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Aug. 10th, 2016


Since this didn't go to hell in a hand basket last time, Sister Tabea, speaker of the Chant this evening, taking inspiration from Sister Hester, would like to extend the opportunity to parishioners to comment here with names of deceased family members and loved ones that they would like included in the Chant of Remembrance.

Also, anyone else who tells me that I'm glowing will get a arrow shoved straight up their

You know that it isn't true, don't you?

The Maker would forgive me if I tripped lay-sisters Gertrude and Adawolfa, wouldn't he?


I hope no one's given you too much trouble about

On the bright side, I don't think my mother will throw me at Pietro Forsythia for a few months now that

Aug. 6th, 2016


If I say the rumors about me and Oz are true, do we get engagement gifts? Wedding gifts? Because I like gifts.



If prices on luxury goods do indeed fall, do you think we might also get a better selection of Orlesian bath oils? Inquiring minds wish to know.

[ Olivier ]

I was quite saddened to inform the person who asked me today about our passionate affair that we weren't having one. Perhaps we ought to?

Or at the very least, perhaps we ought to play cards again, now that All Souls is past.

[ Luren ]

I shall mourn your bachelorhood thoroughly, I'll have you know.

[ Elspeth ]

Sister, I underestimated you.

Aug. 2nd, 2016


[public; pretend this was posted yesterday!]


Life is a going forth; death is a returning home.

Of every ten, three are ministers of life (to themselves); and three are ministers of death. There are also three in every ten whose aim is to live, but whose movements tend to the land (or place) of death. Why is this? Because of their excessive strivings after life.

It has been said that he who thoroughly understands how to care for his life will not need to shun the rhinoceros or the tiger; he need not fear weapons even in the midst of a battle. The rhinoceros finds no place into which to thrust its horn; the tiger no place into which to fix its claws; nor the sword a place into which to flesh its point. Why is this? Because such a one is not moved by the thought of death.


[ public ]

Isn't raising the dead and parading them through the streets like marionettes a little distasteful, or is that just me?

Jul. 12th, 2016


I'm feeling creative. Who wants to give me a specialized weapon design idea and I'll make them one?

Jul. 11th, 2016



That was quite a spectacle yesterday, wouldn't you agree? I found myself equal parts inspired and terrified for the combatants. Quite unexpected to see His Royal Highness participate!

[ Cassidy ]

Your friend acquitted herself rather well at the tourney. But I suppose if I had wanted to know who would win in a fight between a Warden and a Crow, I would be left still wondering.

I hadn't actually intended to go, but it was rather interesting. Did you end up catching any of it?

[ Asmund ]

Remind me never to get on the business end of your blade, hmm?

[ Bastien ]

An impressive show of skill yesterday, monsieur. I was cheering for you.

[ Elspeth ]

Chérie, do tell me if you need the name of an affordable but competent seamstress. I would so love to assist you. After all, the Maker's servants oughtn't be unkempt. You are Andraste's representatives here among the living.

[ Inge ]

Chess game next weekend? I believe it has been too long.

Jul. 10th, 2016


I've discovered today that it's entirely possible to create a flask of ice that burns as effectively as a flask of fire.

I heard something about a tournament of some kind tomorrow. Has anyone heard the details of what time it begins?

Nug leather is not quite as durable as ram. If you tan it right, though, nug leather makes for not only good fashion, but excellent jerky.

Jun. 29th, 2016


Is there anyone in need of some errand running? I do not need much pay, but I can guarantee delivery of small parcels.

[ SHAE ]
Do you charge to teach
Never mind

Jun. 14th, 2016


[ public ]

An angry dwarf challenges a cocky Warden to a drinking match.

Who wins?

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