Jul. 23rd, 2008


Week Fourteen -- Friday -- Evening

Who: Jesse and River
Where: Their room
When: Week 14, Friday, After classes
What: Jesse finds the perfect plan for vengeance against his roommate backfires.
Rating: PG-13

Thank God it was Friday, Jesse thought as he headed back from his evening class. This was the best time in the werewolf's opinion. It was officially the period which was furthest away time wise from when he would have to go back to school again. He heaved a sigh as the weight of classes slipped off his shoulders as he walked towards his dorm. The world was now his oyster. What could he do before tomorrow afternoon in which he had to work? Well, he could play some video games or just surf the net. There was always homework, which Jesse snickered as that thought crossed his mind briefly enough so he could make fun of it. Do homework on Friday. Yeah right! No, he would do it either Sunday evening or Monday morning. It all really depended. It depended on how annoying his roommate was. That was a lousy excuse since Jesse could always work on his homework in the common areas but he liked using River as a scapegoat. That was the only thing he was good for in his opinion.

The rest under here )
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Jul. 7th, 2008


Week 13: Wednesday

Who: Jesse and River
What: Roommates
Where: Room
When: After classes

River was playing Grand Theft Auto on his laptop. Yeah, it would be better on Xbox or something, but he wasn't about to go out into the common room. There were a bunch of moody werecreatures in this house and he did NOT want to get bitten for turning the television off of their favorite soap opera or something. Instead, he was kicking some ass and stealing some cars.

His roommate was still absent, thank goodness. That kid was driving him absolutely batty. Not that it was a diffucult thing to do, as River was very easily annoyed (and also very annoying), but it was working either way. He thought his dad must have hand-picked the most ridiculous roommate ever for him just to make him suffer more. As if being at this freaky place wasn't punishment enough!

"Gimme your Jeep or I'll shoot you in the face," he said, kicking some poor schmuck out of a car before taking off and running it into a crowd of other people. The police were coming, now, so he entered a cheat code for the tank, his favorite thing in the GTA world, and started flattening people and cars as he drove through the streets exploding things. "You can't stop me, chopper!" he exclaimed as a police helicopter started shooting him from over head. "I'm INVINCIBLE!"
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