Aug. 4th, 2008


Week Fifteen: Monday

Who: Sasha and anyone who dares
When: Monday morning (3 AM!)
Where: Zephir common room
What: Swans, brownies, and insomnia

Twas 2 A.M. Monday, when all through Z-House’s within,
Not a creature was stirring, ‘cept some vamps and one djin.
Nutty brownies were nuked in the oven with care,
In hopes of gentling insomnia with sugary fare.

Most Halcyon students were nestled all snug in the beds,
May migraines and cowlicks plague their damn lucky heads!
Sasha in her nightdress, with a plate in her lap,
Perched on the common room couch, feeling chiefly like cr—


"These came out way more special than planned.” Sasha considered the half-eaten brownie in her hold with bleak suspicion. Could rhyming be an allergic reaction to walnuts and chewy deliciousness? “Maybe I could get shots—or get shot. Or start heavy drinking every Sunday night. Or finally find a soporific that lasts longer than a lozenge.

The dog didn’t answer because the dog was…sleeping. Innocent and peaceful, Dreizen had folded neatly besides the couch. Worry about his mistress’ welfare didn’t stretch to cover bouts of insomnia and incoherency.

"...bitch." Dizzy didn’t stir.

Sighing with martyr like resignation, Sasha finished her brownie and reached for the remote. It was time to medicate the monster. Unfortunately, her insomnia wasn’t a weakling; drugs and tea, no matter how potent, wouldn’t lull it. The only thing to do was wait and whittle the time away peacefully. Distraction was key. Before that’d translate into a set of drills (that blastedinquartata step) or a heavy bag session (except—ouch—still needed new gloves). The problem with “before”, however, was that it included the luxury of recuperating from an exhausting night by sleeping through the day. Her schedule at Halcyon didn’t offer such indulgence. The diversion had to be mental.

Which is exactly why Sasha had ABT’s Swan Lake loaded into the player. )