
February 2017



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Posts Tagged: '%21%21+ward:+st+mungo%27s'



The Dolohov Curse is very real. There is documentation aging back centuries.

[St Mungo's]
I have met with our Mungo's team leaders regarding our hospitals new safety policies and procedures, and would like to make you all aware that there has been movement on this. Our new "panic buttons" are currently in development; upon completion, they will be placed both in patient care rooms and below our front of house desks. There will be restrictive visitors lists - patients (or whomever is conscious and responsible for those unable to answer for themselves, having power of attorney) may provide a maximum of five names who are allowed in to see them. This will create a safer premises, and will also make it easier for us to do our jobs with less civilians in the way of our operations. Only those on this list will be provided with the security clearance to visit that floor, and upon being admitted to visit they'll be given an ID badge to wear when on the floor. Our "John Doe" policy, as always, is in effect upon patient request, for those who do not want their admission to become anyone's business but their own.

There was also discussion regarding the implementation of security guards on the premises, which was also agreed upon. However, the hiring process for this position will be stringent. Please be aware that our former rogue DMLE officers will not be eligible for employment to these positions; again, this is for the safety of all St. Mungo's guests.

Thank you, and if you have any questions, please feel free to set up an appointment with my secretary.

[The A Team (Igor, Lucius, Severus, Augustus)]
Hello boys!

It's time for a check-in. What are you working on? Do you need direction or assistance carrying out your tasks, or any further training to ensure that you are as prepared as possible to accomplish them? Would you like to have some time arranged with the professional cuddler? Help me help you.



I'm pleased to announce that via the efficient work of Knuts & Bolts Construction, The St Mungo's remodeling of the outpatient apothecary will be wrapping up next week. Our friends at K&B have done a fine job cleaning up the mess that those hacks at Pyramid Sam's made.

Our next project will be a full overhaul of our entrance lobby, designed to help our guests feel less like visitors and more like we're welcoming them into our St. Mungo's home. I've already quite excited by the plans for the mad fountain in the entryway.

[Nina and Luca]
I apologize for missing our meeting this afternoon. It was likely clear why, given the state of it. We will reschedule for Monday when I'm recovered from the heinous attack on my life. It is clearer than ever that you are correct; St. Mungo's is certainly in need of a revamping of our security policies.

Miss Westenburg, I would suggest being more careful with who you allow around your hair.

[Death Eaters]
Carlotta Pinkstone attempted to murder me in my office this afternoon when I returned to work following the services. She was polyjuiced as one of our muggleborn healers, Nina Westenburg, and was very much attempting to steal your Elsa routine, Diana.

She's still missing an arm and makes for an extraordinarily uncomfortable sofa.



[St. Mungo's]
It has been a long time, St. Mungo's. I've missed you.

Rumour has it that there have been some worries regarding the continued safety of the hospital, and I would like to assure you that these are in vain. Contrary to popular belief, I have only the highest regard for our staff members, and the deepest concerns for the safety of our guests. I have heard the concerns regarding someone in my particular position returning to an active Healer role, and I understand completely. For some reason doing a few murders is enough to toss out years of dedication and experience, but I digress. As so, I will not be returning to my position as Head Healer of Spell Damage.

I will instead be moving into a position as St. Mungo's Chief of Staff, which will move me primarily out of patient care, and into a placement in which instead I will be working with all of you. I know I'm excited. More than anything, I would like to see as little disruption to patient care as possible as we make this transition, which I know will be the focus of all of our Healers and Mediwizards as well. Patients first. All I ask is that if you have any concerns or ideas, please run them past me, and I'll have a conversation with the budget to see what we can do, and what would best serve the needs of our visitors.

I would also like to reach out to our muggleborn staff members. I understand there may be some concerns here, but they are unnecessary. If you continue to do your job as you were hired to do, there's no reason for issues to arise.

I'm sure that some of you will not be thrilled by this news. And believe me, I do understand. I'm very empathetic. But as you all know what I'm capable of, I'd suggest that you not fuck with me.

Have an excellent week. There is an edible fruit arrangement in the breakroom of each floor.



For the record, I didn't kill Benjy Fenwick. He got caught up in a potion explosion.

[Death Eaters and Dolohovs]
Hello friends. Congratulations to each and every one of you on your efforts, and for helping us create the foundation necessary to rebuild the world we never should have had taken from us. There have been setbacks, there have been los we have suffered losses unl there have been times in which the road has been difficult, where the end results we dreamed of seemed impossible. Our future is brighter today because of your efforts. Our individual recoveries will grow into a life for us all that is stronger and healthier. Your sacrifices have been noted. Your sacrifices will be rewarded. The Dark Lord will provide, and will see us through this new transition into greatness.

Now someone please catch me the fuck up.

I have a gift for you.



I... I don't think I've ever felt this much hatred towards an unknown person before.

If anyone needs me, Belle and I are at my parents in Camden.

Friends (you know usual broad group of Healers/MB/class of 89)
It was Louise.

I... Belle doesn't understand.

St M's
I'm taking time off. I don't know when I'll be back.



Can the world take a break this month so we can all regroup? I think we need it.

Also March 8th, International Women's Day. We should do something.

St M's
We're all co-operating with the investigation? I'm sure we all want this solved as quickly as possible

Thank you for last night. I can honestly say that was truly needed.



Healer Miriam Strout is ill. She's in a bed and recuperating.



I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO GET SICK BUT I'M PRETTY SURE I'M GETTING ILL. I don't think I should be going into work. Well, I think I should go to St. Mungo's but not to work. :[

Me next.

No, I wasn't sick with the first strain, but yes, I got both vaccines. I get all vaccines because vaccines are good! WHAT IF MY VACCINES WERE CONTAMINATED BY A WIZARDING VERSION OF TAMAGOTCHI SAINTS? ;___;

Arcade raincheck?

Can you take me to Mungo's?



Given the hospital’s staff shortage and recent events, I wanted to express my willingness to pick up additional hours in the Spell Damage Ward. It has been a few years since I have worked that floor, but I was able to help during the aftermath of Christmas without difficulty. I apologise if I speak out of turn, but I would hate to see patients suffer because I didn't speak up out of decorum.

I read Alana MacFusty's article in the Prophet. I'm sure everyone's already told you how incredible you are, but here is another reminder. You are incredible and I am so proud to know you.

It was very brave of you to write that article on Emmeline Vance and I wanted you to know that I admire you for it.

Thank you for your article. It's so easy to get caught up in our anger, it's important to be reminded not to take it too far.

added later
[ KIT ]
Hello, Chris.



Three. 16 September 2015, late afternoon.

[Warded to St Mungo's personnel]
Hello, St Mungo's colleagues.

Following this afternoon's board meeting, we have tentative agreement for a fall fundraiser, probably during the month of November. We on the Board know that St Mungo's has a variety of needs that a fundraiser could support. However, we can only concentrate on a few items for fundraising purposes even if the funds are more broadly distributed. Donors like to point to specific, visible achievements such as improvements to wards or endowed positions that their galleons, sickles, and knuts have purchased. Raising funds for those specific items both helps us achieve the named goals and increase overall donations.

As we consider the possibilities for the upcoming fundraiser, it's important to me to be sure that we solicit for the hospital's most urgent needs. Staff members are clearly the best source for that information, so I'm turning to you to ask for your views on the hospital's needs. Our purpose is to improve services, equipment, and staffing at the hospital, without assuming present shortcomings.

Please feel free to ward me privately with any comments you may have, to send me interoffice memoranda through the St Mungo's system, or to owl me at home at Malfoy Manor. Any information or comments you send me will be kept confidential unless you request otherwise, of course. I look forward to hearing from you and to working with you to make the hospital we cherish a better workplace and a better place for patient care.