hunt Kat down to set her hair on fire. Frankie had been trying! At least she thought she had. But the comment about Clove 'popping her cherry' just made her snap, especially at Clove's response. 'All in good time.' What the hell sorta reply was that?! Was he keeping track of her on a fucking stop watch?

She clenched her fists as well as her teeth, shaking a little as she thought it all over in her head on the short walk to Vinnie's room. The journey took her right past Clove's room, which only angered and saddened her more. How many times had she been in there, or left baked goodies at his door? She picked up her pace and practically ran the rest of the way to Vinnie's room, and darted in through the open door.

When she saw her little brother, Frankie felt like she was gonna fall apart. "I know you just got here, and I'd be a totally shitty big sister to bail... but I wanna go home," she said as she sniffed a little. Her eyes were bloodshot, bags underneath them, her skin pale and sickly looking as well as puffy.

Jun. 29th, 2008


Week Twelve: Sunday

Who: Kenzie and Diarmad
When: Sunday Morning
Where: Head of Halcyon

Ezra was not okay. He was sick. He kept talking to himself and he was all cold and clammy and then he was all hot and he kept throwing up. He wasn't okay. And Kenzie had no idea what to do. He had spent the past couple of days watching him, sitting in the floor, crouched down, chewing on his nails, trying to figure out what to do. Finally, he had come to the decision that he was not cut out for this, and when one last attempt to wake Ezra up failed, Kenzie knew he had to get help.

Tugging on some clothes, many less layers than what was typical, he moved to the door, one glance given back in Ezra's direction before he moved out int the hall. He glanced around, looking for someone, anyone, that might be of some help, but there was no one in the hall. He fidgeted, not sure what he should do as he had never been in a situation like this.

What if Ezra died?

That thought illicited a strange sense of panic, and before he knew what he was actually doing, before he had time to actually think about it, he started knocking on the other doors, yelling "Help!". Someone had to be home. Someone had to be there. There had to be someone to help. He couldn't let Ezra die. Ezra was all that he had. He really would be lost again without him.


Week Twelve: Sunday

Who: Kate, and Rufus
Where: Kate's Room
When: Early evening
What: The newly weds back together again!

It had been over a week now. They'd been married for over a week, and he hadn't seen her since the night of their wedding. Yes, they had chatted on the phone, shared e-mails, but they hadn't been able to see, hug, kiss, or touch one another. Nothing of the sort. Which wasn't at all fun, seeing that they were so found of the embraces they shared. However, it would have been a complete lie, to say that he hadn't enjoyed his time at home. He had, very much. Being in India again, had been an absolutely amazing. Janka, his wife, and their two eldest children had been waiting for him at the airport. From there, they drove to the families home. It was on the ride, that he told them about getting married. Not surprising, they had all been shocked. As well as disappointed, seeing as Janka's eldest daughter, had always held a soft spot for the Scotsman. Not surprising, Janka had been angry with him, because Kate had not come along.

Aside from missing Kate madly, the entire week, he had enjoyed himself. Walking the streets of Bangladesh, playing music for a bit of pocket money, learning new tricks from Janka. Most of which he still hadn't mastered, he would certainly need to practice them, if he wished to have them learned, before the next return trip. Strange, he was already thinking about the next break, and how he didn't plan to see his father that time around. For some reason, he had a feeling that the two would not be on speaking terms at the time. It could just be his pesimistic side showing, but he didn't know what would happen to his relationship with his father, once he learend about Kate.

Leaving had been bittersweet. He would have liked to have spent more time at home, but he was also anxious to get back, and see everyone again. To see Kate. That was why, when he did finally make it back, he literally dropped his stuff onto his bed, dug out Kate's gifts, and headed over to her house. It took him a short while to get in, but luckily, he was able to find her room easy enough, thanks to someone friendly enough to point it out. He couldn't figure out why he felt nervous. Maybe because he feared that the time apart might have changed her mind about him. Or maybe because of the blue velvet box in his jeans pocket. It could be a number of reasons.

Lifting his hand, he knocked briskly upon her door. Swallowing, as he stood back, waiting for her to appear within it's frame. As he heard the handle turn, he found himself straightening up, his eyes glued to the door, as it opened. "Hey..." He said softly, smiling down at her. "I just got back, came over straight away."
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Jun. 22nd, 2008


Week Twelve: Thursday

Who: Davia and Sydni
When: Night
Where: Davia's dorm room in Terrene House
What: Slumber Party Madness!!!!

Davia was probably more excited about this than any girl ever had been in the history of a slumber party. Maybe that was an exaggeration, but being her first one, she was definitely more psyched for it than a girl that had been to several ever would have been. She had spent the entire day getting everything prepared for it, and as soon as the sun had gone down, she had been out to get the rest of what she needed that she couldn't gather up around the school.

There was ice cream, ice cream toppings, a whole array of nail polish in varying colors with some cotton balls and remover just in case. She had rented a couple of movies that were stereotypical girl films, romance movies like Titanic and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

In addition to all of that, she had assured she had extra pillows and blankets for Sydni to use, but instead of making up the second bed in her room, she took the mattresses off of both of the beds and put them in the floor, side by side, right in front of the tv, the beds themselves pushed back against the wall out of the way. She had hair rollers and face masks and cucumbers and all the things that the girls in all the movies she had seen had had on hand for just this sort of occasion.

Davia was ready. And now she was just waiting for Sydni to show up, waiting amidst the plethora of fluffy pillows, her pajamas already on, cute pj pants with a cammy style t, pink and covered with little pictures of kittens. She had big fluffy bedroom slippers on her feet, cats of course, their tails poking up from behind her feet and their cute little faces, whiskers and all, in front.
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Jun. 20th, 2008


Week Twelve: Friday

Who: Rafe and Davia
Where: beginning in the kitchen at Terrene
When: evening

Rafe had gotten back to Halcyon at dusk, and he'd done the usual things that anyone did after returning from a trip. Unpacking close to two weeks' worth of dirty laundry, a few clean pieces of clothing, MP3 player, phone, magazines bought at the airport, and other odds and ends. It wasn't that he truly wanted to be neat and tidy and get everything put away immediately, but it was a distraction he could employ to try not to dwell on the fact that the break was over.

His confession to his family about what he was now and what had happened to him had gone reasonably well, all things considered. They hadn't wanted to believe him, of course, but the actual presence of fangs in his mouth wasn't something that could be easily put aside. He'd tried to soothe their worries by filling them in on where he was living now, and what he was doing. By the time he'd left, it was okay, he thought, though he was exhausted.

It was a good thing that he'd saved his visit with Tay for the latter half of break. They'd had a wonderful time, and he'd simply refused to think about the fact that at the end of the week, he'd be leaving, and she'd be in Los Angeles still. She'd visit. He'd visit. Everything would be all right. He'd been able to appease himself with those platitudes until he'd had to leave her. Then, it wasn't so easy.

But here he was, back at school, and everything was the same... except for the fact that Taylor wasn't here.

Once Rafe got his room situated, he went to take a shower and wash off the aura of travel that clung to him. After he'd dressed in shorts and a tank top, he headed downstairs to the kitchen. Blood bags were still one of the banes of his existence, but they were necessary. It was rather like settling for an apple when one really wanted chocolate, but he'd deal. He'd been dealing with it up until now, hadn't he? And apples were really better for you, anyway.
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Week Twelve: Thursday [narrative]

Who: Ezra
Where: Apartamento dele
When: Afternoon to early evening
What: It's that time again

It started with the sweating, then the restless nights. Ezra had his palms pressed against his aching eyes as he paced restlessly. Sharp turns. Three steps, turn. Three steps, turn. The room was in complete dissarray. If asked he couldn't say where Kenzie was. For the moment, he was trapped in his own world. His body and mind taking a toll to weather the raw lines of their shared universe. Reality was like an onion. Or a tree. Or a shape that is not solid or round, but layered and intertwined. Very frequently the layers between worlds grew weaker, or so Ezra believed, and this is what brought him to these states. Like most things in the universe, it happened with some regularity.

This had been coming for a while. For hours he'd feverishly rearranged the room as he grappled with how he came to own the shirt he was wearing. Ezra didn't know if this was his third or fifth or first time at Halcyon. Was he in the future? Was he in the past? Time was so relative when he'd looked so timeless for so long. His awareness encompassed his current face, the mirror was no help, it ate at his brain, sending him sweating as he placed chairs on their backs and stacked books underneath them. He'd nearly stepped with his woolen socks into a bucket of water inexplicably by the window. His shoes were somewhere, sitting toe to toe.

Ezra couldn't look at what he'd made. He knew what was coming. This was his training. To not give into dread. To not give into fear. To continue to fight the silent battle and steel himself against the fate to which he'd been conceived. Still, they came. His eyes tightly shut, waves of soft sky blue and violet infused light drifted across his left and right eyes as if a rock had been dropped into the water on either side just below his vision. They met where one's visions cross and were diluted. Slowly, however, the waves grew more and more distinct, until they were lines. He was frozen, hardly breathing, standing rigidly straight in the middle of the room. Like before you know you're going to vomit frozen.

Then the lines stopped coming from out of his sight and drew from the middle. Stretched out the middle and they were circles. Circles in circles in circles in circles. Ezra wouldn't know he was on the floor rather than standing up. Things like gravity and consciousness had little meaning to him now until either his mind or his body grew too weak to support this sort of intra-universal travel. His irises spun madly and often out of tune with one another. Ezra had left the building.


Week Twelve: Thursday

Who: Ayolinda and [open]
Where: House Aquatic common area
When: mid-afternoon
What: It's been a while since I made an open thread and found myself unable to bring Ayolinda out into the bright, blue yonder. Or whatever.

A girl could only keep to herself for so long. Or rather, she underestimated the shipping time for her personal effects would take. More realistically, her aunt was taking her sweet time to actually ship them out. This left Ayolinda with only what she could have possibly taken with her to begin at Halcyon: her clothes and her most treasured 'entertainment' media. Her laptop provided hours of laptop, but high level WoW raiding had gotten boring just weeks after the last expansion. Everything also took so long to download without her own personal bandwith connection.

She was wise to the tricks of high-speed companies and would demand full service at all times. Ayolinda monitored her bandwith rate and enforced it strictly. Unfortunately, at a school, this wasn't possible. Lately she'd spent a lot of time systematically fighting for a new highest score in minesweeper while waiting for things to finish downloading in her empty room.

Sometime between her trips to and from the cafeteria she'd noticed the common room was almost always empty. The gleam of a gaming system caught her eye. Was that a force grip Nyko Xbox wireless controller? It appeared to be so. She was intrigued. She looked once to either side --tastefully applied navy illusion powder in a cat-eye shape with eyebrow accenting a must for public consumption-- and stepped inside one expensive black patent flat after the other.

In moments she had the respectively large television live and had cleared a Halo 2 map. She was sitting on the coffee table --easier to stay upright-- and chewed on her gum whenever she rememberd it was there. Her black patent envelope clutch rested against her foot. The shouts of defeated alien troops wafted out of the stereo speakers. It was heaven to her ears.

Damn, ambushed. "Fuck." She muttered, leaning a little as she focused. She was going to sully her portuguese tag if she couldn't clear the third map flawlessly.

Jun. 18th, 2008


Week 12: Monday

Who: Kristi, Summer
Where: Summer's room
When: Monday afternoon
What: 'Entertainment Value'

I'm bored, she'd said, or written (if one wished to be picky). Come entertain me. Entertainment was a tricky industry, and one that wasn't forgiving towards the unknown. Kristi, on the other hand, took the invitation as the ticking sign of a good clock, you know, the one that says an attractive girl had just invited you back to her room.

Actually, it seemed as though Kris had spent a lot of time in the rooms of female students. He wondered, briefly, how many times he could claim ignorance towards administration if and when he was collared doing so. The idea tickled him, and he strolled along the school's corridors between House Zephyr and House Aquatic with subtle jots of amusement written on his features. With him, he carried very little: himself, his clothes, and an unrustling plastic bag, the sides ghosting over hints of a bottle hidden within.

The blonde, the white hue brighter than usual due to a purely excessive amount of time spent out in the sun, put his back to the wall outside Summer's door, and fished out his cellphone. Far be it was he from knocking on a door to a room that might prove uninhabited, instead, the Russian's fingers tapped over the buttons of his cellphone, a silver and white affair that sported Kristi's only preferred colours.

Come out, girl, his fingers said, thumbing over buttons with a nimble speed that spoke of too much practice, or I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I don't think this door can take it.
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Jun. 15th, 2008


Week Advancement: Week Twelve

Week Twelve
Dates: Monday June 17th through Sunday June 23rd
Season: Summer 2007
Month: Mid June

Monday June 17th:Mostly sunny. Becoming partly sunny with showers and thunderstorms likely in the afternoon. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60 percent.(High: 84°F Low: 61°F)
Tuesday June 18th:Mostly sunny. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.(High: 79°F Low: 60°F)
Wednesday June 19th:Partly sunny.(High: 78°F Low: 60°F)
Thursday June 20th:Mostly sunny.(High: 79°F Low: 55°F)
Friday June 21st:The trend continues, sunny and hot. Great day for you heat lovers. Ice users should stay indoors in the afternoon.(High: 81°F Low: 59°F)
Saturday June 22nd: Sunny and hot, but with a bit of cloud cover. (High: 83°F Low: 62°F)
Sunday June 23rd: Showers and thunderstorms early morning, heavy fog in the morning clearing finally to a partly sunny day. (High: 81°F Low: 60°F)


Week 11: Friday

(Save Spot - Cillian, still want it?)

Jun. 1st, 2008


Week Advancement: Week Eleven

Week Eleven
Dates: Monday June 10th through Sunday June 16th
Season: Spring 2007
Month: Mid June

Monday June 10th: A clear day with evening clouds rolling in (High: 84°F Low: 69°F)
Tuesday June 11th: Clouds linger throughout the day (High: 80°F Low: 67°F)
Wednesday June 12th: Clouds in the morning, clearing by afternoon (High: 84°F Low: 70°F)
Thursday June 13th: The clouds have lifted and the sun is out! (High: 87°F Low: 72°F)
Friday June 14th: The sun is here to stay, hot and sweltering temps (High: 90°F Low: 75°F)
Saturday June 15th: Sunny and hot (High: 92°F Low: 76°F)
Sunday June 16th: It's still sunny but the temperatures are finally dropping (High: 89°F Low: 74°F)

May. 24th, 2008


Week Ten: Monday

Who: Kiernan and Alana
When: Monday Night
Where: Their room

Daddy was in a BAD mood. Alana was pouting as she sat on the edge of the bed, her legs swinging. Each time they swung back her heels would thump loudly against the side of the bed. And it would get a look from her father who was hunched over the desk that was covered with papers in the room.

"Daaad what are you doing?" the question was asked for the 100th time that afternoon and Kiernan had long since lost his patience. The better question was whether he'd actually ever had any patience. He tried when it came to Alana but with the weight of the past several weeks... his breaking point was all too close to the surface, even when it came to his daughter.

"Studying." Kiernan answered quickly and tersely. "Same as when you asked before." Though that wasn't entirely true, it was the only answer that Alana would get. The papers that covered his desk weren't simply texts on bloodlust and other information given out in the class. It was information send by one of the few contacts he'd kept in the bureau. Kiernan knew he couldn't do much, not from his current position and not with his own problems that were so glaringly present everytime he thought about Sam. But he had to do whatever he could to protect his daughter. And finding out whatever he could about Sergio... from human services as well as what he was able to gleam from his guide teacher.

The information didn't change anything though, just made him want to keep Alana safely inside of their rooms under his watchful eye 24/7. That however wasn't a situation that was good for anyone. Not good for Alana and even less for him. It was hard enough to force himself to leave her daily for his own personal trip to the kitchen to take care of the needs that he had ignored for far too long. The needs that the fucking demon had made a good point of bringing his daughter into. He'd never bite Alana...

Then again Sam was his friend and he'd have said the same thing not so very long ago.

"I want to go out. Can we go out? NOW?" Alana asked again her foot thumping extra loudly against the baseboard of the bed. Kiernan swiveled quickly in his chair, that look on his face. Alana knew it well. "NO. We can't. Not right now. Why don't you practice your letters?" he finally offered trying to give Alana something to do. He knew she was bored, hell he was bored and he wasn't five going on six.

Alana gave a huff in reply, she glanced over at her coloring books that were spewed across the bed and halfheartedly pulled one from the pile. It was Dora the explorer. "Dad. I want a Dora cake." Kiernan blinked. "A what?" Alana's head popped up and the look she gave him said he was clearly in for hell when she reached her teenage years. "A Dora the Explorer CAKE." She said again, her head tilting to the side, a pig tail pooling on her shoulder. "For my biiiiirthday."

And yes Kiernan was screwed. It wasn't as though he'd forgotten the day. It was hard to forget a life changing day like the day Alana was born was. But it had been... when his mind was primarly filled with worries and other thoughts that he flat out refused to acknowledge it was hard to remember the details of the fact that his daughter would need a birthday party. What five year old didn't... and Alana with all that had happened over the course of the past year deserved it more than any other girl.

He'd just never... hell he'd never even been home for any of her previous birthdays. That had definitely been Vivian's area of expertise. Everything with Alana had been, he couldn't lie about that fact. But it wasn't an option anymore and it brought it all into that much more stark relief.

Kiernan set the papers down he'd been reading and rolled his chair over to where Alana was seated. "A Dora the explorer cake? Anything else that you want?" he asked picking Alana up and putting her on his lap. He'd been a shit father as of late and he knew it. But he couldn't screw this up for her too.


Week Ten: Friday

Who: Noah (Narrative)
When: Friday afternoon
Where: His room.

We're doing fine with money mom,

Noah typed those words and almost underlined them after the fact. The very last thing he wanted his mother to do was worry about whether or not he had enough money. He was supposed to be the one sending them extra money not the other way around. But his mom was worried, with him supposedly traveling across Europe and all.

A hand raked through Noah's hair as he set to typing the rest of the email that he'd been sitting on replying to all day. Not because he didn't to talk to his mother, he loved her but because he just didn't know what to say. She'd been asking for a good month now when they were going to be headed back to the states... and Noah didn't have an answer. It was of course becoming more and more clear that he was going ot have to come up with some kind of answer. Noah wasn't exactly looking forward to that moment.

Tell Carley I love her and that she'd damn well better apply to all those schools she mentioned in the last email. I'll call you guys soon, need to get a new calling card.


The send key was hit and Noah quickly shut the top of his laptop. If he hadn't already gone for a run that morning before his last class for the term he'd have head out for another run. It felt like it was just before the full with the amount of energy that was rolling constantly through his form. But he knew that wasn't it. It was so much freaking more than that, made him worry about what it was going to be like when the next full did come around if he was still like this. He was really going to be screwed.

He paced the length of his room once, then twice in what was becoming a habit that he was a little worried was going to start showing up in the floor with the amount of time he'd been at it lately. Better than breaking mirrors though. And so far he hadn't found any way to work anything out that did a better job than this. Of course he hadn't tried much more than running and working out. Those were his regular standbys. But they didn't really help him work out any of the things that were racing through his mind.

Natalia being at the top of his list. Time alone with her was looming directly in front of him and it wasn't something that he'd ordinarily dread. And he didn't exactly dread it now. Rather he just... he didn't know what to expect. He knew how he felt about her and he knew that his reaction to James was case and point of why he had no business actually being with a woman. A mix of rage and jealousy just looking at the asshole didn't bode well for any dating situation that Noah could find himself in. He couldn't help but hate the guy for what he'd put Natalia through. But he hated him for more than that... hated him for having the balls to be with her when Noah hadn't, hated him for the fact that he'd earned Nat's love even if he didn't deserve it.

Noah didn't either.

He was her friend and as much as his heart said he wanted to be so much more his mind wouldn't let him come as close to breaching that barrier as he had not that long ago. It was just hard to remember that fact sometimes... he just hoped it wouldn't be that hard when he was alone with her for the next week.

He'd managed it for long enough now... what was a couple more weeks? Right.

May. 20th, 2008


Week Ten: Tuesday

When: Night
Where: Head of Halcyon
Who: Cassius - Narrative

The time following his encounter with Valeria were a blur to Cassius. To all he seemed calm, the same man that he had always been. But Cassius excelled in appearing far more put together then he truly felt within. He wore a smile, he spoke casually, he saw to his classes and aided other students in counseling. But whenever the door was shut and he was left alone the calm faded away to something far more turbulent beneath. Something rawer…something that did not resemble the control that he had clung to ever since arriving here at Halcyon. He knew coming here would be a struggle…but he had not truly realized how much so until he was here. Until the emotions began to weigh down upon him and the strain picked him apart.

Cassius had kept his distance from all. Beyond classes and work he retreated, keeping himself away from the presence of any others. Including Selene. He knew she worried, he could feel it. But he did not have it in him to tell her that all was alright. She knew it was not. But there was little that could be done to truly ease his mind right now. There was too much unknown, such chaos tempting him from all sides. He had decisions to make, paths to pick….and he knew no matter what was done he would be hurting them. The both of them. He loved them both and knew that would never still. They were a part of him, they always would be. They were both sides of him. The calm and the chaos. The control and the lack there of.

But as complicated as all of that alone was, that was far from all of it. )

May. 15th, 2008


Week Advancement: Week Ten

Week Ten
Dates: Monday June 3rd through Sunday June 9th
Season: Spring 2007
Month: Early June

On Monday June 10th a class list will be mailed out to all students here at Halcyon. Please, even if you are away from the school, be certain to check your emails. The administration will be trying out something new this quarter so make sure to really look at the list. Class structures here at Halcyon have changed many times over the years. Now is just another time.

Students will be required to send in their new schedules to the administration by Wednesday of the second week of break. This gives the administration time to set up the classes and get everything prepared before school starts up again that following Monday.

((OOC: Mod post with changed class schedule is located here. We will email a link to that post to everyone that has not responded with their characters new schedule by the next week change. Teachers also need to comment with what classes they’d like to teach.))

Monday June 3rd: Warm and sunny (High: 86°F Low: 70°F)
Tuesday June 4th: A light rain through the day (High: 82°F Low: 68°F)
Wednesday June 5th: A bit muggy due to the rain (High: 80°F Low: 67°F)
Thursday June 6th: Bright and sunny again today (High: 84°F Low: 69°F)
Friday June 7th: Light breeze through the day (High: 82°F Low: 70°F)
Saturday June 8th: Clear and sunny (High: 85°F Low: 72°F)
Sunday June 9th: Still warm and clear today (High: 87°F Low: 74°F)

May. 13th, 2008


Week Nine : Wednesday

Who: Ezra and Kenzie
When: Evening
Where: Their place in Head of Halcyon

Over the past little while, since Ezra had found out the truth about what Kenzie really was, he had been leaving clothes out for him. Kenzie would find them laying neatly stacked in a chair and he would take them, put them away along with his green socks, and not say anything about it. He had rarely been in human form since the initial meeting, finding it so much easier to be a cat and just watch, just observe Ezra, rather than really interact with him, but today he was feeling less anti-social and was actually looking forward to Ezra coming home.

In human form, he watched the clock. He had put on the clothes that Ezra had given him, all of the clothes that Ezra had given him, and now felt like he weighed about ten pounds more than he did and had little beads of sweat forming on his forehead. And he had thought that fur was hot! It was nothing compared to these blasted clothes. He had no idea how normal humans did it every single day. He had to admire their tenacity. It had been under an hour and already he wanted to strip off naked.

He had decided to do something nice for Ezra, and he had straightened up the house, or had straightened it as much as Ezra would allow for it to be straight. He had on the table, ready to go, a couple of plates, something he had learned about from Ezra, and a can of food of some sort. He couldn't read but whatever was in it looked like it might taste okay. That was as far as his culinary skills would take him, but it was the thought that counted, correct.

When he heard the door, his ears perked, and he launched himself over to it, wiggling his hind side as he stood at the door, not crouched, waiting for Ezra to turn his key and push the door open. Wouldn't he be surprised?!?
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December 2008



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