Nov. 16th, 2008


Week Twenty-Two: Wednesday

Who: Jaida, and Vivian
When: Wednesday, evening.
Where: Jaida's dorm
What: Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never.
Warning: I see yelling, and bad language.

The funeral had finally taken place on Monday. It had been over a week since the death of her grandmother, and it had simply been time to let go. In truth, it couldn't really have been called a funeral. Vivian decided to make everything private. Only herself, and a handful of those who had really been close to Dacia had been allowed to attend. Of course, she hadn't been able to be there at all. Which was probably for the best. Vivian didn't think she would have been able to stand there, and watch them pour concrete, and dirt onto a wooden box containing what was left of her family. Instead, she had been where most vampires were during the day. Resting in bed, her head tucked between Henry's bare shoulder blades, while her arms had circled his chest. Amazingly enough, she'd been able to sleep... even with the funeral, and the news of a young woman's body discovered nude, and mutilated on a near by beach having broke the news the previous night. So much for relying on sharks to do away with the evidence.

At first, she was sure that he would be angry with her... for the kidnap. After all, he'd scolded her for the previous life she'd taken. Yet, when he returned home, and found the two of them together, he hadn't frowned, nor told her off like a small child. He'd simply smirked at her. The night ended up being an interesting one. Their first real lesson on feeding, and hunting. They'd been cruel to the woman, and she couldn't even say it was a case of him acting, and her following. Quite the opposite in fact. It had been with her encouragement, that he had taken the woman. Vivian whispering in her ears, holding her arms above her head, her white dress heavily stained with the girls blood, while Henry had fucked the redhead. She knew now that it had to be one of her kinks, because she felt the same rush of excitement she had, when watching Jaida with Alex. Stranger still, she didn't feel that remorse after, as she ahd before.

Everything changed after that night. It was as if something unsaid had been decided between them... as if she had finally reached the point of being worthy of his teachings. It was for that reason, that she only returned to Halcyon to retrieve her belongings. Once everything was wrapped at the school, and on the island, she would return to South Africa... to Henry. One of those lose ends was her reason for standing outside of Jaida's door. The one that she didn't want to do, she was forcing herself to do first. Otherwise, she might be too tempted to just run away like a coward, and never explain herself. Explain... how was she going to explain? She wasn't, she intended to lie. To lie, and say whatever it would take for the muse to hate her. To be glad to see her go. It was for the best.

Vivian tapped on the door with her curled knuckles, before slipping her hands into the pockets of her jeans. Her short hair was straight for the most part. Hanging in a dark bob, just above her shoulders. As the door began to open, she felt herself tense, warm eyes instantly seeking out the familiar blue. "Hey, love..."
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Sep. 16th, 2008


Week Eighteen: Monday

Who: Evelyn and Vivian
Where: Terrene Common Room
When: Monday Evening

Normally, Lyn wasn't one given to being restless just for the sheer fact that she was inside. But, being stuck inside by a curfew? Well, that was a different matter entirely. There was something about being forbidden to do something that made you itch to want to do it. She could understand that with the full moon tonight, that maybe, it would be prudent be inside. She didn't much relish the idea of being out and about at night with the were students doing whatever it was that they did under the cover of night.

She'd thought of going to bother Aramil, but she could imagine he'd be crawling up the walls right about now. If he hadn't ignored the edict entirely and went outside regardless of what the school was telling them do it. Maybe for that reason alone she should check to make sure he wasn't doing something either stupid or ridiculous or both.

As it was, Evelyn found herself wandering down around the Common Room of their dormitory, Terrene House. She'd paced it a few times earlier, just to stretch her legs and even grab a snack. She'd taken a few different routes just for variety sake. This time, she returned with a book in hand. A change of scenery for her reading might perk her up a bit and not feel like the evening was a total waste.

However, the young half-fae found herself at one of the larger windows, her gaze trying to penetrate through the fog. She wondered for a moment what could be going on out there, where no one could or would see.
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May. 7th, 2008


Week Nine: Thursday- Narrative

Who: Vivian
Where: Her dorm
When: Early Morning, before classes
What: The past manages to seep into her dreams

He had been quiet that night... not to say he was usually the talkative type, but he always had something to say when conversation had began. A quality, which she had immediately found attractive. His intelligence, and wit had been something few men carried in such a way, that it did not scream of undeserved self confidence. No, he had always been charming, and when they spoke, her attention rested completely with him. Something that more often than not, found her boss less than happy to see the man return, no matter how much money he spent in the pub. Many an evening, she had to be pulled away from him, for a talk, a reminder that there were other customers that needed tending to. Other people who might be interested in having a kind ear at their disposal. That was where the difference had been. Her's was not the ear being used, but rather his. At a time when she was trying to regain normalcy in her life, he'd been willing to listen to her. Vivian spoke many a night to him, about her family, school, what she hoped to do with her life, once her education was complete. He'd even shared his own loss with her, a wife, and twin daughters... lost long ago, he had said. The hurt had been evident in his beautiful green eyes. They had both lost their families, that had been an instant connection for them. An attraction, she felt had been there as well. Maybe it had just been the way he looked at her, could he look at any woman that way, and have them not melt at his feet?
She doubted it. )

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Week Eight: Friday

Who: Jaida, and Vivian
Where: Vivian's room
When: After classes
What: A movie night with some possible confessing in the mix.

When the invitation to go out for drinks had at first risen, Vivian had every intention to say no. The only time she planned to venture outside of the school, was so that she could work Saturday night. The rest of the time, she remained hidden away with in the ancient walls of Halcyon. Now, not even they felt safe. When she began to think about it, the idea of Jaida venturing out to the club, with someone else perhaps, made her rather nervous. It wasn't a jealousy issue, unlike Charlie, Vivian didn't mind sharing at all, but rather more one of concern. If Henry had dipped into her mind, he likely knew of Jaida, and Vivian feared that he might return to the club, looking for her, and stumble upon her darling sidekick. That, could not happen. So, she had come up with the plan to have them stay in this night. Drink a bit, watch a few films, normally she would expect more, but she wasn't sure if her mood would shift enough to allow her to truly relax.

Ever since Jaida had asked her, whether something was up, she had attempted to be more conscious of her actions. She likely seemed distant the previous morning, where she normally spoke to both Jaida, and Charlie in their early morning class, she had been so swept up in thought, that she hadn't paid either much attention. It had been the same for all of her classes. The time in between, she had rushed back to her dorm, constantly checking over her shoulder, for any sign of something that seemed off. Someone watching her, someone whom she might not normally noticed. But there was nothing. Everything was completely normal, aside for this huge paranoid feeling she was now having.

One heightened, when Wes broke the news of Henry's hire to the school. It completely perplexed her mind. Whoever this friend of his was, obviously praised him enough, so that he was able to weasel his way into the school. Perhaps she should have been more open about what had happened between them? Maybe if she had told her guide, instead of trying to just lock it away, this wouldn't have happened. Fuck, only Charlie knew the whole story, and now she regretted telling him. He could be the link for all she knew. Truth was, she barely knew the guy, and he was a vampire. That was enough to send up a little red flag. Or, there was even Wes, he had been acting strange this week as well... fuck. Just as she was truly starting to trust people, the devil had to show up, and make her doubt every relationship she had began. Jaida, though... she just knew she could trust her.

After offering Charlie a fleeting, half-hearted wave, as she left Bloodlust, Vivian quickly made her way through the halls. Dark eyes moved rapidly through the crowd, casting upon everyone with suspicion. The sooner she reached her dorm, the better. It wasn't long before the dorm room door was being pushed open, before she tossed her bag onto her bed. How much access to the castle, would the grounds keeper have, she wondered. It almost seemed as if his job was to lurk about the school. Fucking perfect position for him, that's what he did best. Vivian sank down to the floor, before her television, shifting through her modest collection of Dvd's, trying to think of anything but the Englishman. Besides, she wanted to seem as normal as possible tonight. Once a few selections had been made. She quickly changed out of her faded Kiss t-shirt, she threw on a red tank top, then tide a bandana over her short hair. It was getting to a length were it was starting to annoy her.

She had taken up residence before her type writer, when she heard the faint knocking at her door. If it hadn't been done in a playful tune, she might have risen from her seat to check who was on the other side. As it was, she leaned back, calling out, "It's open, love, come in."
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