Jan. 16th, 2008


Week Two : Wednesday Night

Who: Svetlana and Kissy
When: The Evening
Where: Zephir House

Svetlana threw open her closet and eyed its contents. This just simply wasn't going to do. She had enough clothes to keep her going for at least a month and never wear the same outfit but what was she going to do then? She had to leave over half her clothes with her sisters when she came here and she just knew they were out wearing them right now. Pouting she began to flip through the dresses and skirts. She wanted to wear something cute. She had been wearing these boring skinny jeans and stylishly baggy blouse all day and she just felt too bohemian. Somewhere in here there had to be something for her inner Hollywood goddess. Something that Faina hadn't stolen while she was trying to pack. It was always Faina, Anya was practically a tomboy and never took any of Svetlana's clothes. Growling she eventually pulled out a dark blue knitted sweater dress.

Holding it up to herself she turned and slowly looked herself over in the mirror. It wasn't exactly fun but she had to get out of these pants. She always found pants to be terribly confining. Like her legs were trapped in skinny fabric prisons. Shrugging out of her clothes she pulled on sweater dress and slid a pair of black tights on underneath. Giving herself a twirl in front of the mirror she nodded in satisfaction. Ignoring shoes she opened the door to the hallway and leaned her head out. The roof seemed tempting but after the recent rains it could be damp out there. Grabbing her cigarettes and her vintage lighter she stepped out into the hallway. She had started to turn when she smelled something familiar. Or rather someone. Turning her head back she sniffed the air and moved slowly to her right. Coming from the room right next to hers was the familiar smell of Ophelia. Such a sweet little thing.

Tilting her head Svetlana peered into the room. The door had been left open and there was an explosion of smell and color coming from inside. Stepping forward she rested one hand on the door jamb, the other clutching her cigarettes and lighter, as she leaned her head in to look around. This certainly did no look like the place that the quiet little mouse she had met on the roof would inhabit. Tapping a toe on the floor in confusion she noted a tiny pixie of a girl in the room. Leaning in Svetlana brought her cigarette packet up to her mouth and slowly pulled one out letting it rest between her lips.

"Does a quiet little human called Ophelia live here? I can smell her but this really doesn't say her," Svetlana gestured vaguely at the room the cigarette dangling from her teeth making her accent thicker.

Jan. 8th, 2008


Week One : Saturday Night

Who: Svetlana and (Open)
Where: Zephir House
When: Saturday Night

Svetlana was perched on top of the building staring out at the endless black and white spotted sky. She had foregone shoes in favor of feeling the stone beneath her feet curling her toes over the edge of the ledge. Half sitting half leaning she lit a cigarette and contemplated the night sky. It was a comforting thing the night. She thrived in the night and could feel it almost singing out to her. Depending on the time during the lunar cycle it could be a comforting reminder of what she was or a uncontrollable urge to leap from anything higher than a foot off the ground. It was impossible to understand if you weren't a were animal, that intangible power that the moon had over you. The way that the glowing night seemed to live in your very blood.

Opening a pack of French cigarettes she pulled out one of the thin black sticks. Bringing it up to her mouth she picked up the old bottle style lighter she had for when she was at home and lit the end. Inhaling slowly she contemplated the way the stars seemed to twinkle off the glass from her lighter. She had found the antique glass lighter in the warehouse her father had underneath their house in St. Petersburg. The problem with living as long as they did was that you tended to acquire a lot more junk and werebirds were notorious hoarders. You never would know when you need something again. If you went deep enough into the warehouse you would undoubtedly find relics from the days when the Vikings used to ride their long boats down Russia's great rivers to the black sea.

Setting the lighter down on the stone next to her legs she took a slow drag on her cigarette. The night air felt cool on her skin. She had foregone wearing a sweater preferring to just wear a loose dark purple shirt dress and a pair of black tights. Rarely did she wear clothes that could be considered confining, most of her clothes consisted of short dresses that seemed to float as she walked. A creature of the air it nearly sent her into a panic whenever she felt trapped to the ground. Which is why late at night when she had barely been at this school a week she was sitting on the roof watching the moon grow fuller and fuller. She longed for it to become that perfect silvery orb so that she could once again take to the sky.

Her father for all his failings had mastered changing in the time around the moon. He was still controlled by the cycle itself but he had a few more days of true freedom. Sighing Svetlana crossed her arms over her knees leaning her chin down to rest on them. She had wanted to come to this place but the longer she was here the more she hated it. All those little freedoms she had enjoyed were going to be stripped away she could feel it. They had already made her take some class that was populated with turned humans. Turned weres had always made her uneasy, there was something unnatural about them. They didn't understand about flocks or families, they were outcasts from their own kind. Lifting her head she took another slow drag on her cigarette not even noticing that she was no longer alone on the roof.