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December 26th, 2010

[info]_reina in [info]devils_tower

Week 22 - Sunday Evening

Who: Reina & Sentinel
What: Blowing off some steam
Where: Out in an old house in the woods
When: Late Sunday Evening
Rating: R for Reina

Reina's head had been cloudy all week as she had tried to hold it together for the tribe, her business, her staff and friends - hell for herself. The fact Prissy had died twenty steps from her house, during broad daylight was just something Reina couldn't even begin to comprehend. The last two weeks had been more painful than any she had remembered in the not so distant past. Mostly because she just couldn't come to terms anyone had dared to attack one of her own. And some drifter at that. It just didn't make any sense. But Jax had found him and she trusted Jax and so it had to be true, but that didn't help the stabbing pain in her chest. The atrocious manner in which Prissy's killer had died at the hands of the women of the Palace hadn't helped either. Nothing had, so now two weeks later when most of the tribe had forgotten Reina had quietly excused herself from the Palace saying she was taking a few days to relax.

Years ago when she had scouted the territory for Jax, Reina had found an old abandoned house buried deep in the wood. To be honest it was a ruin, and wasn't at all fit for inhabitation, but it was secluded and she doubted anyone would venture near it. So after some consideration Reina had packed her old knapsack and packed one of the tribe horses with some food and liquor and had taken off toward it. To be fair, it had been years, but that hadn't stopped the string of curses that had been expelled from Reina's mouth as she had spent the better part of the day just trying to find the damn house that she had been looking for.

When she had walked in the door, it had actually been worse than she had remembered, likely because the front door had actually fallen off it's hinges when she had opened it. After looking around the house though she had found a room in the back of the house that had a fireplace, a wooden floor that wasn't rotten, doors that would actually separate her from the rest of the house and not rodent infiltrated furniture.... likely because at one point it had been the dining room and all that remained was an oak dining table and one chair. God only knows when the other nine had gone that had likely belonged to this large but modest table.

After pushing the two pieces of furniture to one side of the room to block one of the doors, she had gone out and found kindling for a fire. She would need to get more if she wanted to stay another night, but at this point she wasn't sure she would. Having lit the hearth, a small fire brightened the room as the darkness of the night settled over the old house in the forest.

Two hours later found Reina rip roaring drunk singing Drunken Lullabies at the top of her lungs to no one but the fire that burned in front of her.

[info]_reina in [info]devils_tower

Week 22 - Friday Afternoon

Who: Reina & Poe
What: A little chat about a certain Farm Leader
Where: Poe's room at the Palace
When: Friday afternoon, before Poe's scheduled performance
Rating: PG-ish

It had been a hard month, but honestly the beginning of the week had been a much needed break from reality for the Matron of the Palace and as such she had found herself refreshed and ready to put her mind back on the matters that surrounded her, as they had strayed recently. What had concerned her last week had been packed into an appropriate box and been pushed into a dark corner of her closet. Likely doing that to the memory of a dear friend wouldn't be considered 'healthy' by any mental health expert, but it was the only way that Reina could deal with it and still maintain the attitude that she had to keep in order to rule the Palace.

After the throbbing headache that had followed her home from her little bender had dissipated, she had found herself hearing rumours circulating in quiet whispers inside the Palace and outside the hallowed walls as well. When it came to friends and employees though, Reina was always direct mostly because with the nature of their business not every rumour could actually be considered close to fact.

Walking into Poe's room, she found it empty, but as the raven haired beauty was scheduled to perform in less than an hour, Reina took a seat and waited. She needed an answer.
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[info]_reina in [info]devils_tower

Week 22 - Friday Morning

Who: Reina & Dahlia
What:An idea is brought to the table
When: Friday Morning
Where: Reina's Office
Rating: PG-ish

A storm that had been raging inside the petite raven-haired woman had finally been quieted with a large dose of alcohol, laughter, sex and some tears. Overall it had been something that she had been needed to do for a while, because although Reina ran the cat house, she seldom found time for herself to just let loose and be unworried about what anyone thought. Thus why her little getaway out into the nether regions where she had been pleasantly interrupted had been so perfect. Likely it wouldn't be a repeated performance. Mostly as it seldom was with Reina, but nonetheless it had been nice trip away from reality.

Sitting at her desk, Reina had just begun to pour over the piles of paper that had awaited her return. Oddly she was skipping through them at a fairly fast pace. What a wonder a few days away could make. She was studying one document on the amount of work a certain patron had indebted himself for and thinking of all the repairs she would like to make, when she heard a rap at the door. Looking up she called out, "Come in" and put on her best welcoming smile, having no idea who it might be and what they might want of her this morning.
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[info]ex_greyed857 in [info]devils_tower

Week 22 - Monday Morning

Who: Grey, Yeates & English
What: An over due chat about Grey's choice in women
Where: Out in the fields
When: Early Monday Morning
Rating: PB-13 for Language

Grey's main goal over the last two weeks had been to avoid any and all people who would actually talk to him about the things that had happened just over two weeks ago. So far that had meant getting up early and going to be late, this had even meant avoiding his own birthday by going on a hike for the entire day. His plan had been working perfectly so far, but he was aware that he wouldn't be able to avoid the impending conversations forever. However, as far as today was concerned, Grey was sure that it shouldn't be today.

The morning found him out on the hay fields loading the newly baled hay into a waggon in order for it to be stored in one of the barns. He had a few of the young men of their tribe with him, but none of them dared breech any conversation more engaging then the weather or who they thought was good looking with their fiery tribe leader.

Overall it left Grey in a good mood, but that mood was soiled by the appearance of two figures moving toward their convoy in the field. Without closer inspection he had no doubt as to whom it was... mostly due to the limp. Scowling, all of the farm hands silenced themselves and put their heads down and continued their work. Turning his back on the two approaching figures who did the same, hoping they would get the message, but knowing they likely wouldn't.

[info]kestral in [info]devils_tower

Week 22 - Tuesday Afternoon

Who: Kestral & Jed
What: Jed comes for DIY supplies and runs into the other Twin
Where: The canopy in the Feather's territory
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Rating: PG
status: Complete

There were many sounds to be heard in the canopy of a forest, but the sounds being emitted Tuesday afternoon were no ordinary ones. To be fair they weren't ordinary in these times anywhere in Sundance. Mostly because few people had a working CD player and fewer people than that would have an old Goldfinger CD playing at full blast. Moreover even fewer people would have the crisp sound of trucks and wheels skimming over planked wood echoing through a tree fort. Such were the sounds that would be heard at that moment though.

Kestral had taken the afternoon off and with most of her tribe out in the more open field north of the canopy, she had decided to skateboard, which she tried to keep to a minimum in the canopy for the sake of other's. Usually she did her boarding down at the old skate park at new the trading post, but today she was grinding railing and doing tricks onto bridges. Safe might not have been an appropriate word, but the truth was that this wasn't exactly what scared Kestral. Lots of other real life things did but to her this was as scary are breathing.

She had been in a groove and had just finished a perfect landing onto one of the many bridges that connected their isolated town, when she heard someone yelling at her. Or at least she assumed they were yelling at her, circling around one of the houses, she crossed the bridge and then tricked onto the railing of one of the many access staircases. Grabbing her board and then the opposing railing, she jump down onto the ground board in hand and found herself standing face to face with Jed, rather than one of the children she had presumed was calling.
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