
February 2017



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Posts Tagged: '%7E+miriam+strout'



I... I don't think I've ever felt this much hatred towards an unknown person before.

If anyone needs me, Belle and I are at my parents in Camden.

Friends (you know usual broad group of Healers/MB/class of 89)
It was Louise.

I... Belle doesn't understand.

St M's
I'm taking time off. I don't know when I'll be back.



I think little Belle had a bit too much fun

ooc cut for image )

I think she spent the day on a sugar high for the majority of the day. She at least enjoyed it though, especially the egg hunt with her cousins.

I hope you and your families all enjoyed Easter if you celebrated.



I think tonight calls for a bottle of wine, chocolate and Netflix while cuddling with Louise before having to face Mira tomorrow on what will surely be an extreme sugar high.

Also, a reminder if you need any allergy medication ST M's has stocked up on it recently.

Friends (you're welcome to assume)
Dad was shot on the job yesterday*. He's alright but between that, Kayleigh's birth and everything else, is it bad I just want to pack up and move back to Australia?

I also want to stay here and do all that I can do.

I just feel like I'm going nowhere fast and... I just don't know what to do.

I suggested to Dolohov that we should try and convince the board that we need to clean house at St M's but I get the feeling he didn't want to do that. He disappears at odd times and... I don't trust him. There's nothing solid, though. Just a bad feeling?

I'm glad Carrow was convicted. That's one less but You-Know-Who probably recruited five to replace her.My faith in people, in the world, is slowly disappearing and it scares me to hell and back.

I think I'm going to go on a cooking spree. Expect parcels over the next few days.

* her father is a police officer for Scotland Yard



If you ingested any of those who might have had on of those mood-altering potions I can assure you no harm will come from it. If you really want you are always welcome to come by St M's but your system will flush it from your body soon enough.



Friends & Muggleborns
I originally was going to left this open but... I don't want to risk it.

At 5:23am I'm once again an Aunt. This time to Kayleigh Lee Strout. A lovely reminder that the world has some joy in it.

St Mungo's
I'll be in late today due to a personal matter.



Derwent Shrimpling was an amazing person and didn't deserve this in the slightest. Not only was he an amazing presence on television, off screen he was a wonderful person, someone who I was proud to call a friend.

"Words are power, and calling him He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is giving him more power than he deserves. Voldemort."

Truer words have never been spoken. In memory and tribute to him we should all keep this final, incredibly powerful statement in mind.

I'm so so sorry. If there is anything I can do please do let me know? I might not have been that close to either of you but Derwent was a wonderful man and... Hell, I'm so sorry.



Can the world take a break this month so we can all regroup? I think we need it.

Also March 8th, International Women's Day. We should do something.

St M's
We're all co-operating with the investigation? I'm sure we all want this solved as quickly as possible

Thank you for last night. I can honestly say that was truly needed.



In light of the recent events I feel like I should mention that us Healers do take our Oaths seriously.

Muggleborns & Friends
So, it seems that what I thought was a headache and slight fever from sleep deprivation (that's how my body usually reaccts) wasn't. Looking back it seems obvious but at the time I just pushed the concerns aside.

I'm glad the DMLE figured it out and we have the antidote. One less thing to worry about. Though I admit I find myself surprised at who was behind it.

I hope everyone is well now though? I'm taking the week off baring any emergencies (Lou can be awfully pursasive not that she really needed to be) and I'll probalby be doing a lot of cooking. If you want something I'd be happy to make it for you?

Though in a spot of irony as I arrived home this morning I walked in to Love Shack by B52's playing. The part of the song was the Glitter lyrics.

89'ers & Friends
Drinks now that all of this is over?

I know it is your job but thank you nonetheless.

In light of recent events I feel like we should talk to the Board about doing something to ensure that nothing like this happens again. I would never have thought the two of them capable of something like that and it's making me question things. If they could do that what else could others do?

Thank you so much. I'm sorry if I scared you, I honestly didn't think I was sick just sleep deprived. I've left a small something for you in the staff office.



ooc: sent an hour or so before she collapses
Arabella Figg
Ms Figg,

I'm so sorry for the news of your mother. If there is anything I can do please do let me know.

Healer Strout



With everything that has been happening lately, I find I haven't been conversing so much on these as I might have otherwise done so. If I have missed something that required my attention do let me know? Though, I admit at times like this I'm awfully glad that Louise and Mirabelle aren't Muggleborn don't tend to get sick. Ever. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

Fei Xiao, Kimmy Pye, Lily Potter, Benjy Fenwick, Georgia Rose,
I know some of you are sick but I have included you in this to keep you up to date. All of you have some healing experience and I trust you all.

I'm sure you all know by now that the latest vaccination against the Fairy Flu isn't working. Logically, that means that either it is an incredibly fast mutating virus or the vaccination is being tampered with as there's no way a virus, magical or not can differentiate between Muggleborn and non-Muggleborns when there's no difference.

That means it's someone inside of St Mungo's. I'm sure we all have ideas of who it could be. There's only a very small handful of people who it could be.

What I am suggesting is that we get someone outside of St M's to test it. The only way of doing so is via a Squib or a Muggleborn who left the magical world who works in the Muggle Medical profession. I otherwise can think of no way of how to explain this to them.

What I'm interested is in your thoughts on this.

1. I'm throwing an idea around at the moment to see how plauisble it might be. Does anyone know of any Muggleborns who left the magical world and works in the Muggle medicine profession or any Squibs in it?

2. I apologise if I've missed this somewhere, I'm having trouble keeping up with what has and hasn't been discussed, but are the DMLE considering this...



Muggleborn Healers
1. As it has been noted that this new strain of the Fairy Flu seems to be targeting Muggleborns ONLY. Therefore, if you can let me know immediately if one comes in showing any symptoms?

2. How are we coming along for a vaccine for the newest strain? If we can get that out as soon as possible that would be brilliant.

Posting this hear in hopes more people will see it than on Mr Bode's entry.

How many of you have had the newest strain of the FF?

I'm curious has to how it's being spread. If we can figure out if there's a common point, location or person that could go a long way.

Recent patients of St M's

I thought I would touch base just to see how you were all going.

Healer Strout



Being hit by one of those Cupids was not fun. I apologise for any actions that would have occurred during the time I was under the influence of it.

Now, on a completely different note. Do I go to see Deadpool or not?

Friends - c/o 89, bordering years, healers, Muggleborns. It's a pretty broad group
If I go, I'm making you come along. There will be wine I'm sure. I have a feeling it is the sort of film that would require drink to see it given I'm not really fond of that type of humour. Still it is Marvel...



St Mungo's
Everyone single one of you is amazing.

Thank you so much for the past twenty four hours. Job or not you put in an amazing effort.

Now on another note? The Sexual Healing cast? I might not be in charge of the hospital but whoever - if anyone - organinsed that I will track you down.



Monkey is the ninth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac. The Years of the Monkey include 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028...

The monkey is a clever animal. It is usually compared to a smart person. During the Spring and Autumn Period (770 - 476 BC), the dignified Chinese official title of marquis was pronounced 'Hou', the same as the pronunciation of ‘monkey’ in Chinese. The animal was thereby bestowed with an auspicious meaning.

Friends/Those of Chinese Descent
I will be spending this weekend finalising my shopping for the Spring Festival if anyone would like to join me.

Antonin Dolohov
Just a reminder that baring any emergency I am taking the 7th and 8th off to observe the New Year with my family. As usual if there is an emergecy I will have my phone on me.



Muggleborn Friends
I've been thinking for awhile, and have already talked with Louise, and with the recent debate on the Unforgivables (really we'll be no better than them if we do that) has made me even more determined. Plus little Mirabelle already showing magic as well as Jun, I feel like I should be doing more to support the war effort. I don't want to become too involved, both Louise and I agree that we can't afford to in case something happens to us and Mira is left by herself but we both feel that we should be doing something.

So, what I'm wondering is do you have any suggestions as to what we could do to assist?

ooc: jsyk Louise is her partner and fellow healer at St M's, Mirabelle is 5 and their adopted daughter. Jun is her nephew and turned ten last year.



Dirk Cresswell
If you can access the Muggle Internet, I saw this article and thought of our conversation.



St M's
All of you are amazing. Never doubt that. I'm honoured to be able to work with all of you.

Women minus known Purist Women
How many of us know hand to hand combat and other ways of Muggle fighting? I was wondering if it was possible to learn? I'm thinking perhaps that, also knowing how to shoot a gun? Would a shield stop a bullet? I don't like violence but if it means we're safe...



ooc: posted before everything goes to hell in a handbasket

To those who celebrate I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas day. Now I'm off to bed to get some sleep before my daughter wakes up demanding presents

St M's
Thank you to all of you who are working today. You are amazing. I will bring by some Christmas food for you soon. I cooked far to much as usual.

I hope it is a quiet day for you all.

If you wish or are available we're holding a New Years Eve Party (provided we aren't working). You are welcome to attend.




With Christmas around the corner, just a reminder that you really should be careful with your wand when you've been drinking. Alcohol and magic never do go well together. Not that you will actually learn.

On a different note, how many of you are planning to watch the new Star Wars? I admit I'm looking forward to it. I'm planning on seeing it with my family this coming weekend which shall be fun. Still, I'm not sure what I think of the plot and what I've heard about it. I grew up on the original trilogy and the novels as well hold a dear place in my heart. I understand that Disney are changing it due to copyright laws - they would have to pay a lot of money to all of the authors so it is easier to just do away with it - but I just don't like it.

Class of '89
How are all of you?

I admit I've been thinking about my school days a lot. Mostly with just how much the world, both Muggle and Magical, has changed since then. It makes me wonder just how much the world will change in the enxt fifteen years. When we graduated, I would never have picked some of the changes that have occurred since then.

St Mungo's Employees
I went on a bit of a baking spree last night. You'll find in the staff room various snack foods such as meatballs, prawn crackers, dumplings and red bean cake. Feel free to help yourself.