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September 15th, 2009

[info]reoandknives in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Jo & Dean.
WHAT: She needs some company.
WHEN: Not long after this.
WHERE: Her place.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Not that he would waltz in and everything would magically be alright, but she was sure he would provide a decent distraction. )

[info]future_seer in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Arthur and Morgana
WHAT: She has to warn him. Against what? She hasn't got a clue
WHEN: Almost directly after this
WHERE: The hallway, then his bedroom
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

[info]ex_almostcho442 in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Neville Longbottom and OPEN!
What: Being confused at the Muggle things that aren't in his apartment.
When: Tuesday, around noon.
Where: Not too far from the apartments.
Rating: TBD.


[info]inaworldsocold in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Claire Bennet
WHAT: It's not everyday that someone shoots herself in the head.
WHERE: Claire's apartment
WHEN: Post-Claire's Freakout
STATUS: In Progress

It was a next to impossible thing for Sylar to fathom, coming up with some sort of reason that Claire would have to shoot herself in the head. )

[info]thegoodbrother in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Peter Petrelli and Chris Halliwell.
WHAT: Barbas is fucking with his head.
WHEN: Early afternoon.
WHERE: His apartment.
RATING: Go ahead and say R for violence and suicide (sort of). And boykissing.
STATUS: Complete.

You're going to get everyone killed, Peter. It will all be your fault. )

[info]harpys in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Ginny Weasley. Complete as narritive but open if someone wants to join
What: Realizing her fear
When: Late afternoon
Where: Her apartment she shares with Luna
Rating: PGish
Status: Complete, can be tagged in.

they were all dead )

[info]watchitmister in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Piper & Chris Halliwell
What: Lunch & the grilling that comes with being a mom & son
When: Noon today
Where: At a nice little café/restaurant place
Rating: TBD.

Chris had been here for a while, long enough that she had a lot of questions; how could she not? )

[info]lupas in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Katherine Danvers and Leah Clearwater. open to Xander Harris if he wants to join!
What: Kate can't control her wolf.
When: Late afternoon, early evening
Where: Her apartment, then toward the Safe-house for the wolf-shaped
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

In the end, the wolf would get what it wanted. )

[info]pressured in [info]colligo_threads

Who: Rose Weasley and Pansy Parkinson
What: Next generation Weasley meets her parents ENEMY
When: Afternoon
Where: Shopping district of Colligo
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

slytherin pride )

[info]tenthten in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: The human Doctor
WHAT: Dreams are often ugly things
WHEN: Tonight
WHERE: His bedroom
RATING: R for gore, adult themes, really twisted logic, and all sorts of bad stuff inside his head. Beware telepaths that are playing on the brain network.

Spoilers up to and including Torchwood's 'Children of Earth' and Doctor Who's 'The Stolen Earth/Journey's End'. (AU world/Pete's World so canon is a little warped)

STATUS: Complete

He slept as he lived, guarding himself as best he could. )

[info]intuitively in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Booth and Brennan.
WHAT: Arriving.
WHEN: Backdated a few days, right after this.
WHERE: The library.
STATUS: In progress.

i'll find you )

[info]pointatopointb in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Marco. Open to Jo, if she wants to jump in.
WHAT: Marco’s fear.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: His and Jo’s apartment.
RATING: At least PG-13.
STATUS: In progress.

Every suit of armor has one hole… )

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_threads

WHO: Jim Kirk (AU) and Parker
WHAT: Parker says she can leave Colligo. Jim's curious to see if she can do what she claims.
WHEN: {Backdated} 8:30PM; a few hours after this post
WHERE: The warehouse district
STATUS: In Progress

She also had her gun, and a taser, and a small amount of cash. The rest she'd left in her account and had dropped instructions on how to retrieve it in the mail for Noah and Claude to receive in a few days, in case she didn't make it back or find a way to contact them. She figured it was the least she could do, to repay them for letting her crash in their apartment. )