April 2011

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March 12th, 2008

[info]ruby_red in [info]devils_tower

Week Three -- Tuesday

Who: Ruby and Hawk
What: Ruby's starting to head back from the gardens
Where: In between the gardens and the Feathers' main camp
When: Mid-afternoon
Rating: TBD

As the medic for the tribe, Ruby didn't always have a whole host of things to do. Sure, taking care of Tink did keep her busy, almost like a mother was busy taking care of her child. But other than that, she didn't have many other things to fill her day. She tried to help others in the Feathers out when they needed it, like watching the younger ones to helping to patch up old clothes using her mother's old sweing kit. And then there were just those days when she felt like going out to the gardens. If not to work, then just for a change of scenery from the inside of the treehouses. Today, incidentally, seemed to be one of those days. Tink was off with some of the younger members of the Feathers, so a walk to the gardens seemed perfectly in order.

Now, most of her clothes that she still had were clothes from her teen years that by some miracle still fit. Today, since most of the clothes she normally wore had yet to be cleaned, she was wearing a pair of slightly tight low rise jeans that were faded from the sun and a fitted white t-shirt with a red rose printed on the front. Though casual, anyone with a mind could tell the outfit had originally bought to play up her slender figure. That wasn't why she wore them nowadays, but for someone who didn't know her well, they could very well think otherwise.

It never seemed like a long walk to get to the gardens. Once there, though, it seemed that the people already there didn't need her help. Not wanting to be a bother, she just took to wandering around the gardens, giving a polite 'hello' to anyone she happened to pass. It was easy to spend the whole day doing so, but toward the middle of the afternoon it was starting to get warm. She expected that Tink would be back soon, so she started to head back towards the main camp.

Though, in her mind, she thought about how beautiful a day it was and partially wanted an excuse to linger outside before having to go back and deal with an overenergized nine year old.
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