Jul. 10th, 2008


Week Thirteen: Saturday

When: Late Morning
Where: Clove's room
Who: Kat and Clove

The day after a full moon Kat was usually always up early. Since they weren't "supposed" to leave the school, she usually crashed early and caught up on some sleep. Oh yeah, she led a pretty wild life. Whew! So she was up and bumming around her room just chilling and watching some cartoons. Breakfast was considered as an option but she was lazy so she flipped on her computer instead. Oo what was this? Her lips curled into a wicked smile as she read probably her most favorite thing ever. So, Frankie was a giant slut now huh? And she had had the audacity to give her crap!? Pshaw. At least Kat hadn't given her first time up in front of an audience AND had been dating the guy. Kat: 986675789 Frankie: 0

Deciding news of this caliber was just too good to leave alone, Kat got dressed and practically ran out of her room. Considering she didn't want to face the wrath of a prematurely woken Clove, a quick stop to the kitchen was in order before she braved the House of Fire. Breakfast burritos seemed to be on the menu for the morning so she grabbed two along with a couple of juice boxes and then headed for the other side of the school. Kat was practically giddy as she made her way through the halls and part of her hoped that she'd run into Frankie along the way. It was almost like Christmas had come early!

When she reached her destination, everything was pretty quiet and it was a cake walk getting into the guys' wing. Poor little weres all tired and blahblahblah. Kat almost decided to stop by Xael's room just to disturb his beauty sleep but got over it in the end. There would be plenty of other opportunities to disturb Xael's slumber since the guy spent a lot of his time sleeping. Right now she had more important things to do and that was cheer up Clove with this fantastic news!

Regardless of whether or not he had locked his door, heh, Kat got it open and bounded into his room. "Wakey, wakey! Hands off snakey!" she called as she set the food down and then hopped onto his bed. Huh, hopefully he wasn't the type to sleep in the nude.
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Apr. 25th, 2008


Week Eight: Saturday

Who: Clove and Frankie
When: Saturday Morning
Where: House of Fire

Clove had been tired before the full moon. After, he was just exhausted. He got in the school just in time to dump his stuff in his room and head outside to meet the group. Clove's bones did all the typical popping and shrinking of a man that turned into a fox (of course, if you asked him he'd say he was a fox all the time). Once he changed his first priority was to get the hell outta there! He didn't want to be trampled or dinner, so he left in leaps and bounds. In fact, he ran around for most of the night.

So when morning came and he returned to his more common form, he was thoroughly worked over. In addition to being dead on his feet, he felt a little guilty. He wanted to see Frankie and tell her he was back, but he had left his house in a hurry, got here in a hurry and ran back outside in a hurry. There just simply wasn't any time. The only people he had spoken to were the people he almost took out in the hallways on his way out and, for a brief moment, the other weres.

It was early in the morning when he made it back to the House of Fire. He wore jeans and a white t-shirt, nothing special - he had been planning to go back to bed anyway. Looking up after closing the door in the common room, his eyes lulled over a familiar looking form and he instantly perked up.

"Hey Frankie" he said grinning, any exhaustion being temporarily forgotten.
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Feb. 11th, 2008


Week Three: Thursday

Who: Clove, and Rufus
When: After classes
Where: Their room, in the House of Fire
What: Roomies chatting about girls

It was one of those rare days, when homework, rather than going outside, and do a bit of lyrical writing, was occupying his afternoon. Most of it was completed, but there was still one paper to write, and that hadn't been distracting enough, to keep him from picking up his guitar. The acoustic had been receiving far too much attention lately. The '62 Fender Jaguar, was plugged into the amp, while is rested top his thighs. Rufus was perched on the end of his bed, as he strummed lightly at the cords, testing to see how out of tune she had become during the weeks of neglect. Even though it was a bit sacrilegious to play at such a low volume, it was the only option he had, while playing in the dorms. Oh hell, a little louder wouldn't hurt.

Leaning over, he turned the amp up by a few points, giving it a test strum... wasn't too loud. He wasn't in the mood for singing, which was probably a good thing, for anyone who might happen upon him. So, something that could stand alone without words would have to do. Hendrix was always the best bet for that. He's been such an incredible talent, that the guitar usually carried the song. Was it safe to say, that Rufus was obsessed with music, it was yes. He knew this. But he loved it, and didn't hurt anyone, did it?

It wasn't always the focus of his thoughts though. Especially since arriving at Halcyon. He'd discovered other rather appealing distractions. In the form of girls, and... even though it was nerdy to say, course work. Which he enjoyed. He was a strange one like that. But, seeing as he was still trying to work out whom exactly he preferred, music was the distraction for the moment. Rufus never would have thought, in a million years, that he'd be smitten with not one, but two girls. As his fingers began to play, there was a distinctly bluish tone to the song. Red House had always been a favorite of his, because it did showcase the guitar in such a way.
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Dec. 26th, 2007


Week One: Monday, April 1st, 2007

Who: Frankie and Clove
When: Week One: Monday, April 1st, 2007
Where: Clove's room (House of Fire)
What: Frankie delivers coffee and breakfast (and hopes for some sort of enthusiastic and smooch-a-rific thank you).

The morning before had been rather brutal. Too much tequila, and Frankie's head made sure she knew it. Talk about punishment! Wasn't her sad state enough? Oh no, her body felt the need to make her even more miserable in Reenie's absence. Apparently, Frankie wasn't allowed to use alcohol to try and forget her woes, nope, her pounding head was reminder enough of such troubles. It throbbed, telling her over and over again just how crappy she should feel. Stupid head. Why did she have to love Patron so much? And why had she insisted on chugging it to drown her sorrows? Ah well... at least she was feeling better now.

She looked a hell of a lot better too. After waking up the morning before, Frankie was lookin' rough! Her hair was a disaster, flying every which way, and matted to the right side of her head. Stupid blond locks, they weren't as soft and manageable as her natural dark. But, if boys preferred blonds, so be it! Her hair hadn't been the only thing disastrous about her appearance. PJs slightly askew, the waistband of her sweats twisted around her midsection, and her tanktop stretched out and falling off her left shoulder. Her wings had seen better days as well. Talk about a train wreck! She'd been relieved when Clove agreed to take a rain check. She needed a full 24 hours to straighten herself out. There was no way she'd get any sort of smoochin' action goin' looking the way she did the day before.

Today, she was bright and chipper again. Her beautiful blond locks shined brightly, the light curls now tame and loose. Her clothes were just as laid back. She'd selected some loose fitting jeans, an old concert tee, sneakers, and a zip-up hoodie thrown on at the last second. Nothing fancy, but she looked perky and sweet as always. She smelled good too. It wasn't enough for her food to taste and smell good... she needed to look downright edible as well. She hoped Clove would feel tempted to nibble on her in addition to the breakfast she planned to make him.

It was insanely early, but she had to rise and shine at a stupid hour if she wanted to make him a proper feast for this little breakfast in bed 'date'. It was a date, right? She hoped so. And a date required something special. Chocolate pancakes were the best idea. They made Frankie's tummy rumble in anticipation, and she hoped Clove would react the same way.

Making her way to the kitchen was easy enough. And when she arrived, she amazingly found everything she needed within just a few minutes. The place was surprisingly well-organized... clearly the school chef knew how to keep a tight ship. Everything was exactly where it should be, and it made Frankie's life so much easier as she whipped up her famously delicious Chocolate Malt Pancakes. They were sure to appease Clove's appetite (but hopefully not too much, cause she wanted him hungry for more).

As she cooked, she practiced in her head what she might say to ease her embarrassment for her drunken chatting. Hopefully, he wouldn't even remember it. Hopefully. But, if he did, she wanted to be ready. Thinking about him made the whole cooking process go a lot faster, and before she realized it, she was piling hot flapjacks onto two big plates. She found a serving platter and put the plates on it, pouring some coffee in cups with lids immediately after. Now she just needed to hurry back to the House of Fire before the food got cold!

She rushed, and soon enough, Frankie was knocking lightly on Clove's door, "Room service..." she called inside, "And you better hurry or it'll get cold."
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