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April 25th, 2011

[info]cantbenormal in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Nigel Griffin and Violet Parr
WHAT: The Invisible Man meets Invisigirl.
WHEN: Early evening
WHERE: A random street.
STATUS: In Progress

she had to admit that the place wasn't half bad )

[info]thedruidboy in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Older!Mordred Lot and Older!Phillipa Cobb
WHEN: The afternoon of the 24th.
WHERE: Under their old tree in the park.
WHAT: Working out the time jump situation.
STATUS: In progress

[info]thegoodbrother in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Peter and Nathan Petrelli.
What: Lunch and revelations.
Where: Nathan's apartment.
When: Sunday afternoon. Lunchtime.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

He worried that, with how much things had changed for him in the past two years, he wouldn't fit in Nathan's life any more. Or maybe that Nathan wouldn't fit in his. )

[info]msemilywotton in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Emily and Girl!Gwaine
WHAT: A meeting. And an attempt at flirting
WHEN: Afternoon
WHERE: The pub Gwaine works
RATING: Wont be too high. Gwaine is a flirt, but Emily's too settled to care
STATUS: In Progress

A place to think. Sort of. )

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Lily and older!Regulus
WHAT: Who knows, he knows her better than she knows him
WHEN: Mid-Morning
RATING: Low, maybe swearing?
STATUS: In Progress

Lily found it strange )

[info]blondevil in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: ickle!Morgause and Morgana
WHAT: Spoiling?
WHEN: Morning before lunch
WHERE: Morgana's home
RATING: Low, though death by cuteness is possible
STATUS: In Progress

Huffy BB!Morgause is bad )

[info]_ten_ in [info]colligo_threads

Who: OPEN to Whoniverse people and Sam Tyler
What: A day trip and a picnic outside the city.
Where: Outside Colligo - starting on the edge of the beach.
When: Lunchtime/Afternoon on the 25th.
Rating: TBD. Probably lowish.
Status: In Progress.

[info]nerdynotflirty in [info]colligo_threads

who:: bb!Connor Temple and open
what:: Getting a feel for his surroundings
when:: Moday afternoon
where:: Outside building A
rating/status:: TBA/Incomplete
his database was famous )

[info]reasonbackward in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Sherlock Holmes, Jim Moriarty, & ickle!Mycroft Holmes
WHAT: Two very inept men attempt to babysit Mycroft. Speculations on just how much they're going to die when Mycroft is back to normal welcome.
WHEN: After this
WHERE: Sherlock's flat
STATUS: In Progress

It was odd, having to deal with his brother with a sympathetic touch instead of one that resulted in acerbic banter, but Sherlock was slowly getting used to the differences. )

[info]futurequeen in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Gwen and Neria
What: Neria always wants to check in on Gwen and Abigail. Now she is.
Where: Gwen's flat
When: Just after lunch time
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress.

Mother, Daughter and friend who looks scarily like the Aunt being avoided )

[info]diedforcamelot in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Ygraine and OPEN
What: A walk to clear her head
Where: Around
When: After talking to Merlin
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress.

Thoughts of a confused Lady )