
February 2017



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Posts Tagged: 'dirk+cresswell'



The DMLE has my sister on what I assume are made-up charges. Because now it's illegal to be related to muggleborns, and cursebreak stuff in Knockturn, which are the ONLY things she ever did.


Do we still have informants in the DMLE? Can they tell us anything about where she's being kept?


I know that there's more than just this going on, but we need to get Agnes out.Do we know anything else yet?

[Noah Goldstein (later)]
I wanted to ask if you were still practicing law. And if you'd represent my sister on whatever charges these are supposed to be. I don't even know what she was supposed to have done. I could pay. Please let me know. Thanks.



Thought I should pass this on. Overheard while I was planning my Trick(which is going to be awesome), by fancy pure ladies buying I assume fancy shoes: Tamar Zabini and Narcissa Malfoy are doing a gala thing tonight. I'm sure we could find out where and party crash? If not just to watch and gain intel. And because I don't think there's been a safe gala since.
Yeah actually, I'm not sure there's ever been a safe gala in my recent memory.
So just so you know.

Also, there are plans to disrupt it already coming from not just my other extra curricular. I wasn't sure how foreboding I should sound without people asking me how I know more than I should. I figure this group will know the possibility of it going bad so hopefully this was good enough.
I guess that's not important. I wanted someone to know context.



If you get discounts on express warrant postage or whatever, feel free to send mine in right now. I'm not registering within the next 24 hours or any other time. Fuck you.
It's also cute to see you think you have power over Hogwarts now?

[Order and Support]
And on a different note/Separating this from the more important announcements, but we were just tossing up how best to Robin Hood the money we liberated from the Gringotts accounts. We figured we'd give Prudence's back to Lou, and the Shacklebolts' to Kingsley, because they both need escape money right now. The rest, from Tripe, and anything we get later, can be put wherever we most need it. (Missing supplies, etc?) Any better ideas?



Register this.



Sweden was awesome. The fish are mediocre, but the actual country's great.



You know, I think Diagon should stay like this. It looks better with wallpaper. Less dingy.

Another important thing to know about CAV is that they've had a vote saying they won't throw anyone to Voldemort and his Aurors if they find out people are vigilantes. So they're cool. They asked me as a former Critter and I won't know very much, I'm sure, there's tonnes more people in charge. But it seemed useful.



Thanks, WWN, for your O+ accuracy in reporting on a sensitive case. Excellent work.

At least this time was bad news first, good news in the end. Honestly I wish it always worked in reverse like that.

[Order And Support]
I'm not going back to my job, so I wanted to offer. As projects are formed, or anything, I've got a load of free time now and I'd be more than willing to help. I can't hang out in the Knockturn shop forever, Agnes would probably ward me out. With the rude wards.

[Non-Purist Critters]
I don't know if this is guessed already, but I'm not coming back to work. Not after they've taken over and one of them was a stalker at me less than a month ago. I'm sorry.
If any of you need anything I can help with, please stay in touch.




So I'll need to come over to see if I can do wards against [...] giant stomping.


Learn something new everyday, don't you?


You should go

[/end wards]



Warded against anonymous journals!

I was going to come out and just say I was a muggleborn, ask me anything, but that's been tainted.

seriously though. To those people,real friends, who I hurt by lying, and who have been hurt because they can't hide and I did, please know that's the part I'm sorry for. I anticipate a huge loss of trust. That's the part I deserve. I'm not going to make excuses. If you want reasons, I'll share them.

However. To every purist who decided to treat me differently because you thought I was a halfblood, fuck you. I hope you're having nine kinds of existential crises now that you know you really can't tell who's a Muggleborn. Because guess what. BLOOD DOESN'T MATTER AND PURISM IS BASED ON FALSE NON SCIENCE. Btw, look for your friends with burns on their shoulder. They might be a death eater.


It doesn't count as making yourself a target when you're already a huge target.
I'm sitting behind wards right now, and that felt good.
And I cut the fuck you's down by like ninety percent.

[Critter Heads]
I don't know if this means I'm out of a job.
I'm sorry I may have lied on any records on which I had to mention my family.



In trying to look in the news for something positive to change pace a little, the first story I found was one about kids getting hurt in a rollercoaster crash. I have shut all newspapers and news sites, and I'm going with my initial idea. Both Muggle and Magical Britain, you're required to put yourself in a time out until you've learned to not suck. Thanks.

[Agnes and Dung]
Hey. Can you guys come to the shop? I have an update. It's done. Finally. But it's not happy news so I'd rather you see it than not. I'll stay here til you're here. Thanks!



Hey Death Eaters!
ok not this time

This is late, but it's interesting that Pirate Radio listens as well as broadcasts now. Maybe that's the real pirate part. Unless they really have a ship which. Hope so.

Sit down and don't let anyone see this, ok?
Okay. So Agnes is really hurt and she can't go to the hospital
Don't leave work if you're there, no one can know this yet. But maybe come over after?



In answer to that fucked up invasion of privacy also crime scenes;
Yes, we know why, Death Eaters. It's because you won't sit the hell down and realise literally none of us want you here,and continue to play your fucked up games with a society which is in fact bigger than you and also doesn't want you here.What I don't quite get is why you have to keep trying to make your agenda and your actions seem like anyone else's fault, like we're going to actually victim blame for the fun of it. We aren't stupid.

Anyway. I hope both that the Aurors continue to pick you off, and also that you all spend another weekend shitting all over each other literally again.



All weekend I was here, and it was amazing:

Not an IC cut! )

We almost stayed. There was a nice cove in the underground city we explored where it looked very cozy. Sadly, I had to come back to make that joke, so. Oh well.



[Warded to his friends and Agnes's friends*]

So we're having a birthday thing for me and Agnes this Friday, as our birthdays are like nine days apart. That wasn't fun when we were kids but it's fun now. I suspect alcohol has something to do with it. We're starting at 8pm, The Hanging Bat in Edinburgh. It's not going to be a stupid crazy thing because I don't want to scare away the other person this party's for, but I think we could all eternally use a night to just drink. So be there?




Dear Diana Selwyn: Can you please tell me where YOUR parents' house is so I can

Saying shit on anon hooters feels too much like hiding so.

Fuck you :)

Open suggestion to Wizvis:

If you continue airing stuff like Diana Selwyn's show tonight, you'll probably find both the host and your service on the other side of a defamation lawsuit or ten. People with Muggle parents have lawyers, too. Probably ESPECIALLY if they're rich and famous, which, also I'm glad that's what is viewed as a crime now.

Though I guess if you ever wanted Selwyn to work for the DMLE and turn her investigative powers to good and help catch Death Eaters, that'd be nice. I hear she knows how to work Muggle Wikipedia and everything!
But maybe she wouldn't be interested in doing that.





    Okay! I'm back from my tea break. What else we got?

    Sirius Black has agreed to give a Pensieve memory of Bellatrix Lestrange attacking him with his own wand in their the Black family crypt.

    In recognition of the fact that Mr. Black believes himself to be in fatal danger of Mrs. Lestrange, I would suggest we handle this quickly and quietly even within the Department itself until such a time as it can be used. I'm currently warding Bode for an appointment.

    Hey! I need a memory-extraction appointment on the quiet, in so much as such a thing is possible in this place. Sirius Black, RE: being tortured with his own wand by Bellatrix Lestrange. ASAP, if you would? I'd rather you do it personally, for obvious reasons.

    Hey. I wanted to ask you a few things about Prudence Wilkes, if that's okay. But first thing's first: do you want a cup of tea? Or something stronger? Now or after work sometime.

    I'll be bringing over a bottle of Scotch that Baz Cuffe is being sent by Bellatrix Lestrange. There's a large possibility it's harmless if she's doing it under her own name, but I'd still appreciate if you could go over it anyway.

    I don't know how much longer I can keeping do this. I mean, none of it's fucking useful, is it?

    Is it okay if I sleep in your bed tonight? I might be drunk.



So you know your incredibly blatant advertising works:
I'll be listening all day, Pirate Radio.



I think it would've been scarier if they'd have done nothing
Death Eaters kept their word. What?

[...] Hope everyone's on their way to ok.


Hey. I'm sure you're both busy. Let me know when you can if you're ok when you can because I'm around the office.
I only got a couple scratches.


Were you there tonight? With the You Know What group? I assume they were there. Are you ok?


[...] Hey. So heads up, I saw Grace, tonight. Tried to talk her down, but then we had to fight. She got hurt, but she went back with them.

So you didn't reply to the main critter ward, so I hope you aren't hurt
[...] And maybe now's not the time, but fyi I think after tonight the Healers won't have a choice but to let me back on full duty, since I just proved I could. In case that helps with the DA thing. Okay, thanks. Feel better if you're hurt.



The Prophet's Saturday OpEd was awesome, by the way. Officially made up for at least a dozen clickbait articles its website sucked me into. More like that please, Prophet.

To partly make up for me not being there for the moon, I'll bring in breakfast tomorrow. I think that's just right and fair. Requests?

And I hope it's ok tonight, stay safe. If it gets REALLY bad and you need more hands, let me know, and I'll ignore the Healer, which I'm really tempted to do anyway. If it turns into Christmas 2.0 I will for sure. But it probably won't, right? They've got to be healing up still, too.

Hi. If you need anything before/after/during tonight, let me know. I really, really hope it all goes as well as it can. If you don't want to think about it until it happens and it's over, ignore this and I'm sorry. But still good luck.



They showed me potential prosthetics today, even if I won't be using one for a bit.

There was a sad lack of pegs. I was counting on those. I would've bought a parrot. Then a boat. Bring back piracy. Maybe meet the people behind the radio. That would've been cool.

Next time, maybe.



hell of a world to wake up to. hope you're all ok. or getting there.

small plus, lost some weight over the holiday instead of the other way, now i can eat more pie to catch up.



After that Order thing I feel like it's double irony that I, as a not-a-purist, actually don't have a wiztagram. And I'm not going to apologize for that. You still don't need to see pics of my lunches.

Agnes. Also Kit so he can talk.
This is your check in. How's Paris? Everything good? Your house only burned down twice. It's cool.



I quite like the idea of volunteering around the holidays.

I'll probably sufficiently research the charity I work at though. Just so I don't end up spending any of my time at a thinly veiled political agency that (maybe) happens to have one program that might benefit more people than the few in charge.
That's something that's pretty important to me.

That, and it'd have to probably be something with animals since they remain infinitely easier to deal with than most people.

[Kit and Savage]
You know, it's probably too late to take his offer, but I do wonder what the business proposal at Purism, Inc actually looks like. Mission statement: To spread antiquated values and kittens?
I wonder.




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