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Nov. 14th, 2016


It's the season for dressing in layers at last and in that spirit, Melra's Clothiers will be running a promotion. For every purchase made in the next two weeks, customers will be entered into a lottery to win three custom designed pieces of the winner's choosing-- the only limits being the winner's imagination and my skill with a needle.

Good luck!

Oct. 31st, 2016


The gardens at the palace will be open to the public in honor of Satinalia. I hope that you will find them as relaxing as I do.

How do you fare, princess? Better, I trust?

Oct. 8th, 2016


[ Isolde ]
My condolences to you and your family once more, madam. It was a beautiful service this afternoon. If there is anything I can do for you, do not hesitate to ask.

[ Noëlle ]
I must admit to some curiosity about the other day: where did you learn to fight like that? It was most impressive!

[ Souvelani ]
[...] This might seem [...] strange to say, but the horses seem to miss your presence when you are not here. It seems that what they say about the Dalish is You certainly do have a way with them.

Oct. 2nd, 2016


My [...] sincerest gratitude to those who have expressed their condolences. A memorial service shall be held on 8 Harvestmere at the Chantry at twelve bells.

[...] In regards to the [...] rumors that have been flying about since the Duke's death, I would ask that a modicum of respect is shown and such things are not discussed in my or my childrens', including the new Duke's, presence.

Oct. 1st, 2016


pretend this was posted yesterday

It certainly isn't a complete week without a sighting of demons, is it.

So! My forty-sixth birthday was last Sunday. I'd rather hoped that by burying myself under my duvet and refusing to acknowledge the relentless passing of time, I might stave off the inevitable obsolescence. This was pointless. Instead: Let's celebrate! I've rented a private balcony at a pub tomorrow afternoon. Come drink with me and pretend we don't live here.

Octavian was

My condolences, cousin.

Will you be anywhere near the Three Knaves tonight or tomorrow? I've a mind to win some of my money back.

Sep. 6th, 2016



A gentleman attempted to sell me a fur cloak this afternoon, assuring me I would need it any day now. I am somewhat doubtful, but I cannot deny it is pleasant to see the marketplace reinvigorated. There seem to be some interesting new merchants in wake of the complications and closures of the last few months. Has anyone come across anything interesting?

[ Alia ]

Speaking of interesting, the autumn colors are making an appearance at last. A trip to the marketplace tomorrow, perhaps? It is far more enjoyable with company.

[ Isolde ]

I do hope that you and your family weathered the recent difficulties well. I have missed our chats.

[ Bastien ]

No further intruders, I trust? Have you had the chance to work through the journals?

Aug. 23rd, 2016


If anyone has any information regarding Mister Berith, do please come forward. The worsening violence on the streets does no group credit.

A moment of your time, if you can spare it, Ser?

Aug. 14th, 2016


You may have seen the fire last night. You may have started to hear rumors. I write here to establish the truth for all:

Last night Narazda Tethras, Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild, deshyr of the Guild Assembly, pillar of Cumberland society, ally and supporter to all those who would end the Blight was assassinated at her home. Agrevain Berith, Head of the Nevarran Carta, leader of the organization that delivered tainted lyrium to the Circle and the Chantry, to the Tevene ambassadors and the Grey Wardens, whose greed for your gold led to more than disruptions and sickness but death, placed several contracts out for her assassination. While he dared not face her personally, her blood is on his hands.

And yet, hers is not the only blood on his hands. Her murder was not simply personal, it was business. He has paid gold to sow further discord and troubles in our city, in our country, so that he can step forward as your savior and rake in even more gold than he spent for cheap goods you cannot trust. He would see you lose what you need with one hand to sell it to you, for an exaggerated value, with the other.

None of this will stand. I, Sandrin Tethras, Acting Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild and all of the Guild, will not let his crime go unpunished and his greed be rewarded.

FIRST Evidence of Berith’s crime has been provided to the proper authorities. There is no doubt, and the punishment for his crime is death. Should he be apprehended and secured long enough, he will die.

SECOND His crimes warrant swift justice; since he is a wily man capable of disappearing for great lengths of time, I hereby place a bounty of 5,000 (five thousand) gold pieces for his death. Bring me his corpse, and you will have seen justice through and be paid well for your part in it.

THIRD In honor of our late leader and your staunchest ally, because the injustice done to her and to this city cannot be allowed to stand, in demonstration of all that Narazda and the Guild has done so far, to show you the far ends the Carta wants there will be no lyrium delivered to the Circle or the Chantry, to the Tevene Embassy or the Wardens, until Agrevain Berith is dead. The Guild will not deliver its lyrium supplies. However, to prevent further deaths, the deaths of innocents, and the rewarding of murder, all attempts made by the Carta will be intercepted. There will be no more lyrium as of this moment.

FOURTH Once justice is served, once lyrium services resume, I will happily meet with representatives from any group that needs more to ensure all your needs are met with product you can depend on. Whatever your needs are, we can meet it, and we can be trusted with it.

Your faithful ally,
Sandrin Tethras
Acting Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild

Postscript: Do not bring Agrevain Berith to me alive. It matters more that he is dead than who kills him. If you have his location and contacting me will not compromise action, I will happily join you in exacting justice, and whether it is by my hand or yours, you will receive the full award.

Aug. 4th, 2016


The days following All Souls so often feel hollow, however this morning on my walk, I found the most delightful doll for sell in one of the stalls. The intricacy of the woodwork of the skull was truly marvelous.

Warden Pentaghast,
   I have already sent ahead formal invitation to your outpost, but I wished to reach out in advance of its receipt. I do hope you will be able to come to tea on the 13th. I reassure you, this is pleasure and not business.

Enchanter Margrace,
   I have already sent ahead formal invitation to the Circle, but I wished to reach out in advance of its receipt. I do hope you will be able to come to tea on the 13th. I would simply adore the opportunity to speak with you more.

Aug. 3rd, 2016


I am pleased to announce that Melra's Clothiers will, at long last, be open for business this Friday, starting at seven!

Original designs, fabrics, yarns, threads, ribbons, and tapestries will be available for sale at reasonable prices. And all are welcome to shop!

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