Sep. 17th, 2008


Week 18: Tuesday Evening

Who:  Sydni and Mircea
What:  Checking up on his victim?  Heh.
Where:  Sydni's room

Being a werewolf was incredibly unfair, Sydni had decided.  Pixies and sprites got to be all cutesy in the fairytales, while werewolves were bloodthirsty killers - point one that sucked.  Point two was the insanity prior to the full moon.  She knew she was not herself before the full, and try as she might, she couldn't control her mood swings or the urges that sprang on her.  Sucked for someone who prided herself on being in control (had to be when you worked in the conditions she did).  Point three was that after the full, after the lunacy had passed, did she get to enjoy the relief of it all?  Oh no.  Not one bit.  Instead she felt like she'd been tossed around by a tigershark looking for a snack.  Her body ached in places she didn't even know she used.  Being a werewolf sucked.

This was pretty much her thought process as she sat at her desk, trying to get some work done.  She'd really slipped up this past week, and she needed to get caught up.  Especially since she wanted to be able to celebrate Lammas tomorrow - she'd never been anywhere where one of her holidays was celebrated by the general populace.  It was really very cool.  In a fit of restlessness over the weekend, she had decorated her altar a bit in a harvest theme.  She had stalks of dried grain bundled in the right corner, and a cornucopia in the left.  If she'd been more focused, she'd have made one herself.  Instead, she bought a little wicker one, and filled it with nuts and fall-themed Hershey's Kisses.  Once the harvest season was over at Samhain, she would toss the Kisses (unwrapped) and nuts outside for the faeriefolk and forest critters.  Maybe she could work some of the nuts into a bread for her cakes and ale.

In any case, she wanted her homework done so she could enjoy the holiday - perhaps there was a coven or even a group of solitaries who would be holding a ritual?  She didn't really know anything about the Pagan community on the island.  With 'real' magic, perhaps there wasn't much focus on the spiritual kind.  Whatever the situation, she'd be able to enjoy the festivities, and if she needed, she could certainly return to the school to perform her own personal ritual and then finish off the day enjoying the public celebrations.  But, she needed to have a clear day to really enjoy the holiday, so despite the aches in her body, she was trying to get her work done.

Her concentration (well, that's what she was trying to do) was broken by a knock at the door.  Startled, she dropped her pencil and sighed as it rolled under her bed.  She was not getting down on the ground to find it right now.  Too sore.  Getting up stiffly, she went over to answer the door.  And the person standing there was probably the last person she expected to see.  She stood, open mouthed for moment, before she realized she looked like an idiot, and was being a bit rude.  "Oh, I'm sorry!  Um, come in."  Her confusions showed on her face, though, even as she gestured for him to enter.
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Aug. 22nd, 2008


Week 16 - Thursday

Who: Mircea and Cassandra
When: Thursday Dusk
Where: Cassandra's Room (or rather window!)

As Mircea flew over the school in his crow form, he let out a raucous caw before he landed in the tree nearest the window at Zephir House he desired to peek into. Hopping down the branch until he reached the windowsill, he looked into the window, cocking his head this way and that before he spotted his target. He'd found her. It had taken a couple of days, but Mircea had managed to find Cassandra. His little prophetess. The daughter he'd never had (for damned good reason.) He beak opened as he let out a clacking sound before he watched her for a few minutes.

She looked older, a little wiser, and far more healthy. Being at the school had done her well, at least in the physical sense. He wasn't sure if she'd learned to control her powers any better, but that could be found out in due time. He didn't want her to see his face, to know that he was here. She didn't know his real name, the name he was using now that he was on the staff at Halcyon Halls, so he'd at least have the advantage of surprise. He wasn't certain how she would react to his presence, but he doubted the reaction she did have would be a favorable one. In retrospect, he hadn't treated her nearly as well as he could have, but he'd been consumed with his goal.

Not that much had changed in that respect.

He wasn't going to let her see his wolf form, either, as she would recognize it. He'd guarded her many a time in that form, letting her think perhaps that he was a pet, a rough dog that Jack had taken in to watch his precious prophetess.