April 2011

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January 14th, 2008

[info]devils_towermod in [info]devils_tower

Week One-- Sunday to Saturday

Week One-- Sunday to Saturday

Month: Last week in October, Halloween.
Year: 2020


Any sort of peace in Sundance doesn’t last long. During the fall and winter months things are usually always more tense than usual. Food supplies are tight for everyone and the tribes tend to withdraw into themselves to preserve their own.

A week ago someone managed to break into the Mountain Lions’ food supply and steal two bags of food. The Mountain Lions did an all out search of the area, ruffling the fur of the other tribes who had nothing to do with it. Eventually the perpetrator was discovered in a shack near The Outskirts. He was an 18 year old boy, and refused to give the Mountain Lions his name. A group of drifters gathered around the shack to see what all of the commotion was. The Mountain Lions then proceeded to tie up the boy, leave the shack and set fire to it. The drifters left in horror and went back to their own business. It was made obvious to them that the Mountain Lions were not someone they wanted to mess with. The news of the drifter’s death has circulated around the city and put most tribes on edge. Yet, even those that are outraged remain silent.

In perhaps a foolish attempt to keep moral and inter-tribal relations high, The Wolves are hosting a Halloween party on Monday evening at The Trading Post. The Mustangs and The Wolves will be providing the food. There’s no candy but there are rumors that there will be Jack-o-lanterns, popcorn, and someone from The Mustangs who plays the guitar. The River Runners will also have moonshine available, but at a price. All tribes except for The Carrion and The Mountain Lions are invited, and guests are expected to come in some manner of costume. Donations of firewood and food are also welcome to help with the festivities. Keep in mind that The Trading Post is on neutral territory and therefore anyone might show up, even if they’re uninvited. Don’t leave your weapons at home.

Week Events:

Monday: The Wolves are hosting a Halloween party at The Trading Post, all are welcome except for Carrion and Mountain Lions. Then again, it’s neutral territory so you never know who might show up.

Wednesday: A group of Twin Feathers are leaving their forest home to clean up the trash and destruction remaining from the Halloween party. Anyone is welcome.

Citizen Birthdays
- Lazarus (Twin Feathers) [info]preacher_man = October 31st
- Fox (The Mustangs) [info]_fox = October 31st

Week Weather:
Sunday : Cold with clear skies. High: 70 degrees F Low: 66 degrees F
Monday: Cold with clear skies again. High: 68 degrees F Low: 63 degrees F
Tuesday: Overcast and cold mild winds. High: 69 degrees F Low: 63 degrees F
Wednesday: Cold with clear skies and a mild wind that gets stronger towards midnight. High: 66 degrees F Low: 60 degrees F
Thursday: Cold terrible winds and a light drizzle of rain. High: 65 degrees F Low: 59 degrees F
Friday: Very dark and overcast but the winds have died down. High: 62 degrees F Low: 57 degrees F
Saturday: Very heavy rains and completely overcast skies and mild winds. High: 60 degrees F Low: 55 degrees F

[info]wolf_leader in [info]devils_tower

Week One-- Monday

Who: Wolf and everyone else that’s at the Halloween party
Where: The Trading Post
When: Halloween late afternoon and into the night
Why: The Wolves are hosting a Halloween party to boost morale

***OOC: Every post that has to do with the Halloween party is to be posted here as a comment to this post. Please put the recipient of your comment in the subject line of your comment. For example, if you’re writing to Zalen, comment on this post and put To Zalen in the subject of your comment. Your comment can also be labeled as Open. If you have questions please contact a mod or another mun that’s online. Also, since it is a party, feel free to jump into someone’s thread. Though you may want to contact the players involved in it first.***

Wolf spent the morning riding along the river in the Mustang’s territory. He often took day-long rides when something was on his mind. This morning that something was the death of a young drifter at the hands of the Mountain Lions. The entire incident had sent such shockwaves through the city that he’d considered cancelling the party. However, after much thought he’d decided to have it anyway. It would be the perfect opportunity for him to make a statement to the Mountain Lions, and the entire community. Of course the Mountain Lions were not invited but he was not stupid enough to believe that at least one of them, or someone working for them, would not be there. That was precisely the reason he was having the party on such neutral grounds to begin with.

He understood the point the Mountain Lions were trying to make by killing the boy. However, he did not agree with the Mountain Lions’ actions. He knew all too well that they could go to extremes, but something so brutal as burning someone alive was still shocking. He had to think of a way of letting them know, subtly, that the Wolves would not stand for such extreme forms of so called ‘justice’, and he had the perfect plan in mind.

In this new world it was every man for himself, whether that man was a tribe member or not. A tribe could be cohesive as humanly possible, but there would still be that underlying drive that brought all the members together in the first place. The selfish drive to stay alive, to do whatever it takes to keep yourself alive and yourself only. Wolf liked to think that he was above that base, animalistic and selfish instinct. Yet, like so many things Wolf tried not to be, even he could not escape that inalienable human-animal instinct.

Continued )