Jul. 17th, 2008


Week Fourteen: Monday

Who: Cissy and Frankie
Where: Their Room
When: Night
What: Cousins attempting to be cousinly

Baking was not exactly Cissy's forte, but chocolate was certainly in order tonight and it never tasted better than it did in brownie form, especially the ooey, gooey, melty, chocolaty brownies that Cissy had baked. They were still warm when she brought them up from the kitchen, and she had wrapped them in foil and put them near the lamp so they would stay that way. Brownies were best when they were still a bit hot accompanied by a cold glass of milk.

Cissy had thought that Frankie would be back before she was, but she arrived to find the room still empty and that worry set in. What if she wasn't really going to come spend time with her and she was only setting her up just so she could laugh about it with her friends, or with Vinnie? Frankie wasn't the devious sort like that though. So Cissy pushed those thoughts aside and went to take a quick shower.

Dressed in a pair of Victoria's Secret Pajamas, Cissy had her hair pulled up into a loose bun on top of her head, still slightly damp when she returned. Still, there was no Frankie, so she made herself busy watering he flower, which was growing quite nicely but slowly, and then checking her email. She had one from her papa. It made her smile. She was such a daddy's girl that it was hardly even amusing. A few comments were left for some of the friends she had made here as well as a few for her friends that she had left back home, and then the laptop was put away as she pulled out her school books. Homework. She glanced at the clock. Hopefully she would get here before the brownies got cold.

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Week Thirteen: Monday, June 24th

Who: Frankie and Sydni
Where: Sydni's room, House of Fire
When: 9:00ish

Frankie didn't have a lot of homework, what with it being the first day back and all. She had some reading to do, and she was expected to write a short story, but that was all fairly simple and quickly accomplished. Frankie could handle bigger work loads, especially considering she wasn't working a part-time job at the same time. Halcyon wasn't easy, but the challenges were different than she'd experienced in human schools.

Once she finished up her work, she checked the clock. Shit, she was supposed to meet Sydni in ten minutes. Oh well, seemed she wouldn't be showering before their night of drinking and junk food eating. Didn't matter. She'd probably just need another shower afterward. Frankie could get a bit clumsy as a drunk. She also giggled like a mad woman... well, unless she had far too much, then she just bawled her eyes out. Considering how screwy her emotions were right now, she'd probably do a bit of both.

Since a shower wasn't an option, she just threw on her PJs. Nothing fancy tonight, obviously. It wasn't Clove she was seeing, so the barely there lacy number got to stay in the closet tonight. Nope, she just went for comfort, and that meant a tank top, that allowed her wings to be free, and a pair of matching shorts. She really did love Victoria's Secret. Throwing her fluffy red robe over the top of it all, for warm in the drafty hallways, and slipping on some fuzzy flip flop slippers, she was just about to set off to meet Sydni, before she realize there was one more thing she should probably bring with her. Snatching up the item, she chuckled a little. Kinda scary, but still funny!

The door was open, just as Sydni said it would be, but Frankie still knocked on it as she walked in, not wanting to startle her friend. "Ok... booze and sweets... I need both. Oh, and don't mind this," she said with a little laugh as she set down a bright red fire extinguisher on the ground. "I find that it's a good idea to have one around when I'm feeling moody. Just in case." See, to Frankie, that was funny. To other people, it probably wasn't.
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Jun. 30th, 2008


Week Twelve: Sunday, June 23rd

Who: Frankie and Vinnie
When: Sunday evening
Where: Vinnie's room, House of Fire

Frankie felt emotionally and physically drained. Crying and running at the same time tended to do that to a person, and those were about the only things she'd been capable of doing. It was all basically a repeat of her first fight with Clove, and while they say three times a charm, it had only taken two times to end their relationship.

It wasn't so much about trust this time, as respect, and she'd finally had enough of him not sticking up for her where Kat was concerned. Frankie could fight her own battles, definitely, but should have, as her boyfriend, wanted to step in and say, 'Don't talk to my girl like that!', shouldn't he?! But Clove never did, he just continued to joke around with the slut.

Frankie had even tried ignoring Kat. She stopped responding to anything and everything Kat did. Replies to Frankie's journal were ignored, no matter how much she wanted to say something bitchy in return or hunt Kat down to set her hair on fire. Frankie had been trying! At least she thought she had. But the comment about Clove 'popping her cherry' just made her snap, especially at Clove's response. 'All in good time.' What the hell sorta reply was that?! Was he keeping track of her on a fucking stop watch?

She clenched her fists as well as her teeth, shaking a little as she thought it all over in her head on the short walk to Vinnie's room. The journey took her right past Clove's room, which only angered and saddened her more. How many times had she been in there, or left baked goodies at his door? She picked up her pace and practically ran the rest of the way to Vinnie's room, and darted in through the open door.

When she saw her little brother, Frankie felt like she was gonna fall apart. "I know you just got here, and I'd be a totally shitty big sister to bail... but I wanna go home," she said as she sniffed a little. Her eyes were bloodshot, bags underneath them, her skin pale and sickly looking as well as puffy.

May. 5th, 2008


Week Nine: Monday

Who: Kissy and Frankie
Where: Kissy's room
When: Monday after classes
What: Kissy actually came through! Kissy may have a little crush. Needs help flying. Her family is coming!

Auuuugh! What was Frankie doing that could have kept her from her clutches for so long? Kissy had possibly done the most right thing the entire semester and then had to wait days to talk incessantly about it. It was like torture!

Although part of it was her fault. She'd been holed up in her bedroom the entire weekend existing off her food stores as she alternately cleaned, got the guest bed ready (she missed Ophelia!), and studied as much as she could possibly, humanly stand. The good news was that her creative writing class really wasn't going that bad.

French was...french, but luckily she'd gotten into an easier course so she was getting by. Math was hell. Science was hell. She was pretty certain she'd pass math as it was easy to make interesting by applying to food, shopping, and other stuff. Science not so much. There was no splitting an atom to make it fabulous.

But the worse part was that she hadn't really told anyone about how she'd been going on to her family about how, you know, she could fly now. Oh yeah, she flew to class the other day and, oh yeah, her flying teacher really said she was coming along. She flew with her faerie friends at school. She'd demonstrate her flying for them at the first possible opportunity. There may have even been a staged flying picture.

Today was the big day. Frankie was getting a big favor from Kissy, now she would need a big favor from Frankie. If she got stuck on the ceiling, somebody had to, like, bring her food and new clothes and whatnot. She was already pacing and didn't even wait for a knock. Kissy was flinging open the door anytime footsteps came by and had scared at least four passerbys before finding the right girl. "Frankie! Ohmigawd, I've been waiting!" She squeaked, reaching out to pull her into the pink fur trimmed cage of dooooooooom!...that was Kissy's bedroom.
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May. 3rd, 2008


Week 9 - Wednesday afternoon/evening

Who:  Sydni and Frankie
Where:  House of Fire Common Room
What:  An Introduction

Another day of nothing…  Sydni normally threw herself into her work when something was on her mind.  It was easier than dealing with it – being too busy to feel bad.  Since she joined the semester too late, she had no classes.  And no job, yet.  Reading and surfing the web were sufficiently brain-numbing to keep her from feeling much of anything.  Well, reading romance novels were sufficiently brain-numbing.  But even those had pulled a few unwelcome tears from her.

For the past week, she had spent her time on the beach or in the common room of the House of Fire.  The beach brought her comfort simply because it was where she felt she belonged.  If she had thought she had the possibility to be some supernatural race, she would have imagined herself as some sort of water race.  A mermaid, or maybe something with wings.  Anything less... uncontrollable.  But the beach comforted her.  The sun, when it was out, warmed her skin.  She was no sun-worshiper, and never really tanned, but the warmth of it on her skin was a feeling that just couldn't be substituted.  The sound of the waves breaking on the sand was rhythmic, like a heartbeat, and could lull her into a sense of peace, at least temporarily.  Usually a morning walk took her along the beach so she could start her day off with her own thoughts.

Perhaps spurned by these wanderings, she had rediscovered her flair for poetry.  In her opinion, it was seemed more like the kind of teenage angst she had spewed out in high school, but it was somehow therapeutic.  Despite the poor quality, she didn't throw any of it away.  She had learned not to throw away her writing - sometimes it could be the inspiration for something she of which she could be proud later on.  After her solitary mornings, she wanted to be around people, but she wasn’t really up for making friends, just yet.  She would head to the common room in the afternoons where she was fine just observing for now.  Besides, if the other weres felt as poorly as she did over the weekend, she couldn’t imagine them being that friendly.

Sighing, she removed her glasses and wiped her eyes.  Since the full moon she had felt lazy in general, so she hadn’t been wearing her contacts.  She liked the way her glasses looked though – rectangular, chic somehow.  Geek chic.  But, her eyes were not used to the slightly different view and moisture level, and so they kept watering.  Awesome, she thought.  Anyone looking on would think she kept crying off and on.  Which she wasn’t.  At least not in public she wasn’t.

Able to see again, she put her glasses back on and got back to reading the latest e-mail from Justina.  Right now, her laptop was her lifeline to the real world.  Right now, Halcyon was not part of her real world.  The life she had left behind was her real world, and this was just a temporary sabbatical.  She wanted to go through her classes, learn what she needed, and go home.  She knew, logically, that it was not that simple.  But right now she couldn’t face that.  MarineLab had given her six months.  She didn’t know how long Justina would give her.  They weren’t even that serious, so she doubted that she would get even six months

Reading Justina's e-mail did bring her some comfort.  Or at least, brought a slight smile to her face.  Justina was everything she wasn't - outgoing, and rather wild.  Sighing and shaking her head, she started to write up a reply to the e-mail.

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Apr. 25th, 2008


Week Eight: Saturday

Who: Clove and Frankie
When: Saturday Morning
Where: House of Fire

Clove had been tired before the full moon. After, he was just exhausted. He got in the school just in time to dump his stuff in his room and head outside to meet the group. Clove's bones did all the typical popping and shrinking of a man that turned into a fox (of course, if you asked him he'd say he was a fox all the time). Once he changed his first priority was to get the hell outta there! He didn't want to be trampled or dinner, so he left in leaps and bounds. In fact, he ran around for most of the night.

So when morning came and he returned to his more common form, he was thoroughly worked over. In addition to being dead on his feet, he felt a little guilty. He wanted to see Frankie and tell her he was back, but he had left his house in a hurry, got here in a hurry and ran back outside in a hurry. There just simply wasn't any time. The only people he had spoken to were the people he almost took out in the hallways on his way out and, for a brief moment, the other weres.

It was early in the morning when he made it back to the House of Fire. He wore jeans and a white t-shirt, nothing special - he had been planning to go back to bed anyway. Looking up after closing the door in the common room, his eyes lulled over a familiar looking form and he instantly perked up.

"Hey Frankie" he said grinning, any exhaustion being temporarily forgotten.
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Apr. 22nd, 2008


Week Eight: Thursday

Who: Kissy and Frankie
Where: Frankie's room
When: After class
What: Supposedly doing school work, actually doing everything else BUT

The Faerie Princess
The Spicey Sprite

Kissy and Frankie would both probably deny it at the moment, but the girls were proabably easily paired in people's minds. The similar wings, the similar personalities, and even similar classes. They both had the same morning routines: Creative Writing, Flying. Although there were certainly differences between the two.

Of course, there lives were certainly different. Frankie was in the House of Fire and Kissy was in Zephyr House, for example! She didn't see why people had to be separated into different houses. Well, she sort of knew. It probably wouldn't be a good thing for her or new weres to live in really close proximity. Some of them could get very nosey --literally-- and already a few people had started snuffling her shoulder or arm and started to apologize profusely for it. It was okay, she got it.

Who wouldn't want to snuffle her?

She ignored a lot of the looks from the other girls as she asked directions to Frankie's room. Guess she wasn't very popular in the House of Fire, or maybe those were ladies didn't like having a huge ball of unusual scent causing chaos with their nostrils. When you had that strong sense of smell, you totally got used to things as they were. Kissy not only temporarily obliterated those very close, but also scattered her dust with every step. If she stayed in one place long enough, they might smell her for days after.

"Thanks!" She said to her helper who'd walked her right to Frankie's door...three steps away. Kissy knocked pertly a few times, gently so as not to seem too intrusive. "It's Kissy!!!!" As if half of her floor didn't already know she was there.
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Feb. 8th, 2008


Week Three: Wednesday, April 17th, 2007

Who: Frankie and Xael
When: Wednesday evening
Where: House of Fire

Frankie was still concerned about her powers. She had received reassurance from various people... all telling her that it wasn't likely she'd lose all control and set someone on fire, but the 'heated' feeling she got during recent make-out sessions made her nervous. She couldn't fight the fear of hurting someone. The plague of worried thoughts had actually caused her to bolt upright in bed early Wednesday morning. She'd been having a wonderful dream about Clove, but the dream quickly turned to a nightmare where her body burst into flames and killed him. She had to do something about these fears.

When in her fire use class that day, she'd considered talking to her teacher, but the whole thing was so horribly embarrassing. No, she couldn't talk to some old person about this! She decided she'd need to hit up Xael once again. He'd told her several times already that she wasn't likely to get her flame on while getting down with a guy, but she needed more reassurances. As soon as class was over, she begged him to meet up with her that evening so they could talk it over some more.

After classes, she'd done a bit of homework and got dinner, then, looking at the clock, she slipped on some fuzzy pink slippers that matched her pale tank top, and shuffled out to the common room. Her too-long jeans dragged along the floor behind her, tattered at the hem from getting stuck under her sneakers on a regular basis. Her blond and pink locks were thrown up into a messy ponytail not pulled all the way through the hair band. She looked about as chill as you could get, yet on the inside she was nervous. Xael was the person she felt closest to where powers were concerned. They were fairly evenly matched when it came to using fire. But that wasn't the only reason she trusted him for such a discussion. He was blunt about everything, and she knew he'd never tell her something just to ease her fears. He would tell it like it was.

Frankie plopped down on a couch and pulled her feet up, sitting cross-legged on the center cushion. Grabbing a throw pillow, she hugged it to her chest and waited for Xael to show up.
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Dec. 26th, 2007


Week One: Monday, April 1st, 2007

Who: Frankie and Clove
When: Week One: Monday, April 1st, 2007
Where: Clove's room (House of Fire)
What: Frankie delivers coffee and breakfast (and hopes for some sort of enthusiastic and smooch-a-rific thank you).

The morning before had been rather brutal. Too much tequila, and Frankie's head made sure she knew it. Talk about punishment! Wasn't her sad state enough? Oh no, her body felt the need to make her even more miserable in Reenie's absence. Apparently, Frankie wasn't allowed to use alcohol to try and forget her woes, nope, her pounding head was reminder enough of such troubles. It throbbed, telling her over and over again just how crappy she should feel. Stupid head. Why did she have to love Patron so much? And why had she insisted on chugging it to drown her sorrows? Ah well... at least she was feeling better now.

She looked a hell of a lot better too. After waking up the morning before, Frankie was lookin' rough! Her hair was a disaster, flying every which way, and matted to the right side of her head. Stupid blond locks, they weren't as soft and manageable as her natural dark. But, if boys preferred blonds, so be it! Her hair hadn't been the only thing disastrous about her appearance. PJs slightly askew, the waistband of her sweats twisted around her midsection, and her tanktop stretched out and falling off her left shoulder. Her wings had seen better days as well. Talk about a train wreck! She'd been relieved when Clove agreed to take a rain check. She needed a full 24 hours to straighten herself out. There was no way she'd get any sort of smoochin' action goin' looking the way she did the day before.

Today, she was bright and chipper again. Her beautiful blond locks shined brightly, the light curls now tame and loose. Her clothes were just as laid back. She'd selected some loose fitting jeans, an old concert tee, sneakers, and a zip-up hoodie thrown on at the last second. Nothing fancy, but she looked perky and sweet as always. She smelled good too. It wasn't enough for her food to taste and smell good... she needed to look downright edible as well. She hoped Clove would feel tempted to nibble on her in addition to the breakfast she planned to make him.

It was insanely early, but she had to rise and shine at a stupid hour if she wanted to make him a proper feast for this little breakfast in bed 'date'. It was a date, right? She hoped so. And a date required something special. Chocolate pancakes were the best idea. They made Frankie's tummy rumble in anticipation, and she hoped Clove would react the same way.

Making her way to the kitchen was easy enough. And when she arrived, she amazingly found everything she needed within just a few minutes. The place was surprisingly well-organized... clearly the school chef knew how to keep a tight ship. Everything was exactly where it should be, and it made Frankie's life so much easier as she whipped up her famously delicious Chocolate Malt Pancakes. They were sure to appease Clove's appetite (but hopefully not too much, cause she wanted him hungry for more).

As she cooked, she practiced in her head what she might say to ease her embarrassment for her drunken chatting. Hopefully, he wouldn't even remember it. Hopefully. But, if he did, she wanted to be ready. Thinking about him made the whole cooking process go a lot faster, and before she realized it, she was piling hot flapjacks onto two big plates. She found a serving platter and put the plates on it, pouring some coffee in cups with lids immediately after. Now she just needed to hurry back to the House of Fire before the food got cold!

She rushed, and soon enough, Frankie was knocking lightly on Clove's door, "Room service..." she called inside, "And you better hurry or it'll get cold."
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