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June 21st, 2008

[info]just_dez in [info]devils_tower

Week 6 -- Tuesday

WHO: Dez and Azrael
WHAT: She's out for a walk and meets someone
WHERE: Along the river, on the border between Wolf and Lion territories
WHEN: Early afternoon

Well this day was just going perfect, wasn't it? First, she woke up all cold. And surprise! Her hoodie had a huge hole in it, probably a small tear that had ripped open over time. Great. Just great. Not wanting to stick around the apartment building all hay, Dez decided to take a walk. Heading out very early, she walked down the street, her arms hugged around her to fend off the goosebumps. She got cold easily, though she didn't like to show it or complain about it. Complaining was a sign of weakness. She didn't like to be weak. Not ever. "Could today get any worse?" she muttered to herself, pushing back the dark waves of her long hair. Hopefully it wouldn't.

Weird people, namely guys, liked to follow her when she was alone. Probably because of what she looked like. Girls like her were a dime a dozen back in Georgia, but here things were just a bit different. Dez couldn't help it if guys liked girls who looked like they actually ate on a regular basis.

"Hey there," a voice called from behind her. A male voice. She rolled her eyes. She really couldn't go out just once without meeting up with one guy like this. Dez kept walking, ignoring him. But when she heard the footsteps start to follow she scowled a bit to herself. Stopping and turning around, she said, "Could you stop following me before I make you?" Her voice had an edge to it, one that meant she was entirely serious. But this loser just didn't get the hint.

"Aw, c'mon. Don't be like that..." Dez squared her shoulders as he came closer. As he reached a hand out she smacked it away. "Feisty aren't we? I like that in a gi--" His words were cut off by her smacking him hard across the face. "You better back off or I'll feistily punch you in the mouth," she said, voice laced with attitude. His hand was on his cheek as he backed away.

"Yeah, I thought so." She flipped her hair and strode off in the other direction. Out of the city. The guy had just reminded her why she wanted to get out sometimes. It got annoying being around people who so easily aggravated her. And there were too many of those people around for her liking.

Dez wandered for awhile, her walking eventually bringing her to the river. She walked along the bank, vaguely remembering that she was near Mountain Lion territory. But she wouldn't be stupid enough to cross that boundary. She might have been tough, but even she was scared of what the Lions did to people. It was terrible. No sane person would want to risk that happening to them.

It was about early afternoon when she stopped by the river's edge, just sitting down and stretching her legs out in front of her. As per usual, she wasn't dressed to be modest. A fitted red shirt with 3/4 sleeves covered her top half. With it she wore a short denim skirt and her trusty pair of black Converses. Her entire outfit hugged each curve God had graced her with. If you had it, why not flaunt it, right?

She looked out at the water and started zoning out a bit, making her unaware of anything else around her. Little did she know that there might have been someone else there.
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