Mar. 10th, 2017


[TEAM ARTEFACT: tahelos, capentaghast, bamontbelliard]

We have good news, gentlemen(!)

After this: [OCTAVIUS]
It's working, at last. Ana & I are going on a field trip west with our very favourite blue-clad do-gooders for another trial.

Feb. 6th, 2017


A warm thank you to all who participated and ventured forth to watch the tourney this Friday past. And, of course, a gracious congratulations to our victor, Warden Bastien Montbelliard. Your performance during the tourney has given us all comfort that our lives are safe within the hands of the Grey Wardens.

[ Warden Commander Ortan ]
About that matter we had discussed. Would Thursday be much trouble were I to arrange our meeting for then?

[ Drusilla & Tatiana ]
Thursday, one bell. I've arranged a meeting with the Warden Commander and I shall need you both available to discuss what it is you will need from them. They ought to arrive around two bells - this shall give us time to discuss anything you may need to know prior to the meeting.

Jan. 27th, 2017


[ Public ]

Although spring is coming, it is perhaps not yet the season to wander the streets at night, singing badly at the top of one's lungs, in one's smallclothes. In this city, one really does see the most unexpected things; I may have been scarred for life.

One ought not butcher perfectly good music that way.

[ Bastien ]

It has arrived, and it is not entirely what I expected. When can you come to meet with me?

[ Marin & Iveani - separately ]

[.....................................] I hope you have suffered no further ill effects since our return from the coast.

[...] My apologies for my behavior. While I can't say that I do not know what came over me, I still cannot fully comprehend how it happened.

[ Ambassador Alexius ]

I have something that will interest you which does not fall under the terms of our initial agreement. I propose a trade.

Sep. 10th, 2016



To King Markus of Nevarra:

Since attempts to contact you have been met with silence, I have no choice but to address you here, and hope that the public forum means you will have no choice but to acknowledge me. I am the keeper of Clan Alerion, and my people have been repeatedly plagued by kidnappings and deaths at the hands of slavers. Five young people, hardly more than children, have been taken and transported here, to your city. You and your chantry proclaim that all men and women in Nevarra are free - prove it, then, and help us find and free the missing. You have resources that we lack, if you are willing to stay true to your word and aid us.

If you do not, we will continue the raids upon your villages, and they will grow in frequency and severity. You will know then some part of how we feel, besieged on all sides by enemies.

To Magister Alexius of the Tevinter Imperium:

We know very well where our people are taken when they are snatched. If you have knowledge of these slavers and have a single shred of decency in you, come forward now.

[ Souvelani ]

I am told this is how to ensure only you receive my message. Since you did not return to the clan, am I to assume that you have found something useful in the city?

Jul. 14th, 2016


[Magister Alexius]

I've a matter I wish to discuss with you. It is past time we spoke away from prying ears, no?

Jul. 10th, 2016


[circle of magi & orlesian and tevinter delegations]

It occurs to me that our esteemed visiting delegates, though no doubt welcomed heartily to our city, may not have had the benefit of a personal guide! So if anyone would like a brief guided tour of the Tower and its environs from one of its old warhorses, I, Olivier Castillo, offer myself up.

It'll be dreadfully shallow and tourism-focused, mind. We Nevarrans are so fond of showing off. (Or perhaps that's just me...?)