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March 2nd, 2008

[info]danni_cat in [info]devils_tower

Who: Ryder and Danni
What: Riding and dance lessons; then some star gazing
Where: his territory
When: Sunday - Week 3
Rating: TBA

Danni could barely get over how beautiful the weather was. The sun was shining and there were so few clouds in the sky. After going through her closet quite a few times and trying on various outfits, she settled on a simple pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. As much as she wanted to look nice, she realized that they would be riding horses, and nice wasn't always what was practical in that case. Having danced for as long as she had, the jeans didn't bother her. In fact, she found very little difference in dancing in jeans and dancing in a leotard in tights, besides enjoying the idea of being covered up more.

She wrote Ace a quick note and left it on his bed letting him know that she had gone to see Ryder again. She assured him that she was only going to the edge of the Mountain Lion territory and that he was going to meet him there. She let him know they were going to the ranch in case he needed her. Signing it, she said she'd be back late that night and drew a small heart at the bottom. After she folded the note and leaving it in his room, she walked into the kitchen and spent a little time throwing together a quick soup for the Lions to eat for dinner.

Checking the time, she realized it was getting late, so she grabbed a bottle and filled it with water, then left. She hummed to herself most of the time, looking around at the beautiful scenery around her. It was hard to believe that just the past week they were having awful storms and now everything was near perfect. Perhaps winter would be a very warm one this year. She came to the edge of her territory and saw the familiar gas station there. For the past two years, it had been vacant, simply a playground for the younger children.

Leaning against one of the gas pumps, she waited for Ryder to show. She hoped that he still remembered that they were meeting. Then a thought crossed her mind - what if he had changed his mind and didn't want to see her again? She bit her lip and tried to brush the idea away.
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[info]_ryder_ in [info]devils_tower

Week Two/Three -- Saturday/Sunday

Who: Ryder and Hawk
Where: Just outside the Twin Feathers' main camp
When: Saturday night till early Sunday morning
Why: Party!

Ryder had spent the day teaching Gypsy to ride. He’d had fun but by the time she left he was ready to just totally unwind. He was still horribly sore from the events of the past week, and he mentally cursed the day that it dared to rain again. Hopefully his little cabin was fortified enough after all he had done to repair it this time. Hawk and him had made plans to meet at their usual spot just outside the main camp of their territory.

Ryder walked to the main camp to enjoy the warm weather and give Rose a break. It was a decent walk from where he lived, perhaps 30 minutes at the most. He didn’t mind the exercise though, even if his satchel was weighed down with two bottle of fresh moonshine he’d traded for the other day. By the time he’d arrived in the main camp it was already dark and the campfires that dotted the area were lit. Ryder waved and passed polite words to some of the other Twin Feathers that greeted him as he walked by them.

He found the usual place that they hung out and sat the bottle of moonshine on the ground next to the log he would use as a seat. After that he busied himself in an attempt to start the fire, something he’d never been good at, while he waited for Hawk to show up.
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