Aug. 2nd, 2008


Week 15 -- Wednesday Evening -- Log

Who: Jesse and Kenzie
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Jesse and River's room in House of Fire
What: Jesse and Kenzie make out on River's bed. Nah, just kidding. Kenzie drops in unannounced.

It was a rather warm day and Jesse was rather content to be back in his room. He had gone for a quick evening run and came back to an empty room. Small matter. River was probably working on some art project which meant that Jesse could take advantage of the fact he was completely alone. Cue Risky Business montage! Not quite. Jesse blasted Green Day off his laptop as he got ready for a shower. After he got all the sweat off of himself, he put on some underwear and a pair of loose fitting nike shorts that were black. He chose not to wear a shirt or anything else having found the right temperature. He found that the steam from the shower made the room too humid for his liking so opened up the window and the room door a crack. He used his sneaker to pop the door open.

This was the best feeling in his opinion, a long run followed by a nice shower. His muscles were sore but relaxed. He didn't have to work tonight. And best of all, there was no roommate to bother him and no brownies that were pot brownies lying around in which he could fall victim to again. That would not happen again! And he hoped that no one would find out about it outside Sydni and River. He never felt so stupid in his life after that. It was more funny to laugh at the pothead than BE the pothead. Maybe one day he'll try again when it was voluntary. You know, to be cool and all but never as an accident again. Maybe one day he'll laugh at it. At the moment, he was still pretty sore about it.

After he stretched reaching for the ceiling, he took a seat at his computer as usual and checked his e-mail. Oh, he did tell Diana about his pot brownie adventure and his look into experimenting to which she had something smart to say as always. Not smart in the way of intelligent but just an utter smart ass. She made mention of making it blackmail material but Jesse knew his sister was never that mean. Sure, the two threatened and argued a lot, most was playful. In the e-mail, she asked on more details on Kenzie.

That got Jesse thinking about the animal shapeshifter. They had eaten in the cafeteria and chatted there last week but nothing much else. There was some PDA but nothing much else. Charlie told him to be straightforward with Kenzie. Jesse had yet to take that advice. He thought about that random kiss. It had felt nice after he gotten used to it and got a certain image in his head and he thought about trying it again. But he knew Kenzie didn't have a number to call and he wasn't on the journals.

Oh well, Jesse thought. Now, it was best to focus on happier things like the fact he had the room to himself and he had a good run and a good shower. He'd write the reply e-mail later. Now, it was time to play some... Neverwinter Nights II. That works.
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Jul. 23rd, 2008


Week Fourteen -- Friday -- Evening

Who: Jesse and River
Where: Their room
When: Week 14, Friday, After classes
What: Jesse finds the perfect plan for vengeance against his roommate backfires.
Rating: PG-13

Thank God it was Friday, Jesse thought as he headed back from his evening class. This was the best time in the werewolf's opinion. It was officially the period which was furthest away time wise from when he would have to go back to school again. He heaved a sigh as the weight of classes slipped off his shoulders as he walked towards his dorm. The world was now his oyster. What could he do before tomorrow afternoon in which he had to work? Well, he could play some video games or just surf the net. There was always homework, which Jesse snickered as that thought crossed his mind briefly enough so he could make fun of it. Do homework on Friday. Yeah right! No, he would do it either Sunday evening or Monday morning. It all really depended. It depended on how annoying his roommate was. That was a lousy excuse since Jesse could always work on his homework in the common areas but he liked using River as a scapegoat. That was the only thing he was good for in his opinion.

The rest under here )
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Jul. 7th, 2008


Week 13: Wednesday

Who: Jesse and River
What: Roommates
Where: Room
When: After classes

River was playing Grand Theft Auto on his laptop. Yeah, it would be better on Xbox or something, but he wasn't about to go out into the common room. There were a bunch of moody werecreatures in this house and he did NOT want to get bitten for turning the television off of their favorite soap opera or something. Instead, he was kicking some ass and stealing some cars.

His roommate was still absent, thank goodness. That kid was driving him absolutely batty. Not that it was a diffucult thing to do, as River was very easily annoyed (and also very annoying), but it was working either way. He thought his dad must have hand-picked the most ridiculous roommate ever for him just to make him suffer more. As if being at this freaky place wasn't punishment enough!

"Gimme your Jeep or I'll shoot you in the face," he said, kicking some poor schmuck out of a car before taking off and running it into a crowd of other people. The police were coming, now, so he entered a cheat code for the tank, his favorite thing in the GTA world, and started flattening people and cars as he drove through the streets exploding things. "You can't stop me, chopper!" he exclaimed as a police helicopter started shooting him from over head. "I'm INVINCIBLE!"
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May. 3rd, 2008


Week Nine. Monday evening

Who: Jesse and Sydni and Open for anyone else who wants in.
What: Jesse is working on homework, preparing for his final tests and Sydni is chillaxin'. Will Sydni help the so not book smart teenaged werewolf with his homework? Only time will tell!
When: Week Nine. Monday. Approximately 2030 military time (8:30 pm for everyone else)
Where: House of Fire Common Room.

Jesse could not focus on his homework. It was the end of the semester and his grades were below lackluster. One could blame the fact that his change in lifestyle gave him extra stress to deal with so he let his grades fall. However, if you asked Jesse or anyone in his family, his grades were never that good. The class he did the best in was Math and even then, he usually got a B-. His worst class was English and History, mainly because he found it boring. Science was a toss up. It could go to the side of Math or it could go towards the other end of the spectrum. This time, it was his worst class. This is partly due to the first problem mentioned but also due to the fact that his science class had a slight spin on it dealing with the creatures until six months ago he didn't know existed. The army brat werewolf had to ace this final test or fail. If he failed that would mean he'd have to sit through the class again!

For tenth grade science, it was all about Biology. While the basics was self-explanatory, it was mostly memorizing and Jesse could cram enough before a test to get a C. However, what this test was on dealt with Biochemistry; proteins, amino acids, mono-saccharides, carbohydrates. All he could make out of it was single letters with lines going to them. He just could not make sense of it. The week he learned it was what became known as Queer Hell Week in which he didn't care what the teacher was talking about. He worried more about a date to the dance and what he would wear that day.

Speaking of Queer Hell Week, Jesse now also had a job because he owed his father money. While the ice cream place wasn't as bad as it could be, it still ate up a lot of time that Jesse usually left aside for his daily run (which he now pushed early into the mornings if he chose to get up_) and video game/internet surfing time. So essentially, he didn't really lose homework time. He just lost free time in general. Jesse worked on Monday but Puck, his boss, always sent him home before closing deeming him too young to handle the responsibility. Never mind the fact Jesse actually got the booth to himself for an hour at a time in which he could strike up deals with the piercing guy across the way or sneak a scoop of ice cream.

Jesse got off at 7:30 ish and headed back home. He opened up his science book to study in his room but it seemed like his computer and his PSP were talking to him to procrastinate a little longer. No. He had to get his act together. His father was already pissed at him... not to mention he knew it was worse enough that he got his lip pierced. He did ponder for a moment if it was worth it to just fall on the possibility that his parents would be so pissed at him for his lip ring that they may forget about his failing grades but then he decided it really wasn't worth it. If he failed, that means he would have to listen to the same boring stuff again next semester.

Finally, the temptation grew too horrible so Jesse decided to leave his room and work on his homework in the common area. He was dressed in what he slept in (which sometimes he would kick off in the night); a pair of gray sweatpants and a worn out west point t-shirt and a pair of white socks. His normally gelled spiked hair wilted a little from a long day and his new lip ring was a silver hoop. It felt weird for a variety of reasons. For one, there was on Sunday night after he had it done, spaghetti got caught in it. Silver felt weird in general but if he got it done in any other way, it would have healed over.

In a not too full common area, Jesse sat at one of the tables and opened up his science book and his notebook and prepared to study. Oh how he wish he took better notes. What he wrote down in class was the pictures of the different biochemical parts; lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids. And instead of explanations, he drew them with faces and holding swords dueling each other. Lipids for instance dueled Carbs saying, "I HIT YOU WITH MY SWORD OF ADKINS!" and Carbohydrates fell over with the words, "OH! THE PAIN!" That didn't really explain anything. The werewolf continued to look at his notes and his textbook with a blank face. Oh man, he was in deep trouble.
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Apr. 5th, 2008


Week Seven. Tuesday Afternoon. Narrative

Despite the fact for getting in trouble for skipping class on Friday, Jesse didn't leave his room on Monday like he said he wouldn't. He spent his time wallowing in self-pity and further questioning his sexuality. Like if he could not lie, maybe he really was gay and he just never knew. He forced himself to go to class on Tuesday but he ended up skipping probably his most important class, Inner Beast Control because he couldn't take the stares he was getting. Most of it was probably imagined. Never mind the fact that all the comments in his journal were positive. He couldn't even respond to Charlie. Even though Charlie wasn't going to judge him, Jesse looked up to the vampire despite the fact people advised the opposite.

Coming back to his room, Jesse slammed his door and tossed his backpack to the side. He made a beeline for his computer and began to do some "research". This included looking at pictures of women and men trying to decide which he liked more. He found it was difficult to discern what was a memory and what he was feeling at the time. After an hour or so later, his cellphone rang the theme of the Imperial March; the parents. His heart leaped into his throat because his parents called him on the weekends not during the week. Jesse had a feeling that his parents found out about the overdraft fee.

Jesse is smoked. )

Mar. 16th, 2008


Week Six. Monday

Who: Jesse (narrative)
When: Monday morning
Where: His room, House of Fire
What: Jesse wakes up feeling rather different!

Jesse woke up to the sound of his alarm. He gave it a whack and covered his head with his blankets. It was always the best feeling and the worst feeling; that comfortable spot between sleep and awake yet horrible to know you have to get out of it soon.

Poor Confused, Cursed Jesse )