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Cuaditch Town

Cuaditch is a low key invite-only Harry Potter game with a monthly plot featuring strange happenings, town events, Quidditch and more!

March 2021



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June 3rd, 2020



3 June 2020 - Teresa Spinks

Hmmm ... the American market could be fun. But for now.. I will be remaining with the Morning Feel Up.

Ward to Friends & Colleagues

Which one of you drunk interviewed again? Havnt seen this rumour in a few.

((posted around 11:30AM))



[No Subject]

I'm almost disappointed I didn't make the news.

It was an entertaining read, at any rate.



03 June - Quidditch!

03 JUNE 2020
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03 June | Lavender Brown

I love yoga as much as the next person but there is just so much forward-moving sun salutations a girl can take. On the plus side I think I can eat my weight in pastries when this ends.

I'm glad it was a paperwork kind of day.

🧘 - ONE CHARACTER EACH can only get around today by yoga poses. That's right, downward dog to lunge, to forward fold to perhaps warrior three? Yes, you can only move in yoga poses. It turns out a new yoga studio is testing out a spell!



june 3 :: lucian bole

Well, whoever took that picture of me and Layla was good. We look damn good!



3 June | Lee Jordan

I have to say, I'm feeling quite nimble. I even have the flying pigeon pose down. Semi-related...Teresa, if by chance you don't see me around tomorrow, send help.

🧘 - ONE CHARACTER EACH can only get around today by yoga poses. That's right, downward dog to lunge, to forward fold to perhaps warrior three? Yes, you can only move in yoga poses. It turns out a new yoga studio is testing out a spell!