Aug. 24th, 2016


Grand Cleric Anastasia; backdated to yesterday

Forgive me for overstepping the knight-commander, but he is [...] indisposed, and I did not know where else to turn.

I have received a report of suspicious behavior in one of our mages that points might point to blood magic. This mage has a history of odd conduct, and she has been spotted with what might be blood on her robes and and a journal with sketches of demons. Before I proceed with any action, I wanted to inform someone in charge, and ordinarily it would have been the knight-commander, but he is taking the lyrium shortage poorly and is unapproachable at this time.

Aug. 23rd, 2016


If anyone has any information regarding Mister Berith, do please come forward. The worsening violence on the streets does no group credit.

A moment of your time, if you can spare it, Ser?

Aug. 14th, 2016


First tainted lyrium, and now no new lyrium. Maker help us all.

I am here for all of you, should you need to talk have questions about how to deal with the hardship to come.

O Maker, hear my cry:
Guide me through the blackest nights.
Steel my heart against the temptations of the wicked.
Make me to rest in the warmest places.

O Creator, see me kneel:
For I walk only where You would bid me.
Stand only in places You have blessed.
Sing only the words You place in my throat.

Aug. 10th, 2016


Since this didn't go to hell in a hand basket last time, Sister Tabea, speaker of the Chant this evening, taking inspiration from Sister Hester, would like to extend the opportunity to parishioners to comment here with names of deceased family members and loved ones that they would like included in the Chant of Remembrance.

Also, anyone else who tells me that I'm glowing will get a arrow shoved straight up their

You know that it isn't true, don't you?

The Maker would forgive me if I tripped lay-sisters Gertrude and Adawolfa, wouldn't he?


I hope no one's given you too much trouble about

On the bright side, I don't think my mother will throw me at Pietro Forsythia for a few months now that