April 2011



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Jan. 19th, 2011


Week 22, Thursday

Who: Lawless and Junk
Where: Lawless' room at the Lodge
When: Thursday afternoon, week 22
What: Checking up on him, a heart to heart, and getting together
Rating: R for language
Status: In Progress Closed.

It had taken a few days for the news to reach Junk out at the mine that Lawless had been hurt. She kept her head down and out of the going ons at the lodge most days. She had her work to do and petty politics she cared little for did nothing but distract her.

Junk had been having a weird time with the Jackals. She kept wanting to tell herself they were horrible people that she shouldn't be around. Then she just reminded herself that Jax was giving her a means to an end and she was hell bent on murdering the fuck that had killed her baby. When she reminded herself she wasn't the Alice or Junk most knew any longer it settled her mind and cooled her conscious.

Shotgun in hand she made the trek to the Lodge and walked on in without hesitation. She was part of this tribe now and no one had bothered her since her talk with Jax months ago. She made her way to Lawless' room and gave a light knock on the door before opening the door. "Hey who told you you could go off and get your ass handed to you?"
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Jan. 18th, 2011


Week 22 Monday

Who: Mac, Josey, and Mystic
Where: Jackal lodge/ Carrion hospital
When: Week 22 Monday morning-into afternoon
Why: Mac really needs someone to talk to
Rating: PG-13 for blood and anger references
Status: In progress//Closed

She had come to her last straw of sanity and she knew she needed some major help )
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Jan. 17th, 2011


Week Twenty Two -- Monday

Who: Ryder and Windchaser
Where: At the farm first, then....
When: Very late afternoon
Why: A first date that's been years in the making!

To say that it had been difficult for Ryder to spend Sunday working on the barn and tending to the animals, rather than rushing down to the farm to see Wind, was a gross understatement. Several times throughout the day he'd found himself leaning against a fence rail daydreaming instead of finishing his work. Thankfully, it had only been one day and he'd survived.

On Monday morning he'd finished his chores early and spent the greater part of the afternoon killing some time. He didn't want to appear too anxious to her so he tried to keep himself busy until the sun had started to sink from its apex. He'd shaved and went to the canopy for a haircut, so he didn't look the part of a drifter anymore. As he rode towards the farm he took a deep breath, appreciating all of the sights around him. If he was to be honest with himself, this beautiful place had always felt like home and with Ellie there it actually felt complete.

He was riding a different horse to the farm today, in the belief that Rose needed a well deserved rest after what he'd put her through. This one was a young chestnut gelding simply named Red. He was only a year old when Ryder had found him, abandoned and malnourished shortly after he'd joined the Twin Feathers. He was lazy and just as gentle with Rose though he tended to be on the clingy side. When Ryder first took him in, Red would stand there and whinny without ceasing until Ryder came back within sight. Thankfully he'd rid the horse of that habit by now, but there was still a definite attachment there.

Ryder reached the farm within an hour of having set out. He'd stopped briefly along the way to pick some wildflowers for Wind. As he rode up the main dirt road into the Wolves' farm he was starting to feel a little anxious. He stopped in front of the main house and dismounted to look around for Wind.

Jan. 15th, 2011


Week 22 -- Friday

WHO: Abaddon and Mac
WHAT: She's wandering onto Jackal territory
WHERE: Heading toward the direction of the Lodge
WHEN: Friday afternoon
RATING: At least PG-13 for cursing and thoughts/mentions of violence
STATUS: Incomplete

Goddamn hills )
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Week 22 -- Thursday

WHO: Abaddon and Kenji
WHAT: She's arguing with her voices and he comes across her
WHERE: Approaching Jackal territory
WHEN: Thursday, Late morning/early afternoon
RATING: At least PG-13 for cursing
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

There wasn't anyone around )
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Jan. 14th, 2011


Week 23 - Wednesday Afternoon

Who: English and Windchasher
What: English needs her leg liberating
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Windchasers little treatment room
Rating: Probable language

Windchaser had kept a quiet eye on English throughout her healing process. She didn't know the other woman that well, but she did know how best to treat broken limbs, and it was time to get her leg out of that plaster before her leg muscles wasted any more through lack of use.

This was going to be awkward with none of the modern equipment one used to be able to use to remove such things. With an electrical medical saw this would have been an easy job, now, with a set of heavy scissors and brute force, this was at the the very least going to hurt Windchaser and she'd have to be incredibly careful not to hurt English too.

Jan. 10th, 2011


Week 23 - Monday

Who: Christian & Calypso
What: A pleasant surprise
Where: Christian's new boat
When: Mid Monday Morning
Rating: Let's just go PG-13 to start

Well, he had found a tribe. He had also found a good trading spot. There were also a couple of new playthings that he had started to mould. Check, check, check. If Christian had a list, things would have been going very well at the moment. That was not evident, however, if his facial expression were any sort of tell though. In fact, he looked somewhere between sullen and pissed off. Leaning against the wall of his new cabin on water. He pulled out a hand rolled cigarette and closed his eyes. It sat between his lips for a good four or five minutes before he got up to go and find a light.

Thankfully his saddlebags had made it on board. So after only a bit of searching, he found one of the many packs of matches they had accumulated between the four horsemen on their journey. Sitting inside the cabin, he lit the cigarette that had been sitting between his lips for the past few minutes and took in his first lungful of intoxicating smoke. It was a vice, to be sure, but Christian had many so it had never occurred to him to quite this one.

Sitting down on the pull out couch, that he had pulled out the night before, he rubbed his temples with the base of his palms. He was frustrated and that was not something that he could claim often to be. In that moment Christian wished Conquest were human. If her were he would have lulled him onto the damn boat hours ago.

It had taken him the better portion of yesterday evening to find a boat that was big enough and looked strong enough to hold a horse. And if he did say so himself, he had found the perfect boat. It was an old two car ferry, with a little cabin off to one side and railings all around. Two slides of those railing could be let down in order to let cars on and off... or a horse in Christian's case. And the little cabin seemed not to have rusted out too badly and actually had two levels.

He had taken it as a sign and had used Conquest to pull it back into the River with an emotion that could not have been confused as anything but glee. The problem had come when he had tried loading the damn horse onto the ferry. His steed had said no and they had been at a stand still for hours. About an hour age, Christian had finally relented and had put Conquest on a long line to go graze. He was now trying to plot his success, but all he could focus on was his failure.

Jan. 9th, 2011


Week 22, Tuesday

Who: Nova and Wolf
When: Week 22, Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Twin Feather Territory
What: Family visit and escape
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress and open

Waddle Waddle Waddle )
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Jan. 8th, 2011


Week Twenty Three -- Wednesday

Who: Kenji and Sway
Where: South bank of the river, north of the Outskirts and just across the river from TF territory. (Yeah, I'm that specific.. lol)
When: Wednesday late afternoon
Why: Trying to keep in shape and cooling off

The heat was simply insane. It had effected Kenji's normal routine in that he simply found it too hot to work out or do much of anything. It only seemed to be getting worse too. He'd spent the morning lounging in the shade of a warehouse at the Outskirts. It was where he usually made camp, even though he tried to switch things up and not stick out to everyone as the drifter who...didn't really drift. By the time the sun had started to lower itself he was dying of boredom. There was simply nothing for him to do, and his thoughts kept wandering back to the Christian guy he'd met the day before.

Eventually he decided to take a walk to the river in an attempt to clear his head; heat be damned. He packed up his things and made his way north. When he arrived at the river bank he tucked his belongings safely inside a bush and took off his shirt and shoes. The grass felt cool and soft on his bare feet. It was a little slippery, but that just made him all the more attentive to his movements as he began to practice his taijutsu. It would be nice to have a sparring partner, as he hadn't fought with anyone in ages. Though he supposed he should have been thankful that he hadn't needed to use such skills to survive.
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Week Twenty Three -- Monday

Who: Pan and Allen
Where: Somewhere on the bank of the Belle Fourche
When: Sunrise on Monday
Why: A friendly encounter

Pan hadn't been able to sleep again, and this time drugs weren't helping. He'd tossed and turned almost all night, except for the hour or so when he'd fallen asleep and awoken from a night terror. Even though his boat was usually his sanctuary, it felt so claustrophobic that he'd put on a coat and gone out in the early morning dark. He walked along the river for a good hour, until he was almost near the Twin Feathers' turf, but he wasn't even aware of how far he'd gone. Finally, he started to feel tired and so he sat down on the river bank and lit a cigarette.

After his encounter with Swift he was convinced there was something wrong with him. He felt so broken- dysfunctional and unclean. He didn't know what to do with himself anymore. He used to thrive on the attention of other people, but now he could hardly stand to be close to anyone. Out of everything he'd been through in his life, in this moment he felt more alone than he ever had before.
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Jan. 7th, 2011


Week 23 - Sunday Afternoon

Who: Christian & Jed
What: An invitation accepted
Where: The Trading Post
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating: PG for sure

Today was the second day he had come to sit at a bench at the trading post. It had already been a good day in trading. It was so surprising to him considering that he was use to having to take a little trade. People here just seemed to have the means, which was truly wonderful if you were Christian. He was already dreaming of all the things he could trade for. New clothes were on the top of his list, as his were questionable to say the least. During their time trekking across America, no one had thought it reasonable to get new clothes when they could barely afford to trade for enough food and grain to keep themselves alive at times. In this city though, he had already made up his mind that he would at least get one set of new clothes. Even if he did have to starve for a month to do so.

As the sun beamed down over head, he could feel it beginning to drain the life out of him. It was brutally hot and bothersome to say the least. Looking at all he has accumulated, he would have to radio the others and see if any of them were already in need of supplies. Today, though was done for him. Too hot. He needed to find some shade as well as a place to stay. This town was welcoming to a point, but it was obvious that as part of a tribe you were still much safer. Getting up he started packing his stuff back into the saddle bags that lay across the bench. When he saw a shadow fall across them, he turned to see who it was.
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Week 22 Sunday

Who: Kahea and Jed
Where: Jed's boat
When: Week 22 Sunday
Why: Kahea has to tell him what happened to Pan, or at least what she thinks happened
Status: In progress//closed
Rating: PG-PG-13 depending on language

She had barely slept at all. )
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Jan. 6th, 2011


Week 23 -- Tuesday

Who: Sway & OTA
Where: Twin Feathers Canopy/Trading Post
When: Tuesday early morning
Why: Heading to the trading post

Sway woke up early, feeling as if she hadn't slept at all. That was nothing new. She rarely slept at all anymore. She was starting to have her doubts that the phenomena existed. Sleep was like a story she'd heard or a book she had read, once upon a time. A nice notion, but not really something that happened to regular people. Shaking off the thought, she shifted, stretching her body, then got up and dressed. She had a plan for today.

She hadn't been able to find one thing she was exactly good at, so she had been helping out where it was needed, whatever the task. Well she wanted to find it. Her niche. She'd been a dancer before, but there wasn't a group she could join or anything nowadays....was there? See, that was her problem. She didn't know, not for sure. That's what she needed, information. So she was going to the only place to get it. Where the people were. The Trading Post.

So far she had been avoiding her fellow Twin Feathers. Getting close wasn't her specialty and she was afraid that's exactly what they would ask of her. So she had been keeping her distance. From everyone really. It didn't matter the tribe. She had stayed close to the canopy, worked when asked, then did her nightly imitation of sleep. Not today.

After climbing down from the Canopy, she headed toward the trading post, momentarily getting lost. When she found her way back, she saw someone headed in the same direction. With all the friendliness she could muster, she approached and gave them a tentative smile. "Are you going to the Trading Post?"
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Week Twenty Three -- Tuesday

Who: Kenji and Christian
Where: Trading Post
When: Tuesday mid-afternoon
Why: Killing some time and cooling off
Rating: PG-13 to R for suggestive..ness. lol

It wasn't often that Kenji ventured farther into town than the Outskirts. Over the last couple of months he'd kept his distance. For one, he didn't want the tribes to get too suspicious of him wandering around their territories and secondly he didn't want to risk Sumi possibly seeing him. He kept telling himself that he'd go to her one day to beg her for forgiveness and tell her the truth. However, that day had yet to come and if it ever did come he wanted to have complete control over the circumstances.

The sky was a clear blue, and the sun was beating down rather unforgivingly all morning. He had hoped that it would cool down, but it only seemed like the weather was getting hotter every day. He still missed the weather in Osaka. Sure, it got warm there during the summer but he didn't remember it feeling as oppressive as the Wyoming summer. He took his time walking to the trading post from the Outskirts and before he went in looking for trade- he was awfully hungry after all-he sat down on a park bench next to the river to cool off. There wasn't much of a breeze but it seemed a lot cooler next to the water. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes to the warm sunshine and listening to the hum of the trading post behind him.

Jan. 4th, 2011


Week Twenty Two -- Wednesday

Who: Wolf and Libby
Where: The White House
When: Wednesday Morning
Why: Libby stayed the night and now it's time for awkward morning fun! :D

Wolf had purposefully returned to the White House rather late. In the hope that Libby had taken him up on his offer and decided to stay, he had wanted to give her some space. The White House had been their home after all. It was where Libby had all of her things, and the first place where she'd stayed put since the end of the virus- and that counted for something. When he had arrived he'd quietly crept up the stairs and peaked into her room. He stood in the threshold for a moment, just watching her restful form in the dark and listening to her breathing. It made him smile softly as he remembered what an incredible comfort if had been just to have her sleeping in his bed beside him. The moment didn't last long before it was twisted with a pang of sadness and regret that caused him to close the door and return downstairs. He laid awake for a long time that night, thinking about everything.

Despite the few hours of sleep he had, he was up before Libby and in the kitchen making breakfast by nine the next morning. Since the Jackals had generously halved the trade value for the electricity there had been a lot more food to go around and the breakfast Wolf was making was rather extravagant. Not that he was trying to impress Libby or anything, but he wanted to make sure she actually ate something while she had the chance. He couldn't imagine that hot meals were ever easily served at the library.
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Jan. 3rd, 2011


Week Twenty Two -- Thursday

Who: Grim, Mouse, Dusty and Grey later.
Where: Watershed Farm garden
When: Later Thursday night
Why: A boy has got to eat! (and feed his rat and horse of course!)
Rating: Possible scuffley violence maybe but nothing too bad?

Grim had gathered more information from the trading post as to the location of the farm. It was more or less due east along the river from where he'd met Smith. During the day he'd scoped it out from a good distance; well enough to locate the garden anyway. He found a place to tether his horse that was close enough to keep Death safe, but also close enough that he wouldn't have to run far to get back to her. He waited several hours after the sun had set. He wanted to be sure enough that most of the farm's people would be asleep.

It had been a while since he'd had a good meal. They'd been on the move and when they weren't settled with one of Christian's harems things were sometimes slim pickings. He could already taste fresh tomato juice as he slunk through the dark and slipped under the fence. He'd left Eliot with Death, and carried only his scythe in one hand and a bag in his other. The garden was surprisingly easy to infiltrate. He had been worried about dogs, but he was prepared to kill them if he had to. It crossed his mind that this whole thing was probably a bad idea, and that if Christian had been around he'd be hitting Grim upside the head. Yet, hunger had won out against his better judgement and in minutes he had filled his bag with tomatoes, cucumbers and other warm-weather veggies. Once he'd filled his bag he was just about to leave when he spied some watermelons at the other end of the garden. He crawled over and sat down after slinging his scythe and loaded bag over his shoulder. He found a smaller melon and sliced it open with the knife from his boot.

He wet his lips in anticipation and stabbed his knife into the remaining melon while he bit into the piece he'd cut off.
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Jan. 2nd, 2011


Week 22 -- Friday

WHO: Sensei and Blaze
WHAT: Pillow talk and a morning after (after a rather...eventful evening, that is)
WHERE: Sensei's room, in his bed
WHEN: Friday morning
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

He didn't know how he'd ever been happy sleeping alone )
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Week 22 - Wednesday Afternoon

Who: Christian & Sparrow
What: Conquest comes to town... is anyone ready?
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Where: Heading south down the river into the city
Rating: Hopefully PG for at least one thread

This had been a long and arduous journey that had taken the better part of the last few years, and according to Grim's gut they had found her. To be truthful, Christian hoped that it was so. He was tired of travelling and tired of having to give up his hardly won prizes. After discovering Jennifer had not been in a town they would just leave and usually that meant that the little harem he had built up would drift into the winds, because he really wasn't responsible enough to taken a harem on their journey. Hell sometimes he questioned if he was responsible enough to make the journey himself. Luckily for Conquest, his big grey stallion the others took this into account and always made sure there was enough for his steed, but food for himself was always on the lean side. It didn't help that Christian wasn't exactly a born hunter either. Once he had caught a rabbit, but honestly it had more or less been dazed by a rock that Grim had thrown and merely wandered unconsciously into his trap.

Either way, this was suppose to be the groups end goal approaching. What would happen after that was anyone's guess, but Christian had plans of a lovely harem with lots of beautiful creatures surrounding him day in and day out.

Earlier in the day the four horsemen had split up as they always did to ride into town separately. Over the years they had found that it made other's less suspicious of their intentions if they didn't come as a group, especially because their intentions though having a good heart were never what anyone could call 'pure or true'. No their was no true virtue in their souls, but that didn't mean they were horrible people, just not ones that were going to win any sort of Nobel Peace Prize. At least that was what Christian thought, the truth laid somewhere further outside of his explanation than that.

Sitting atop his big grey stallion, he was ambling south-way down what he found was called the Belle Forche River. To be quite honest, as he was approaching the city at this point he was rather surprised that he had not yet been stopped, or questioned, or told to turn back. Eyes had been on him, but no one had come to say anything to him, so he had shrugged it off and continued. Don't be fooled to think he didn't feel the pressure surrounding him, he knew this was not a friendly truce, but he rather liked not being bullied from the start. After making his way fairly far into the city, he decided to dismount and let his horse have a drink and some grass. Some might have seen this as the responsible thing to do, you know actually in taking proper care of his horse. In truth he was more interested to see if any flies would come to his honey if he wasn't sitting atop his rather large stallion, then care for Conquest. Either way the horse would benefit though and it was not liked he ever pushed him to lather.


Early Sunday Morning Week 22

Who: Honey and Allen, later Ruby
What: She's worried about him
Where: Honey's house
When: Early Sunday Morning Week 22
Rating: TBD

Honey woke slowly, barely able to move from the angle she'd fallen asleep at. She wasn't even sure when she had fallen asleep. She'd been trying to keep Allen comfortable, worrying that if she left him alone he'd fall out of bed or stop breathing, or something. All she knew was that she hadn't let go of his hand, and now her arm had gone numb from where she'd laid on it

Eyelids flickering open let her know how uncomfortable she was, even the faint light burned her eyes and sitting upright made pains shoot down her arm and pins and needles radiating through the hand that still loosely held Allen's. She looked at him as she shifted, breathing out a sigh of relief as she watched his chest rise and fall.
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Very early hours of Sunday week 22

Who: Lawliss, Mac and Josie
What: Returning injured
Where: Jackals Territory, near the Lodge
When: Very early hours of Sunday week 22
Rating: NC-17 for possible gore and language

Lawliss hadn't felt too bad until the adrenalin had worn off, then the blood loss from the wound on his chest began to get to him. He staggered, leaning against a tree, the jar firing off every bruise and the possible fractured rib. He should have killed the little moron and been done with it, but something had stopped him, damned if he knew what. Either way someone was likely to rip him a new one when he was found out.

Lawliss found himself wondering who it would be, would it be Jax or Mac. Part of him hoped it would be Mac, he knew she liked him in some way, so hopefully it'd be quick. That was the final slightly weird thought in his mind before he passed out from blood loss just before he got to the Lodge.
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Sunday Afternoon Week 22

Who: Scotch, Shine, Mensa, Runt and Open
What: Birthday Surprise
Where: By the Bell Forche
When: Sunday Afternoon
Rating: TBD

Shine was overjoyed at the idea of the picnic, she'd planned it pretty carefully so that Scotch had hopefully got no idea. She'd quietly spread the word and made sure with the location that she got Scotch and the kids out of Carrion territory, but without the added pressure of the packed trading post. She just hoped people would show up to something that had been thrown together so quickly, was bring your own and was so close to 4th July.

Shine knew she'd have to let them go soon, and as Scotch's confidence improved he'd have to start trading his skills to get ahead out here, and go and see Marnie about getting the kids into the school. So getting him out to enjoy his birthday and hopefully meet some new people, have a little fun, and get drunk enough to drop his inhibitions a little. Maybe ask her something really, massively, important.

With a little help from the kids, Scotch had been distracted enough for her to run off and set the picnic up, and now had one of them holding each of his hands while she covered his eyes to lead him the last part of the distance to the river.


Early Sunday Morning Week 22

Who: Shine and Scotch
What: Happy Birthday Wake up
Where: Shine and Scotch's room
When: Early Sunday Morning Week 22
Rating: TBD

Shine extracted herself from Scotch's embrace. Waking up was such a nice thing these days. To uncurl from the arms of the man she loved more than anything else in the world, throwing on some clothes and wandering into the next room to check on the children. If, as they were today, the kids were still sleeping she would return to him and normally just go back to sleep.

Today was special though. She got up, checked on Runt and Mensa, pulling back dislodged bedclothes and smoothing soft hair, before returning to their room and pulling out a small bundle, tied with a blue ribbon. They were letters, these written on the birthdays she had missed, the newest written the previous night while he was settling the children.

The older ones spoke of missing him, of loving him, of how bad life was without him, of needing to be with him again, of considering death without him They spoke of the future she imagined if he ever did come back to her. The one she'd written yesterday however, shone with hope and pride, with plans for the future, for both them and the children.

Shine put the letters down on the bed and crawled back in beside him, moving to kiss him awake.

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Dec. 30th, 2010


Week Twenty Two -- Wednesday

Who: Grim and Smith
Where: The river near the Trading Post
When: Early afternoon
Why: A bit of lunch by the river
Status: Complete!

Grim hadn't been in town for long. Despite the anxiety that was driving him forward in his search of his Hades, he had followed the plan and fallen back a little to come into town separately and discreetly as possible. He rode down along the edge of what was, unbeknown to him, Twin Feather territory. When he came to the river he rode east along its northern bank. He could hear the Trading Post before he could actually see it through the trees and he figured now was as good a time as any to sit down and have a bite to eat.

"Hungry, aren't you Eliot? Who am I kidding. You would eat until you burst if I would allow it, you naughty rat." He chuckled and tapped the small bird-like cage that hung at his hip and contained his pet black rat. He turned Death towards the river and dismounted, being careful not to let the scythe that hung at his back hurt his horse. He dug through the saddle bag for an apple and the last bit of bread that he'd stolen from the band of drifter's they'd accosted a week or so ago. With his goods in hand he tethered Death loosely to a tree branch. There was plenty of lush grass for her to graze on.

He untied Eliot's cage from his waist and sat it down on the grass of the river bank. The weather had grown warm and Grim was forced to remove his heavy riding cloak. He spread it on the ground and drew a fallen strap of his tank top back over his shoulder. "Lunch time Eliot." He plopped onto the riding cloak and took a bite out of the apple. He broke a smalled piece off with his teeth and pushed it between the bars of the rat's cage. "I hate the summer. I wish it would snow."
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Week Twenty Two -- Monday

Who: Jax and Sumi
Where: The lodge and then out and about
When: Early evening
Why: It's a surprise....

Jax finally felt like things were looking up. Despite the bad PR that the Jackals had been subjected to lately, their efforts at peace-making were going as smoothly as to be expected. The scary thing was was that Jax was getting a little used to the way things were. If he could just manage to keep Mac in line then things would be all right. He was in a rare good mood that day, and the soldier in him had not forgotten the date. It was the fourth of July and although he'd been a traitor to this country he had still fancied it his home and couldn't help but feel a hint of nostalgia, especially when looking back on boot camp. The military had been a lot of things for Jax, and one of those things had been a way of escaping his parents- specifically his father. That alone was worth celebrating.

He'd been busy overseeing lower trade values at the power plant and making the rounds to keep up morale and image. So busy that he hadn't had much to time to be with Sumi since their last talk. Not that he hadn't thought about her, in fact it was quite the contrary. He'd managed to wrap things up, get cleaned up just about the time that the shadows were getting long outside. Given that it was a holiday and the weather was amazing he figured a night out would be enjoyable.

For once he was wearing civilian clothes, and of the casual kind. It felt strange but comfortable. He knocked gently on Sumi's door, hoping that she'd be willing to go with him.
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Dec. 28th, 2010


Week 22 -- Thursday

WHO: Mouse and Grey (NPC Carrion members)
WHAT: She gets dragged back to the farm
WHERE: The Farmhouse
WHEN: Early evening
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

She'd never had to be dragged home before )
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Week Twenty Two -- Monday

Who: Blackcat & Wren
Where: The Woods by the trading post
When: Monday evening and throughout most of the night!
Why: They just find eachother insatiable
Rating: NC-17


Sunday Morning Week 21

WHO: Trigger and open
WHAT: Cooking
WHERE: The Carrion kitchen
WHEN: Week 21 Sunday morning

Trigger was moving slowly around his kitchen, fingers busy over what he could find. At Shine's request he was knocking together what he could for her boyfriends birthday. A picnic planned with her new family. His kitchen was as quiet as usual when he worked, but he knew that his cooking smells might well draw in some of the other Carrion.
He loved his kitchen but he grew increasingly lonely here, and wondered that if he could talk some of the others into coming with him he was considering venturing over to the 4th July party at the Trading Post, he just had to hope his cooking smells were intoxicating enough, and that the fact he was, as usual humming Tom Jones songs under his breath wouldn't counteract their affects

Dec. 27th, 2010


Week 22 -- Wednesday

WHO: Lady and Jed (and Jack!)
WHAT: She's making dinner, and the Runner leader drops by
WHERE: The motor home
WHEN: Wednesday night
RATING: Hopefully G?
STATUS: Incomplete // Closed

She had a way with food )
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Week 22 - Wednesday Morning

Who: Kestral, Jed, Gabriel, etc.
What: The Feathers come to fix the runner's boats
Where: Jed's boat
When: 8am Wednesday morning
Rating: PG-ish

Well the verdict was in and she hadn't told her brother, so Jed hadn't received a wake-up call. In fact she hadn't told anyone, which was likely why she was the only one bugging out as the Feathers rowed their small boat over to the drifting mass in the Belle Forche that made up the River Runners. The others in the tribe had been well satisfied with the trade as they knew they would be, because the work the common room would entail would need some extra hands. Already Gabe had decided they would need more than the ten promised by the Runners, but it was a start nonetheless.

Looking around their small boat, she was the other female presence really that could be considered the story of her life. She wasn't into gardening or making things 'pretty', she like to build and board and that was her life. Trying to push the rest of the thoughts out of her mind, she looked over at Gabriel and said, "So how many more people do you think we will need to get the base built and up... I'm hoping we can at least to the first build and then the work after with the people we have and those promised to us... so then we just need the others for one days work. Hopefully we can trade that work for some rations."

Dec. 26th, 2010


Week 22 - Tuesday Afternoon

Who: Kestral & Jed
What: Jed comes for DIY supplies and runs into the other Twin
Where: The canopy in the Feather's territory
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Rating: PG
status: Complete

There were many sounds to be heard in the canopy of a forest, but the sounds being emitted Tuesday afternoon were no ordinary ones. To be fair they weren't ordinary in these times anywhere in Sundance. Mostly because few people had a working CD player and fewer people than that would have an old Goldfinger CD playing at full blast. Moreover even fewer people would have the crisp sound of trucks and wheels skimming over planked wood echoing through a tree fort. Such were the sounds that would be heard at that moment though.

Kestral had taken the afternoon off and with most of her tribe out in the more open field north of the canopy, she had decided to skateboard, which she tried to keep to a minimum in the canopy for the sake of other's. Usually she did her boarding down at the old skate park at new the trading post, but today she was grinding railing and doing tricks onto bridges. Safe might not have been an appropriate word, but the truth was that this wasn't exactly what scared Kestral. Lots of other real life things did but to her this was as scary are breathing.

She had been in a groove and had just finished a perfect landing onto one of the many bridges that connected their isolated town, when she heard someone yelling at her. Or at least she assumed they were yelling at her, circling around one of the houses, she crossed the bridge and then tricked onto the railing of one of the many access staircases. Grabbing her board and then the opposing railing, she jump down onto the ground board in hand and found herself standing face to face with Jed, rather than one of the children she had presumed was calling.
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