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July 4th, 2008

[info]rebel_jace in [info]devils_tower

Week Six -- Tuesday

Who: Jace, Bishop, and Wolf
What: Meeting the man in charge
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Wolf's house

When Jace first woke up, he didn't know where he was. His eyes snapped open and for a moment everything around him was completely unfamiliar - the cozy room, the morning light flooding through the cheerful fabric curtains, the real honest-to-god bed he was laying on, the lingering aching pain in his chest. Then gradually the events of the day before came flooding back into his mind. It hadn't been a nightmare. He and Bishop really had nearly been killed by one tribe and run off to get help from another. And now they were in the house of the mysterious leader of this pack of Wolves. So there was that. Jace guessed that this wasn't going to work out to be a nice quiet day either.

He turned on his side so he could see Bishop, still sleeping peacefully beside him. A small smile crossed his face. So not everything was completely unfamiliar. He'd never admit it out loud, but it startled him just how attached to Bishop he'd gotten, how much he needed her. If things had gone differently, if the knife wound had been just a little deeper, if he'd returned to the shed a half-hour later, he really didn't know what he would have done if he'd lost her yesterday, but he knew that he wouldn't be standing here now. He'd probably be dead, but he imagined he would have taken a few Mountain Lions with him.

They'd both made it through the day though, despite knives and bullets and freezing cold. Good or bad, they were in this together now, which somehow made things seem a little more bearable. More complicated as well, but they'd get by. Jace slid out of the bed, careful not to disturb Bishop. He pulled on the borrowed t-shirt he'd left draped over a chair, then wandered off into the bathroom. There were yet more unfamiliar, but by no means unwelcome, things. Electricity and running water, wonders of the modern world.
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