April 2011

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April 1st, 2008

[info]runner_up in [info]devils_tower

Week Four -- Tuesday

Who: Silver, Gypsy
Where: In town, eventually
When: Mid-morning on Tuesday
Why: Silver has someone she wants to visit

Silver had already decided before going to bed the night before that she wasn't doing any work on Tuesday. She didn't often go into town, mostly because she was afraid of getting abducted or worse, but there was something she hadn't done in a while and figured she should get it done before the weather got too cold and she wouldn't want to anymore. Her pack was ready by the door of her boat when she woke up, early, as usual, but she just relaxed around the room for a while. She was feeling antsy because she was so used to her routine, but she knew the feeling would pass eventually. The antsy feeling might also have been caused by the fact that she was planning on asking Gypsy to go with her, something she hadn't ever done for a trip like this.

There was always the looming association she made between town and her family. It was where her father's house was and where she had gone to school, though only for a few months before things got really bad. She always felt as though she should be allowed to just walk through, because she had been a citizen, but really she knew better. Things were very different now. She doubted anyone from her high school even remembered her, if they were still around.

She decided it was late enough and time for Gypsy to get up anyway, so she grabbed her pack, swung it over her shoulders with much difficulty, and left her room. The pack had a purpose, and it would seem stupid to anyone else but her, she was sure, but it's contents were part of the reason why she was leaving. She'd carried the heavy pack into town a few times before and it was never easy, but it was what she wanted to do. She moved off the boat and onto the bank, moving up the river slowly until she reached her sister's boat. She climbed out onto it easily, never feeling unwelcome but always cautious because she knew how her sister could be. She stopped at the door and knocked once before stepping back. She didn't want to just let herself in, despite the fact that Gypsy was family.
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