April 2011

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May 13th, 2010

[info]panriver in [info]devils_tower

Week Nineteen -- Saturday

Who: Pan and Kahea
Where: The dock near Pan's boat
When: Early evening, Saturday
Why: Pan may be in trouble.

Pan sat quietly on the dock, his legs dangling over the edge so that they were submersed up to his ankles. He'd returned a few hours ago from the Outskirts. When he'd reached his boat he didn't even go inside, he just sat down on the dock. He'd been sitting there almost three hours, just staring into the water and occasionally looking up to the sky.

Something strange had happened with his last client, and it had really scared him. He sat there replaying all of the encounters he'd had with that man over in his mind. He'd had some weird, perhaps even midly obsessive drifters in his time, but this guy took the cake. In the beginning he'd seemed fine, even kind, but things had gotten progressivley stranger. To the point where he'd taken up all of Pan's time at the Outskirts and even paid him to stay the whole night there with him.

Nemo )
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[info]jaxjackal in [info]devils_tower

Week Eighteen -- Sunday

Who: Jax and Mac
Where: At the lodge, in Mac's room.
When: Sunday evening
Why: Jax has some words for her.
Rating: At least PG-13 for language, probably.

Jax had had one hell of a day. He was glad to be able to leave the Prissy murder behind him, that is if Sentinal would ever let it go. Jax didn't see what the big deal was, he'd been able to cover up the whole fiasco hadn't he? Of course it had been a big mistake on his part to let Jinx be alone at the Palace of all places, but things were ok now and it would never happen again. Sentinal was one of the few people who'd ever be able to reprimand Jax and get away with it. Jax knew that he'd been wrong, and done exactly what he'd lectured Sentinal not to do several weeks earlier. At least Prissy was dead, and the dead couldn't speak.

Jax had finally showered and thrown his bloodied clothes in the laundry. The lodge was oddly quiet for being as early as it was. A lot of people had turned in early since the major shift change had just occured for the border guards and various other Jackal members. Jax had been in his room sort of reading, but mostly just staring at, a novel with a title that he couldn't even remember. He slipped out of bed and paced the room a few times before glancing out the window and into the dark. He thought he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure heading towards the front door, but he wasn't totally sure. He sat on the bed and ran his hands over his face and through his hair. It was taking all that he had to keep things together here in Sundance and this Prissy incident had been too close for comfort.

Then there was Mac, who'd been missing for three days with no hide nor hair. He sat on his bed for a few more minutes before getting up and leaving his bedroom to get a glass of water. He walked to the kitchen with his mind wandering from problem to problem. He got a glass of water with no ice, the way he liked it, and made his way back towards his room. However, as he was on his way he noticed something that he hadn't noticed on his way to the kitchen: a light under Mac's door. Either someone was being an idiot and snooping in her room or she had returned.

He turned the knob and found it unlocked. He stepped inside, not bothering to knock. He could hear the shower running and saw that the bathroom door was half ajar. There was shirt on the floor outside of the door. He shut the bedroom door behind him and sat his glass down on the nearest nightstand before approaching the bathroom and pushing the door open with one extended finger. "Mac?"
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[info]devils_towermod in [info]devils_tower

Week Change

Week Twenty and Twenty One - Sunday to Saturday

Month: Third & Fourth Weeks in June (June 13th to June 26th), Sunday to Saturday
Year: 2021

Week Twenty:

Things in Sundance are finally starting to feel somewhat normal, that is, like things felt before the war. With the warm weather the Trading Post has been seeing a lot of business from local traders and those who are just passing through town to sell their wares. As the Trading Post is one of the few neutral areas, people hang out there to socialize and swim in the river as well. Unless someone was directly involved in the incident concerning the drifter a week ago, most people have completely forgotten about it and business goes on. This quick forgetting by the majority of Sundance residents is a good thing for the groups of drifters that continue to enter the city. Still, with all of the new people arriving with the warm weather, everyone is being a little extra cautious, and perhaps rightly so.

Week Twenty One:
The temperatures start to rise this week and people are trying their hardest to beat the heat either by swimming or staying indoors. Luckily the power plant has been running smoothly and those who still have working air conditioning are making the most of it. There is, however, a rumor circulating that the Jackals are planning on raising the price of trade for their electricity.
Early in the week a rumor starts to circulate when a drifter at the Trading Post starts telling people about a body that they found close to the Jackals' Winter Camp. It was at the bottom of the river, bound to cinder blocks. He says it was obviously a murder, and a few days later he too disappears, starting even more negative rumors concerning the Jackals.
To celebrate the progress they've made since the end of the war, the Wolves and the Carrion are having a picnic at the farm. Only Wolves, Carrion and their guests will be invited. This event is also doubling as a birthday party for Grey (June 21st). The picnic will be on Saturday June 26th in the afternoon. ((This will be a group post, please wait for it to be posted!))

Citizen Birthdays:

June 21st (Grey)

Week Twenty Weather:

Sunday: Partially cloudy, high humidity and heat.
Monday: Partially cloudy, light breeze and slightly lower humidity.
Tuesday: Mostly clear skies and quite warm.
Wednesday: Clear skies, low humidity.
Thursday: Partially cloudy with light showers in the late afternoon and evening.
Friday: Partially cloudy and humid.
Saturday: Very hot and windy, with clear skies.

Week Twenty One Weather:

Sunday: Lower temperature but still windy.
Monday: Calm, Partially cloudy.
Tuesday: Clear skies
Wednesday: Clear skies, low humidity.
Thursday: Clear skies, hot.
Friday: Clear skies, very hot.
Saturday: Clear skies, breezy and warm.

[info]mr_delicious in [info]devils_tower

Week Twenty : Monday/Tuesday

Who: Charlie and Belle
When: close to midnight
Where: Around the river near the Trading Post
What: Charlie's got a sweet-tooth
Rating: NC-17 (for secks & foul language)
Status: In progress // closed

The last few weeks had been strange. But then again maybe that was normal. Charlie knew that when Mac stormed out that he really was not rid of the crazy woman. Her snide little note proved that. It did not bother him; girls had said and done far worse to his face. He was almost used to the violent backlash by now. And then, out of nowhere, Prissy had been murdered. He was not super close "besties" with the girls at the Palace, but he spent enough time there socializing that her presence was certainly missed. After they found the killer, Charlie was careful to steer clear of the Palace for a while. The last place he needed or even wanted to be was around a bunch of blood-thirsty hell-cats. Not that their anger was unwarranted. He would have joined in the fun had he been a bit closer to the girl.

And then Mac suddenly appeared back at the Lodge. He did not pay her any special mind, though he did notice that she was actually acting civil for a change. If anything, it made him all the more wary. Until the new guy waltzed in. And that explained it all. It was almost relief, knowing that some other poor sap kept the crazy chick occupied.

But what really threw him was the note he received from Belle. He certainly had not forgotten her. If anything he had tried to stay away to keep Mac from feeling the need to pour her wrath out on the girl, and partly because she did seem like a really sweet girl, too sweet for the likes of him. But he had warned her, hadn't he? And she had answered him with a challenge. Charlie just could not turn down a challenge. Perhaps he would prove her wrong after all?

He set out for the Trading post that night, dressed in jeans and a sea-green plaid shirt with a white sleeveless top underneath, and tried to remember the frantic steps they took to get to their particular spot. Charlie found the river easily enough, but wondered along it for a while before his memory finally picked up on the familiar scene. With his hands shoved into his front pockets, his eyes surveyed the area. Not a soul to be found. There were still a few moments till midnight, and the thought that he might be stood up never even crossed his vain little brain, so he laid down in the grass, bringing his hands up to support his head. Closing his eyes, he breathed in the cool evening air and let the trickling sound of the river lull him into a light rest.
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[info]shine_ in [info]devils_tower

Monday Week 19

WHO – Shine, Scotch, Mensa, Runt and open to other Carrion
WHEN - Monday morning Week 19
WHAT – Shine introduces her family to her tribe
WHERE – Carrion Territory
WHY – Shine is so proud of the new editions

Shine knew that Scotch was tired and worn out, but the kids were getting bored and the rest of the tribe needed to get to know them in order to be properly accepted and absorbed. That was what she wanted for them. Somewhere that they could feel settled and safe. Somewhere that they could grow up without fear, and somewhere that they could all be together. Finally and properly together.

Shine had gathered herself up and tiptoed into the spare room that Scotch and the children were still sleeping in and woke them, convincing them up and at them was the best way to be and near enough dragged Scotch out of the room. There was of course, another hope, that in time Scotch would trust the others enough to at least sleep in a different room to the children. To sleep in her room.

[info]panriver in [info]devils_tower

Week Twenty -- Sunday

Who: Pan and Nemo (NPC drifter - Narrative)
Where: Pan's boat
When: 2am Sunday
Why: Nemo makes an appearance

Pan usually slept with the windows of his boat open during the summer, as there was no other way of cooling it down. He'd gone to be early Saturday night, having been exhausted from the day's ordeal. Sometime in the middle of the night he'd slowly drifted out of a very deep sleep and found himself lying awake on his back. It wasn't long before he realized what it was that had woke him up. "Pan..." His name came through the window screen closest to the door, softly- repetatively, and horrifyingly familiar.

Pan slipped out of bed carefully so as not to wake Six. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and approached the screen cautiously. "Pan, hi, hello. I'm sorry I woke you up." said Nemo, with his face almost touching the screen.

little pig, little pig... )

[info]panriver in [info]devils_tower

Week Twenty -- Thursday

Who: Pan, Nemo (NPC drifter) and Black Cat.
Where: The Outskirts and then the dock at the Trading Post.
When: Thursday from the morning to late into the night
Why: Pan is attacked and Black Cat helps him out..
Rating: R ((Hopefully. I tried to keep the violence more suggested than spelled out.))

It had been three whole days since Pan had last seen Nemo. Nemo had claimed that he would be leaving town on Monday to return to his trade route that lead him South for the winter, and Pan was counting on that. He'd been working out of the Trading Post the last two days, but the real trade value for what he was offering was always higher at the Outskirts. Pan could only fish so much to provide for himself and his tribe and he had to have supplies to do that with, so he had to resort to heading to the Outskirts to turn some tricks.

He would have been lieing if he'd said he wasn't nervous. He'd worn a hoody, which was kind of extreme even if it was overcast and threatening rain. The temperature was still rather warm, and Pan had never been one to wear a lot of clothes. Still, he figured he could survey the area first to make sure that Nemo wasn't there, before he went looking for offers. He arrived early in the morning, wanting to get as much trade as he could before it got dark. He stood at the edge of the Outskirts and surveyed the various groups and individuals in the area. Nemo didn't appear to be among them and so he went and sat with a familiar group of drifters.

Sometime in the afternoon, after he'd just finished with a client behind the warehouse, a familiar drifter approached him. It was the same drifter that he'd seen go off with Nemo the other day, but he didn't think much of that as he'd seen that drifter, and rendered him services, ages before Nemo had ever arrived in town. Pan agreed to follow him into the warehouse nearest the highway and farthest from the main grouping of the Outskirts.

I'm Nobody. )
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[info]sparrow_ in [info]devils_tower

Week 18- Friday

WHO – Sparrow and Open
WHEN - Monday morning
WHAT – Sparrow paints some art for his home
WHERE – Wolf Territory
WHY – Sparrow likes pretty

Sparrow had settled outside the room he'd pinned down for himself. Paper was so rare he'd got very used to sketching and painting and with on whatever was around. For now he was scraping out the last of the paint he'd traded for, knowing he would have to either trade for or mix up his own soon. For now, he was painting with the dregs of his supplies and a blank bit of crate.

If Sparrow was honest with himself, he was out there painting because he was antsy. He felt the itch under his skin, however long he had been clean, sometimes the itch rose up and he had to work to try and block it out. He sighed, shutting his eyes as he tried to conjure up something to work with. Once again his father's river leapt out at him and he smiled.

A soft chuff of air informed him of Wentworth's massive presence without even opening his eyes. He reached out a hand and chuckled as the dog lay at his side, leaning into him.