Sep. 3rd, 2008


Week 17: Tuesday

Who: Xander and Shoko
Where: Back room in the library for dance lessons
When: Tuesday evening after classes

Damn ice demons. Nearly every demon on the school, and indeed the world, liked it when it was hot. It was their preferred element. But no, Xander had to go and become fond of the one who was just the opposite. Just when summer was going on full rise and it was getting hot outside. Hot enough to where he was just chapping at the reigns to go out and enjoy the surf and the sun, and everything the hot weather provided. Instead, he was indoors, in an air conditioned back room of the library, as he leaned back against a chair. His feet were propped up on another as he turned on his I-Pod and then fiddled with it to get the right songs going. She was, after all, a sap for the romantic love songs, so he made sure that this time those were going to be the ones playing.

There were also a pair of beers laying off to the side, and even a couple of bottles of sake. She was Japanese, after all, it was likely that was her preferred drink. The young demon was already working off his first bottle as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and played with it. He might have been cut off from the real world physically, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t keep up with his friends and bandmates by other means. And if there was one thing that he actually cared about on the outside, it was the situation with his band. Like all musical groups, it tended to be filled with strong personalities. Personalities that often needed someone to guide them and keep them from fracturing. Most often, that was his job. But it had fallen upon his drummer, who was even now whining about it.

When she would arrive, Xander would still be sitting in his position as he typed away on his phone. A wide smile was on his lips as he replied to his drummer, and gave the poor guy advice on just what to do about the others who were, even at that moment, screaming and yelling at each other. Boy, did he ever need to get back to Los Angeles, even if for only a weekend. But, he was going to give it some time and see just what might or might not happen.

When Shoko finally did arrive, however, Xander would glance up toward her and grin. “Mind if I take your picture? My best bud back in LA doesn’t believe I’m chillin’ and dancin’ with a hot Japanese chick right now, and I wanna prove him wrong.”
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Aug. 2nd, 2008


Week 15: Tuesday Evening

Who: Xander and Shoko
Where: Dance Studio
When: Tuesday Evening, after the outside cooled off.

Damn the heat and damn ice demons not liking it. That had made things just so needlessly complex. Though, the whole thing about sweating icicles was interesting in the least, it still frustrated him. Not that he would let it show. No, instead, Xander just rolled with things, as he was so often doing these days. She needed someplace air conditioned, and so, he went and found someplace air conditioned. It took a while, but eventually he found just the place.

The dance hall wasn’t in use on Tuesdays. The club met on Wedsndays, so the one day he wanted to have a place to dance with someone was just the perfect place. It was already set up to use for dancing, and there was a lot of open space. And there was nothing easily freezable for when he worked up the little ice demon like he suspected he was going to be doing. He was nothing if not predicable along those lines.

He brought along his little ipod, and a portable docking system for it. They made them nice and small these days so that they were easily portable. He turned on the music, before he settled down into a chair on the corner, and dragged another over in front of his feat. As he propped he feet up upon the second hair, he leaned back and put his hands behind his head as he waited for his little demon to show up. At least the music was worth listening to while he wanted.
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Jul. 27th, 2008


Week Fourteen: Saturday Evening

Who: Xander and Shoko
Where: One of the backrooms of the library
When: Saturday Evening
Why: Xander needs Obi tying lessons.

The school was quite unlike any place he had ever been before. Well, that wasn’t quite true. It was unlike any place he had been that he could remember vividly all the details. Hell was quite like the school in many regards, but unfortunately, he had been so young that many of his memories of Hell were more like specific moments and overall feelings than real genuine memories. There were so many times he just couldn’t quite remember, but that was all right. He knew it was going to be a very long time before he returned to Hell, at least on his own.

He stretched himself out on the bed for a time as he waited for the time to pass. He waited patiently, at least patiently for him, for the time for the ‘appointed meeting’ to happen. Xander had never been very good at waiting. Well, he was good at it, but he didn’t enjoy it much. At least not like this. Out on the water, waiting for that perfect wave, now that was a whole other story. But, waiting for something like this? Oh, no, the boy was always full of too much energy, too much of a lot of things to be patient enough to just hang around.

When at last the time came, he lifted himself off his bed and ran a hand through his hair as he hmmed a bit to himself. “She’s gonna laugh at me, watch it. I just know she is.” And with that, he tucked the box under his hand, one that contained just the Obi, and not the entire outfit. Oh, no, he was going to be getting enough razzing just for going through with it, especially from someone that obviously already distrusted Incubus and would believe his true motivations for what he was doing with Alice.

The trip across the school was easy enough, and he found the proper room quickly enough. He had spent several hours exploring the school the past couple of days, all of which paid off then. When he did finally reach the backroom, he knocked on the door, just in case she was already there, before he pushed the door open and stepped in.
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