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Mar. 22nd, 2017


Filtered: Asmund Astyth
You can find Bastien in the second room on the right above the Copper Triton.

Feb. 21st, 2017


[ Public ]

An army of battle-ready bears, oh my. Nevarra is never boring, I must give it that much.

[ Marin ]

Mon cher Oncle Marin, you would not believe what they are saying about you now. I nearly choked on my soup this evening.

[ Cassidy ]

I am assuming the absurd story about your affair with Sorin Ghrian isn't true, but you should realize that if it is true, there is literally nowhere in Thedas you could run that would be far enough.

Feb. 10th, 2017


To anyone who has been feeding the cat in the kitchens, I recommend stopping. Her begging is She can find vermin on her own.

I'm afraid I cannot get away from the outpost today for a meeting, but the raven from Val Royeaux came today if you have some moments to spare.

You've [....] recovered fully, I take it?

Jan. 27th, 2017


[ Public ]

Although spring is coming, it is perhaps not yet the season to wander the streets at night, singing badly at the top of one's lungs, in one's smallclothes. In this city, one really does see the most unexpected things; I may have been scarred for life.

One ought not butcher perfectly good music that way.

[ Bastien ]

It has arrived, and it is not entirely what I expected. When can you come to meet with me?

[ Marin & Iveani - separately ]

[.....................................] I hope you have suffered no further ill effects since our return from the coast.

[...] My apologies for my behavior. While I can't say that I do not know what came over me, I still cannot fully comprehend how it happened.

[ Ambassador Alexius ]

I have something that will interest you which does not fall under the terms of our initial agreement. I propose a trade.

Jan. 23rd, 2017


Might anyone be willing to investigate a matter of some importance for me? You will, of course, be compensated for your good deed.

Jan. 22nd, 2017


friends/family/acquaintances - apply liberally tbh

If you haven't heard yet, I'm ali all right, [......] or I will be. Sorry it's taken me so long to say anything. I hope everyone is doing well.

[ Marin ]
I don't know if you still want anything to do with me, but if you do, is the offer to let one of my loved ones stay at your estate is still good?

[ Luren ]
Lev said that he talked to you about me needing a new shield, and that I should see you myself for a new sword. Can I come by today or tomorrow?

[ Audra ]
I'm going to head out again today. Do you need anything?

[ Reha ]
I think [...] I'll be okay to come into work tomorrow. I'll see you in the morning?

Dec. 23rd, 2016



At the risk of opening a can of worms, what new calamities did I miss over the last two weeks?

Also, how do people this far south survive winter without dressing head to toe in fur like the Avvar?? This is a very important question.

[ Una ]

At first glance, no wanted posters in the market. Congratulations, back to work with you.

I'll see if I can find anything out, so just remember to smile politely at everyone and wear your gorgeous new clothes.

[ Alia ]

Have they permanently locked you in your golden tower?

Dec. 4th, 2016


[ Alia ]

I am sorry for your loss. I know there is nothing else to say in such situations, but I too lost my father not so long ago. If you find you need someone to speak with, please feel free to call on me.

[ Bastien ]

Our letters have arrived. Are you free this evening?

[ Marin ]

I feel as though you mentioned being acquainted with a trustworthy captain who sails the Waking Sea. Might you share a name?

[ Cassidy ]

If you wish something taken to Camille, bring it to me in the next few days.

Nov. 11th, 2016


Might I, once again, ask for the help of some brave souls who would be interested in slaying what appears to be a dragon?

Sep. 8th, 2016


[ Cassidy ]

I [...] think I'm sorry. And [..............................................................] thank you.

[ Marin ]

I apologize for the short notice, but can we reschedule today's lunch, please? I'm not feeling well.

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