Aug. 14th, 2016


First tainted lyrium, and now no new lyrium. Maker help us all.

I am here for all of you, should you need to talk have questions about how to deal with the hardship to come.

O Maker, hear my cry:
Guide me through the blackest nights.
Steel my heart against the temptations of the wicked.
Make me to rest in the warmest places.

O Creator, see me kneel:
For I walk only where You would bid me.
Stand only in places You have blessed.
Sing only the words You place in my throat.

Jun. 15th, 2016


[Filter: Cumberland Circle mages and Templars]

I just wanted to alert everyone that I will be in attendance at Duchess Van Markham's ball Maker help me.

Should any of you need anything, do not hesitate to seek my assistance. Please do not request a dance

Jun. 5th, 2016


Sister Hester, speaker of the Chant for this evening, would like to remind all attendees that there is still time to add names to the Chant of Remembrance. If you know someone who has passed on due to illness or fell in battle, simply leave their name in submission box near the pulpit of the Cumberland Chantry, or [...] comment here so that I may pass on your friend or kin's name to Sister Hester. Maker, this is going to go to the Black City in a handbasket

To the town crier who wouldn't stop pestering me when I was trying to repair the organ was asking me on Saturday: yes, there will be a delegation from the Chantry attending the Duchess Van Markham's ball on the 18th, but no, I have no idea "who they will wearing." One assumes that they will be wearing Chantry robes.

Please tell me that you have a massive smithing project that won't be finished until after the 18th that you absolutely need an assistant for. Or a backlog of projects so massive that you're going to need an assistant to help you until after the 18th.