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March 25th, 2008

[info]too_cute in [info]devils_tower

Who: Lucky, open to any, otherwise narrative
When: Late morning
Where: Getting into town
What: Boredom, exercise.

All about the wind through his hair )

[info]goddessofearth in [info]devils_tower

Monday, Week Four

Who: Nova and Gaia
Where: The trading post
When: Monday, Noon
Why: They're planning on starting a sewing circle.  No, really. 

Her first visit to the trading post had been interesting. To say the most. She didn’t have any plans in making it a frequent part of her weekly itinerary but it continued to pique her curiosity, for some strange reason. She still wondered about the type of people that she could meet there since her last voyage had only led her to encounter another Mountain Lion. She thought of how it would be like to bargain; probably no different than it had been like bargaining in Manhattan, something she had always been horrible at. Gaia had no head for money and a part of her had always liked to think that the reason people spiked prices so high was because of need not for want. Therefore, she’d happily paid the price. It wasn’t as if she’d been lacking in currency. Now, however, she supposed it would be good to learn to bargain, everything was so much more precious it wouldn’t do to lose out because she had more of a head for books and words than for numbers and money. 
With curiosity over who she would find at the post this time, a need to improve her mathematical skills, and a boredom that could rival Yuki on a bad day, Gaia closed the book she had been reading and went to get dressed. Today, uncharacteristically, she felt in the mood for jeans and sneakers. Pulling out ratty, gray sneakers and a pair of Baby Phat jeans, she put them on and coupled them with a light gray t-shirt that had pink ballerina shoes on it and a black hoody that had a multi-colored butterfly on the back. With a few of the sweaters she’d had knitted stuffed into a large shoulderbag she was good to go. Yuki was out from running around the Lodge all day long and would still be asleep by the time she returned. Leaving a simply written note anyway on the dresser, Gaia was ready to go.
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[info]sniperwolf007 in [info]devils_tower

Week Four, Tuesday

Who: Morgan and whoever comes along
Where: Between the Outskirts and the Trading Post
When: Afternoon
Why: Morgan is entering town

Morgan had been walking for about three days.  Was it three?  She had lost count, even after such a short time.  Morgan figured it was just the sun getting to her.  She wiped the gathering sweat from her brow before it dripped down her face.  With a frown, Morgan stopped and fished the folded piece of paper that was her map from her back pocket.  She traced a finger along a red line, then stopped and looked up.

"I just passed this abandoned buliding, and right here is the old hospital...maybe five miles down; maybe more," she murmured to herself.  Morgan folded the map and slid it into the back pocket of her ratty jeans once more.  She knelt in the grass and slid her knapsack from her shoulders.  Pulling a canteen from the side pocket, she unscrewed the cap and tilted the bottom towards the sky.  The last few drops of water she had slid into her mouth and trailed along her throat.  

Morgan removed the canteen from her lips and returned it to the pocket in her bag.  She stood and slung the bag over her shoulders, continuing along her path.  As she walked, Morgan watched her feet, in their dirty, torn, sneakers, clodding along the path.  It was all she could do to keep her eyes open and her mind focused.