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Apr. 22nd, 2017


posted late evening in tired, loopy writing.

TEAM TAGARIS, now including sorin & souvelani.
Sound off now if you can see this

Val, Souvelani and I are holed up in an inn. Val's leg is fucked and we're not moving her until tomorrow morning, and we're not stupid enough to leave before then anyway. Has anyone gone back to ca to Zathris? If the CITY looks like this then what the fuck does it look like outside the gates?

Apr. 12th, 2017



Good news, we snagged the reward, but better news incoming

Don't wait up too long for us if we're a while. We should be home before dark

Apr. 4th, 2017


posted from his new orb

[ the fam ]
I just told Reha that I'm going back to work on Friday, and only for a week. I'm also going to be bringing all my winter clothes to her to see if she wants to reuse any of the materials and I'm going to send the rest to either the alienage or the Chantry, so if there's anything you want me to take, let me know.

Don't worry, I won't come home with even a single new article of clothing no matter how tempting the upcoming summer line might be.

[ Lev ]
Can we start sparring again? I [...] need a distraction, and I'm honestly sick and tired of being cooped up in here.

[ Iveani ]
I heard that you were the one who helped me a couple of weeks ago. Words can't express just how thankful I am that you saved my life, but thank you, truly. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

[ Sandrin ]
I just wanted to thank you again for the prosthetic you made me. I won't go into the details but I don't think I'd be alive if you hadn't made it for me, so thank you.

[ Cassidy ]
I know it's been a while since we've talked, and that's my fault, but I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.

Also, if you have some free time, I need would like to start the archery lessons again. I understand if you don't have the time. I might be leaving in a couple of weeks anyway, but I thought I'd ask.

[ Takwana ]
I heard that you're leaving for the front tomorrow. I won't be able to see you off, and I'm sorry you haven't heard from me in a while, but I just wanted to thank you for all of your kindness and patience while you taught me Tevene. My [...] The people I was learning for, they know now, and they'll help me with the rest. Please, be safe, and may the Maker watch over you.

[ Shae ]
[...........................................................] I know that we never really got along and that you don't really care for me, but please know that I'm wishing all the best for you, and that I hope that you'll return safe.

Mar. 10th, 2017


[ Lev, Godric, Cassidy ]
I might be going to the alienage after work today. I just want to make sure everything's okay. I doubt anyone will talk to me, but [...] I just have to know.

Godric, Lev, I promise I'll be home before too late. I'll let you know when I'm on my way.

(ooc: added later, after this) Cassidy, do you think you can come with me? The other elves might be more willing to talk to you than to me, and if something is going on, it's probably better not to be alone.

[ Rook ]
[...] Have you been to the clinic yet?

Mar. 9th, 2017


(After the incident in the community garden, Iveani was confined to the Circle's medical wing and given a sedative. She woke up in the very late evening, and discovered her possessions were left within arm's reach. Her writing is slower, more deliberate than usual due to fatigue and potions.)


someone is missing. is going missing.


i need your help.


i'm sorry. i was not

i was rude to you today, i think.

Mar. 8th, 2017



For the foreseeable future, it would be best if you didn't continue your lessons at the outpost, Sorin. My duties as they [......] currently are, escorting you is no longer an option, and it would only be a risk to your safety to travel the distance alone.

Feb. 22nd, 2017


[ godric ]

i'll be back tonight. i'm thinking we need a bigger space, so i'm working on that.

[ souvelani ]

thanks again for letting me crash at your place. i'm heading out before you're done at the stables, but let me know when you can how you'd feel about getting out of the alienage for the next month or 2 before we leave?

[ reha ]

do you or any of your guild contacts know of a cheap place that's willing to rent to anyone with coin? 2 room, ideally.

[ sorin ]

if you're not busy after work, let's talk.

Feb. 20th, 2017


immediately following this.

Sorin tell me you've been sleeping at another inn or at the shop and not in a gutter

You KNOW you can stay with us don't you?

Please be

I met
Is she

If I ask you about that girl, will you be honest with me if I tell you I won't pursue anything?

Feb. 18th, 2017


[Filtered to friends of Luren and Oz. Apply term liberally.]

Attention dear friends who like celebrations and alcohol and food.

Oz and I are getting married two weeks from today. The ceremony is going to be boring and family-only. The party is going to be as fantastic as you can possibly imagine and you're all required to come. Presents are accepted if they are food, alcohol, or shiny things. But no one is obligated to gift anything outside of their pretty smiles. Bring who you want.

Feb. 17th, 2017


[ooc: backdated to a couple of hours after this]

[ Godric & Lev ]
[.......] Are you busy today?

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