Jul. 23rd, 2008


Week Fourteen: Thursday

Who: Kenzie and Serghei
What: Study Buddies
When: After School
Where: Staring in one of the common rooms

Certainly today was a holiday and they were probably the only two people that were actually doing any sort of studying, but they were probably also the only two people that couldn't care less about the day. Kenzie had never known what the fourth of July was and Serghei wasn't from the country who celebrated it. So what better time to focus on their English project than now when the halls were quiet, everyone was distracted, and it would be easier to get where ever it was they decided to go to study.

If asked, Kenzie would have to admit to being quite nervous. It just seemed odd that the one person he had looked at in awe in his English class happened to be the one person that he had gotten assigned to do this project with. They were to do a presentation of the alphabet, that was all the instruction they were given, and they had until the following Monday to get it done. Kenzie already had an idea about what he wanted to do. Hopefully Serghei would go along with it or, if not, have an even better plan in mind.

Miraculously enough, Kenzie had not gotten lost trying to find his way to the common room which was their initial starting point. The directions had been straight forward enough and he had started to find his way about much easier in the past week after so many times having been lost completely. He walked into the room, notebooks in hand, wearing a pair of dark slacks, his black slides and a gray button-up dress shirt with a black sweater vest over top of that. It was the same thing he had worn to class. He hadn't changed, though his hair looked quite a bit more disheveled than it had earlier in the day.

It didn't take him long to spot the other man, then again, Serghei was a hard man to miss, and he crossed over to where he was sitting, clutching those notebooks to his chest. "Hi." He said, and then he slipped into the chair across from the other man.

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Week 13: Wednesday

Who: Serghei and Sydni
Where: Sydni's room of sexy
When: Wednesday evening
What: Serghei no read english good. He knows just where to go if he needs a helping hand or two...

Classes were...hard. It was so disappointing to think of that word in English and not get a little trill of excitement. Once upon a time he could have muttered that into a man's ear in his thick accent and look down to see what would happen. Instead, the only groaning was in his own head and it wasn't pretty. Serghei had spent about an hour at the library trying to distract himself from distracting himself to focus on his work.

The fact was that he didn't have the focus to remember what he was studying from one moment to the next. When he replied on the journals he'd had an easy reference dictionary by him and just hard translated what was written, then wrote a reply, then translated it back. It took forever and was hardly accurate. Verbally he was okay, but the way the words were spelt and pronounced were foreign from what he actually knew. Serghei was more familiar with the arabic alphabet than this one.

He'd met a lot of brainiacs at the school. Some of whose brains he tried to pick less figuratively than one might imagine with parts of his body one might not readily expect. Unless, of course, one knew one was speaking about Serghei.

What he needed was some help and a more conducive studying environment than the library. Like an entire floor full of women. He'd made some easy inquiries to "Seed-nee", his pool galfriend. Flip-flops, cut off camo cargo pants and a tank top. Serghei rapped on her door with two of his large knuckles and leaned against the doorframe. He wasn't in the mood for learning today. Just getting his homework done.
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May. 4th, 2008


Week Nine: Monday

Who: Serghei and Dove
When: Early Afternoon
Where: Dove's Office

Dove had a leisurely morning. She was intently researching new methods of analysis, and scoffing at what they claimed they could do. Dove, with a few hundred years behind her in the field of psychology, could pick out problems with validity and reliability in a heart beat. To her, it was insane what was being published these days. But, such was the way of the world so she was content to sit back and laugh at it, and hoped that the people reading these 'miracle cures' had enough sense to not follow things blindly. Of course, if they did believe whatever they read, she might consider opening a private practice - there was money to be made if people became mentally ill!

Dove entertained the thought briefly, but she would never actually open a practice for monetary reasons. Truth be told, she was more than happy here seeing the occasional student. It's not like there were many people who knew what a newly changed vampire was feeling and could offer a psychological perspective on it. Today though, the man she was meeting with was further away from a vampire and closer to what she was - an elemental.

Elementals had always held a special place in Dove's heart. After all, she was one herself. But they could be created or they could be born - that in itself was interesting. She grabbed Serghei's file out of her filing cabinet and took a seat in the middle of a mosaic rug that was big enough to cover the better half of her floor. Spreading the papers out in front of her, she poured over them, formulating a first impression of her guide student before he even walked in the door.

Her office was comfortable, at least for her. By a big window was a typical Freudian couch that someone could lay down on, with Dove sitting behind their head in a big comfortable chair. There was also another couch with shelves of books above it. In one corner there was an easel with a blank canvas on it, and in most nooks and crannies, one could find an instrument of some sort tucked away. Upon arriving at her door, it was clear that Dove valued both learning and creativity. All students were welcome to make use of the knick knacks in her office.

Soon after she finished reading, she heard a knock on her door. Gathering the papers, she stood up and tossed them to her desk. Dove opened the door, "Come in" she said smiling, gesturing to the comfortable room with some light incense burning.
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