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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021



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October 20th, 2020



late-afternoon – 20th october

I know people say black cats are bad luck, but I can't feel like this one had brought me good luck today. It's been a really good day and I came home to find a dress I've been eying waiting for me in my room.

not filtered;cut for image )

I'm not sure if this guy has a proper home, but if I can't find where he belongs, I might just have to keep him!

🙀 - ONE CHARCTER EACH sees a black cat everywhere you do, while it might be surprising, it's actually good luck! When you get home you'll find something you've always wanted.



20 October | Hannah Abbott

Just a reminder, I will not be available starting on the 23rd through the 25th! I'll be in France for my cousin Nolan's wedding.

Oh! Last night I made one of my favourites, cheese tortellini soup with Italian sausage. I added a bit of kale and spinach in there as well, I highly recommend it for a chilly day.

On a health note, the cold days will only get colder so please be sure to take care! Wash your hands often, if you're sick stay home and avoid as much contact with people as possible. Drink plenty of fluids and make sure to stock up on potions!