Jul. 2nd, 2008


Week 13: Thursday

Who:Ezra and Rudra
Where: Ezra's room
When: Thursday, evening
What: Ezra finally leaves his malaise enough to communicate.

Like a storm, it broke. A simple atmospheric snap and the clouds parted, as it were. Ezra opened his eyes and saw his ceiling. As it was. Present time. It was dark and he immediately noticed he was cold, and damp. There was a moment of dizziness as he acclimated himself to his own existence again. Moments had come and gone of greater clarity, but none that he could clearly remember. Those moments when he'd wake up somewhere different wondering how he'd managed to move from one dirty location to another or get enough water and food in him to survive the episode.

His arms felt like and were shaking a little. They felt like moving wet noodles as he dipped two finger tips in the tiny hollow between his pectoral muscles. Ezra was skinny enough that it was probably only his ribs stopping that caused the natural rift enough for sweat to gather there. Thank the Gods, it was just sweat. Trying to prop himself on his elbows, he found it was a little too much of an effort and gave up, breathing heavily before finding the will to try moving again.

He'd be damned, he smelt awful and was cold. It did occur to him that he might want to see what day or time it was, but it was only a fleeting thought. Those things didn't mean much to him, even if he did want to check. Ezra was more concerned with the next ten minutes as he swayed towards the bathroom, holding onto various surfaces. After realizing the closet was not the bathroom, but finding his robe, he left the light off and twisted the knob to hot water. Barely finding the forethought to make sure it wouldn't scald him (more of an above tepid temperature, actually), he crawled into the tub.

"Wuh?" The room had turned blindingly white. Ezra blinked up, his vision filled with dancing lights and moving shapes that were taking a significant amount of time clearing into actual sight. His legs felt sluggish and he realized it was because the water level was at his waist. Where had the time gone to?
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May. 13th, 2008


Week Nine : Wednesday

Who: Ezra and Kenzie
When: Evening
Where: Their place in Head of Halcyon

Over the past little while, since Ezra had found out the truth about what Kenzie really was, he had been leaving clothes out for him. Kenzie would find them laying neatly stacked in a chair and he would take them, put them away along with his green socks, and not say anything about it. He had rarely been in human form since the initial meeting, finding it so much easier to be a cat and just watch, just observe Ezra, rather than really interact with him, but today he was feeling less anti-social and was actually looking forward to Ezra coming home.

In human form, he watched the clock. He had put on the clothes that Ezra had given him, all of the clothes that Ezra had given him, and now felt like he weighed about ten pounds more than he did and had little beads of sweat forming on his forehead. And he had thought that fur was hot! It was nothing compared to these blasted clothes. He had no idea how normal humans did it every single day. He had to admire their tenacity. It had been under an hour and already he wanted to strip off naked.

He had decided to do something nice for Ezra, and he had straightened up the house, or had straightened it as much as Ezra would allow for it to be straight. He had on the table, ready to go, a couple of plates, something he had learned about from Ezra, and a can of food of some sort. He couldn't read but whatever was in it looked like it might taste okay. That was as far as his culinary skills would take him, but it was the thought that counted, correct.

When he heard the door, his ears perked, and he launched himself over to it, wiggling his hind side as he stood at the door, not crouched, waiting for Ezra to turn his key and push the door open. Wouldn't he be surprised?!?
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