
February 2017



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Posts Tagged: 'persephone+clearwater'



Warded Private )

So this is probably a really stupid thought, but I feel like one of us (by which I mean, I'm volunteering) ought to go in for that Muggleborn registration blah blah blah so that we can say first-hand what's happening there and actually tell people, "hey, don't do this, it's a bad idea" with first-hand knowledge. Thoughts?



I haven't much to report on the Jorkins investigation, but here's where things stand right now.

Earlier this week (9 September), Pirate Radio released a broadcast in which someone claiming to be the leader of a prominent vigilante group stated that they had witnessed Bertha cleaning up in the Minister's office. Bertha was approached by Evan Rosier, who accused her of spying and rattled off a list of extremely anti-Muggleborn speech (not transcribing here) before calling over Bartemius Crouch, Sr. Rosier left the two of them alone, Crouch cast a spell, and the feed went dead.

Yesterday (14 September), Bartemius Crouch, Sr., made a statement on the journal network that Bertha had been caught stealing personnel files. According to Crouch's statement, Bertha confessed to working for the Order of the Phoenix under the orders of Carlotta Pinkstone. Crouch claimed that after she confessed this, he obliviated her, accepted her resignation, and sent her away. Any questions as to Bertha's whereabouts, he said, should be directed to Carlotta Pinkstone.

Bertha's brother Albert proceeded to call this "bull & shite," which seems accurate.

But if we assume Crouch is being honest about obliviating Bertha, this presents a bevy of problems. We know that Crouch was, and likely still is, under the Imperius curse. We also know that mind magic is a complex thing. Thus, under Crouch's version of events, Bertha is likely--at best--mentally addled. Worse scenarios are more likely.

The next steps in our investigation are getting ahold of the recordings being used by Pirate Radio, and possibly the person who claimed to have witnessed the situation. I'm also trying to arrange a time to meet and speak with Bertha's family.

What we could use in the meantime are some ideas as to where an addled Bertha may have ended up. Muggle hospitals aren't out of the question; it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into reports of any Jane Does who've been admitted in the last ~month or so.

In that vein as well, I'd love it if someone with a firm grasp on mind magic could give a quick but detailed rundown of best and worst case scenarios concerning Bertha's mental state, assuming she was obliviated by someone under the Imperius curse.

Unrelated, I think I may have found us a safehouse in London, if anyone would like to go on a walkthrough with me this weekend.

[Jorkins Family]

My name is Persephone Clearwater; I'm an auror representing the CAV, and I'd like to talk to you about Bertha, in the interest of finding her. When would be a good time for all of you?

So apparently, there's this cave in Romania called Movile Cave that was sealed off from the rest of the world for 5.5 million years, has incredibly toxic air, and plays home to a bunch of totally unique species of creatures that aren't found anywhere else in the world.

And having seen pictures of them, all I can say is thank Merlin for that.



I still stand by my firm belief that pumpkin spice anything is complete and utter bullshit. Apple cider is the autumnal beverage, especially hard cider. Fight me.

Let's get this Jorkins case going. We know thus far that she was last seen 25 August with Evan Rosier, and that the Ministry is claiming that she resigned like the rest of us. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that's bullshit, including her family (more on them in a minute).

An anonymous source on Pirate Radio claims that they have footage of Rosier accusing her of being a spy, despite her protests, and calling over our likely-Imperiused Minister. Said Minister cast a spell, and the footage stopped at that point.

On the family angle, her family says that nobody has heard from her since the 25th--including their family in Albania--and that she didn't get anyone to feed her cat, which is distinctly un-Bertha-like. They don't trust the Ministry (wise) but are willing to meet with us to discuss the case.

And I think that's all. Our two big steps seem like they'd be (a) interviewing her family and (b) getting in touch with the anonymous source on Pirate Radio.

(just brainstorming here and making sure we've got all our information in one place)

SO. Which interview should we start with?

So hey. I don't blame you at all with the halfblood thing, but if shit goes south and you need a hand, just let me know, alright? And that said, I hope it does keep you safe.



Alright so.

I've been at my Dad's all weekend, trying to convince him and my stepmum to leave the country with Penny before shit gets even realer. Their presence is the only reason I didn't sign the manifesto--I've got no issue being harmed in trying to protect people from these monsters, but they're muggles, and Penny's just five. She'll be a great witch someday, but

Well, anyway. Point is, they shouldn't have to deal with being in danger because of me. But here's the catch--for all the convincing I tried to do this weekend, they would not listen to me. It was mostly my stepmum, but they thought I was exaggerating and then they started going on about Brexit again and I've got the WORST migraine right now.

I need to get them out of the country, but I've no idea how. Any thoughts? And any thoughts moving forward for people who are in situations like me or like them?



Every now and then, I manage to convince myself that I've seen all this world has to throw at me, and then I stumble across something that uproots that belief entirely.

Today, I present to you reborn dolls:

Not an IC cut )

That's not an actual baby. It's a doll. People pay loads of money to get dolls like these that look like actual babies, and they treat them like actual babies, and some of these dolls actually breathe like actual babies.

I just imagine, if I had more G than I knew what to do with, these would be a delight to send to awful people on "I'm fucking with you every day" Day.

It's Friday. How's everyone holding up this week?

[Gryffindor 06]
The world is bullshit, but I can't help but feel we ought to have some sort of miniature reunion, since it's been ten years, and with school starting soon, it seems like a good time for it, yeah? I know F the class as a whole had a big one a couple months back, but I thought just us this time around.




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