Sep. 25th, 2008


Week Eighteen: Tuesday

Who: Max and Cassandra
When: Evening
Where: Cassandra’s room

Max was concerned for a number of reasons. First and probably foremost, Cassandra was downplaying whatever was bothering her and that worried him. Clearly she wasn’t the type of person to talk about her problems for fear of the other making a big deal out of them or becoming burdened with trying to find the solution. So really, he had no idea if he was just overreacting to her words or she was not being as forthcoming as she should have been. Either way, he was going to seek out the answer and work to remedy whatever it was that was plaguing her.

Quickly shutting his laptop, Max hurried to slip on some shoes and a t-shirt before hurrying out the door. A few peculiar looks were sent his way, but that was to be expected since he was walking like a man on a mission. For a guy who usually stuck to casually strolling through the halls, the accelerated pace was definitely out of character for him. Not that he cared. All he was concerned with at the moment was getting to Cassandra and finding out what was wrong. Silently he hoped that he was the one overreacting and that whatever it was, really wasn’t a huge deal.

Arriving at the entrance to her house’s common room, he called upon the shadows to conceal his form before slipping through the door. Unfortunately, he had a slight dilemma as he entered what he hoped was the girls’ wing. Since he hadn’t ever been to Cassandra’s room, he had to figure out which it was without knocking on every door or calling out to her. It was in times like these that he could actually appreciate being a demon. Or at least his supernatural sense of smell anyway.

Closing his eyes, he pulled a breath into his lungs and sought out the scent that was uniquely hers. It wasn’t as strong as he would have liked, but there was enough of it to follow down the hall and to her door where it was much more apparent. Raising a hand to knock, he glanced to either side before tapping lightly on the door. Once he was given the cue to enter, he pushed opened the door, the shadows falling away from him the second he was safely inside. “So tell me what has you upset.”
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Sep. 12th, 2008


Week Seventeen: Thursday

Who: Cassandra and Xander
When: Thursday Night
Where: Cassandra's dream? (That counts as a location right? heh)

The week had been nothing more than a whirlwind. It was only Thursday and Cassandra wasn't sure which end was up anymore. She'd been confused before, been unsure of what was going on around her but in the past that had always had a negative connotation firmly attached to it. This time... while she was unsure she found that she was happily in that state. Cassandra was a walking contradiction, taking comfort in the routine of her days but always wishing for those experiences that she had never had before.

That was exactly what one shadowy demon had managed to bring into her life. Or maybe he'd flown it into her a life? See, the details were all still a little fuzzy. For what it was worth, Cassandra was trying to not think too much on it, no matter how hard it was to accomplish that goal. But hadn't she always thought it was kind of ridiculous when she'd watched other people obsess over things like that? There were all sorts of other things in the world that still mattered. And they did. But sometimes it was a little hard to remember and she had to admit to catching herself caught up in silly little daydreams.

The paper that she was just now finishing up writing was case in point of her distraction. It should have been finished hours ago and not just now when she was about falling asleep on her books. It was finally completed though and she hoped it was alright but there was no additional editing to be done. She could barely manage to get changed into the oversized t-shirt she customarily slept in.

Seconds after her head hit the pillow... she was out like a light. Ordinarily sleep took much longer to come to her, but exhaustion easily won the battle tonight. It didn't quell the dream that felt as though it immediately took hold of her mind though.

It started with one. One single, solitary black feathered bird swooping low over a gray sky. Where the location was... was hard to tell. Trees here and there resembled those around the school but who knew, a tree was a tree in many respects. That one bird turned into many. On closer inspection they weren't crows but Ravens. The sound of footsteps approaching crunching on dry leaves didn't seem to stir the birds who had all taken rest on the forest floor. The steps increased, until they were racing toward the flock of birds hoping to dispel their presence but they didn't. The birds paid little mind to the narrow feet that appeared to belong to Cassandra herself. Instead they only hopped closer. Curiously. Heads cocked to the side in unison. Hop. Hop. Hop. Until they were at her toes. Barefooted now. Scaly toes of the bird met hers. A peck of a beak here and there.

The birds they wanted something. What though, was a mystery.

Aug. 22nd, 2008


Week 16 - Thursday

Who: Mircea and Cassandra
When: Thursday Dusk
Where: Cassandra's Room (or rather window!)

As Mircea flew over the school in his crow form, he let out a raucous caw before he landed in the tree nearest the window at Zephir House he desired to peek into. Hopping down the branch until he reached the windowsill, he looked into the window, cocking his head this way and that before he spotted his target. He'd found her. It had taken a couple of days, but Mircea had managed to find Cassandra. His little prophetess. The daughter he'd never had (for damned good reason.) He beak opened as he let out a clacking sound before he watched her for a few minutes.

She looked older, a little wiser, and far more healthy. Being at the school had done her well, at least in the physical sense. He wasn't sure if she'd learned to control her powers any better, but that could be found out in due time. He didn't want her to see his face, to know that he was here. She didn't know his real name, the name he was using now that he was on the staff at Halcyon Halls, so he'd at least have the advantage of surprise. He wasn't certain how she would react to his presence, but he doubted the reaction she did have would be a favorable one. In retrospect, he hadn't treated her nearly as well as he could have, but he'd been consumed with his goal.

Not that much had changed in that respect.

He wasn't going to let her see his wolf form, either, as she would recognize it. He'd guarded her many a time in that form, letting her think perhaps that he was a pet, a rough dog that Jack had taken in to watch his precious prophetess.

Jan. 31st, 2008


Week Two: Friday

Who: Cassandra and Rhett
When: Friday After classes
Where: House of Fire, Commonroom

She was feeling almost devious. Not that Cassandra had set out intending to feel quite so... like she was doing something she shouldn't be, after all she did have the best of intentions with the plateful of double fudge brownies in her hands. It had taken some thought, but eventually Cassandra had settled on the brownies rather the cake, after all Rhett's mother apparently made the best chocolate cake in the South. She wasn't quite ready to take that title on yet with her cooking. Plus who didn't like brownies? Apparently some people liked them with some other stuff in them that wasn't exactly... good for you. Not that brownies were 'good' for you to begin with but that was besides the point. Cassandra's brownies were only made with things that were found in the kitchen cupboards.

The baking had gone easily. After her last class she had left her bag in her room, fed her cat and hurried down to the kitchens. She was a regular down there with as much time as she spent trying her hand at various new recipes she found. This particular brownie recipe was one she had already tried before and she knew it was a winner, at least Micah had said so... but he did have something of a biased opinion in that he loved all sweets it seemed. She had spent an hour or so measuring, pouring, mixing and baking. When the toothpick came out clean she set the pan out to cool while she found a plate and some plastic wrap to put over top of them. Maybe not the fanciest of set ups but it would do the trick of getting the welcome treat up to the house of fire.

And they had made it just fine. But, that was exactly where Cassandra's plan had shown a distinct <i>lack</i> of planning. She knew where the hall was and it hadn't been hard to get someone to let her inside the common room. But that was as far as she could get. Did she go to his room and knock on the door? That just seemed awkward and she knew she wasn't supposed to be in the boys hall. Not that she hadn't gone and knocked on Jasper and Micah's door but she knew them. Rhett was only someone she was meeting, no matter how well he knew her sister, he was still a stranger to her, just like her sister still was in a lot of ways. Not to mention she didn't even know which room was his. That was just a whole big mess she didn't even want to attempt.

Standing in the center of the common room, Cassandra turned several times, to the right and then to left. Whoever had let her in was long gone up to their room or wherever they'd been headed. Darnit. How on earth was she supposed to.... this was not a good plan. She should have at least sent him an email or something and planned a time or place to meet him. But oh no, she'd want to make a surprise visit with the brownies. God and she didn't even really know what he looked like. Horrible, horrible plan...

Maybe it was just time to hit the restart button... head back to her room and sent that email. Not like the brownies were going to go bad.