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May. 2nd, 2017


[ Friends ]

Well, it seems I am departing Cumberland by the end of the week. My estate requires my urgent atention. For those of you I may not see before I depart, it has been a genuine pleasure.

[ Cassidy ]

You may wish to congratulate me on not being dead.

[ Souvelani ]

[...................] If you have not yet departed and see this, I wish you well. You know how to contact me.

Apr. 24th, 2017


[Public] - posted early morning

It is with great sorrow that I inform the people of Cumberland and Nevarra that King Markus Pentaghast the III lost his life in the darkspawn attack on 22 Cloudreach. He will be greatly missed and forever remembered as the man who did everything in his power to protect Nevarra from the Blight, down to his final moments.

In the wake of the attacks in the city, the Chantry can help those whose homes were destroyed with food, shelter, and other necessities. I am working closely with the Merchants' Guild to mobilize crews to begin clean-up and reconstruction in the city as soon as possible.

Although these circumstances leave me with a heavy heart, I will do my best to serve you as my uncle did, and my grandfather before him.

Apr. 3rd, 2017


[ Bastien ]

I feel as though I ought to say something, but I am uncertain what.

Perhaps simply this: good luck, and I hope to see you again.

Mar. 20th, 2017


cassidy & all the questions tbh

a refugee tried to lift my wallet this morning. one of the stupidest moves i've ever seen

you ever miss the old job any?

how's the new healer?

what sort of treats do nugs like?

ducal wine delivery @ 2pm, check w/ merchant r.

Feb. 21st, 2017


[ Public ]

An army of battle-ready bears, oh my. Nevarra is never boring, I must give it that much.

[ Marin ]

Mon cher Oncle Marin, you would not believe what they are saying about you now. I nearly choked on my soup this evening.

[ Cassidy ]

I am assuming the absurd story about your affair with Sorin Ghrian isn't true, but you should realize that if it is true, there is literally nowhere in Thedas you could run that would be far enough.

Feb. 20th, 2017


Filtered to Noëlle d'Orly
Someone I trust is asking, and saying the truth is the least trouble, for you. Please, may I? If it's not on these things.

Feb. 18th, 2017


[Filtered to friends of Luren and Oz. Apply term liberally.]

Attention dear friends who like celebrations and alcohol and food.

Oz and I are getting married two weeks from today. The ceremony is going to be boring and family-only. The party is going to be as fantastic as you can possibly imagine and you're all required to come. Presents are accepted if they are food, alcohol, or shiny things. But no one is obligated to gift anything outside of their pretty smiles. Bring who you want.

Feb. 10th, 2017


To anyone who has been feeding the cat in the kitchens, I recommend stopping. Her begging is She can find vermin on her own.

I'm afraid I cannot get away from the outpost today for a meeting, but the raven from Val Royeaux came today if you have some moments to spare.

You've [....] recovered fully, I take it?

Jan. 29th, 2017



A beautifully-timed voyage is when tourists manage to arrive in a new city just in time for Wintersend! I would claim that this was on purpose, but honestly, it was simply fortuitous timing to not be caught in that hideous snowstorm. (How do you all survive these things? They're miserable.)

Citizens, what are your favourite parts of the holiday? The bardic competition, the martial tournament, the ball, or the arranged marriages (ha!)? I intend to see them all, of course.

Testing, testing!

These orbs are quite ingenious, aren't they?

Jan. 27th, 2017


[ Public ]

Although spring is coming, it is perhaps not yet the season to wander the streets at night, singing badly at the top of one's lungs, in one's smallclothes. In this city, one really does see the most unexpected things; I may have been scarred for life.

One ought not butcher perfectly good music that way.

[ Bastien ]

It has arrived, and it is not entirely what I expected. When can you come to meet with me?

[ Marin & Iveani - separately ]

[.....................................] I hope you have suffered no further ill effects since our return from the coast.

[...] My apologies for my behavior. While I can't say that I do not know what came over me, I still cannot fully comprehend how it happened.

[ Ambassador Alexius ]

I have something that will interest you which does not fall under the terms of our initial agreement. I propose a trade.

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