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Apr. 4th, 2017


posted from his new orb

[ the fam ]
I just told Reha that I'm going back to work on Friday, and only for a week. I'm also going to be bringing all my winter clothes to her to see if she wants to reuse any of the materials and I'm going to send the rest to either the alienage or the Chantry, so if there's anything you want me to take, let me know.

Don't worry, I won't come home with even a single new article of clothing no matter how tempting the upcoming summer line might be.

[ Lev ]
Can we start sparring again? I [...] need a distraction, and I'm honestly sick and tired of being cooped up in here.

[ Iveani ]
I heard that you were the one who helped me a couple of weeks ago. Words can't express just how thankful I am that you saved my life, but thank you, truly. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.

[ Sandrin ]
I just wanted to thank you again for the prosthetic you made me. I won't go into the details but I don't think I'd be alive if you hadn't made it for me, so thank you.

[ Cassidy ]
I know it's been a while since we've talked, and that's my fault, but I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.

Also, if you have some free time, I need would like to start the archery lessons again. I understand if you don't have the time. I might be leaving in a couple of weeks anyway, but I thought I'd ask.

[ Takwana ]
I heard that you're leaving for the front tomorrow. I won't be able to see you off, and I'm sorry you haven't heard from me in a while, but I just wanted to thank you for all of your kindness and patience while you taught me Tevene. My [...] The people I was learning for, they know now, and they'll help me with the rest. Please, be safe, and may the Maker watch over you.

[ Shae ]
[...........................................................] I know that we never really got along and that you don't really care for me, but please know that I'm wishing all the best for you, and that I hope that you'll return safe.

Jan. 14th, 2017


Melra's Clothiers will be closed this week. Incomplete orders which were expected to be fulfilled this week will be refunded in full.

On a more personal note, I'll be offering a small sum of gold to whomever can provide me with this most detailed and truthful account of events that have recently taken place at the alienage.

[Princess Adrianna Alia Pentaghast.]
Your Highness. I am very much aware of the impertinence of using this device to contact you personally when our connection, though always amicable, has been purely professional and certainly not one of social equals, but I'm afraid it is legitimately a matter of life or death for some individuals I care for very much. Please, might I beg some of your attention towards a matter that is surely beneath you but of the utmost importance to me?

[Luren, Oz, and Sandrin.]
What's the fastest way to get three individuals out of prison/potential execution in this city?

Dec. 27th, 2016


[ Public ]

With First Day fast approaching, I can't help but to reflect on the past twelve months -- and I can't believe everything that has happened. Has it only been just one year?

[ Godric ]
About meeting my mothers, is dinner on the 8th of Wintermarch okay? Should I mention it's their annivers I'll walk with you through the alienage, and I know some backstreets we can take if you're really nervous about that.

[ Lev ]
[.................................] Do you have any plans for First Day?

[ Rook & Souvelani & Bastien, separately (they'll see it when they get back into town, probably) ]
Please let me know when you're back! I miss you.

[ Sandrin ]
It's been a while since I checked in, but I just wanted to let you know that the arm is performing wonderfully, and it's made a huge difference in every aspect of my life. Thank you so much again, and please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you. Also, have you talked to Reha yet

Dec. 9th, 2016


I haven't heard a word from you since whatever it is that happened yesterday happened but I'm deciding to take that as good news. Surely someone would have the decency to inform me if you were dead. Unless, of course, your body is beyond recogn--

Do you have a better idea of what went on in the market yesterday than word on the street? The gossip is becoming truly unbelievable.

I'm keeping the shop open for now-- at least until details of yesterday's events become clearer. But there hasn't been a customer all day so far. If you'd like to take the time off, I'll hardly blame you.

Dec. 5th, 2016


Greetings Cumberland,

The Merchants’ Guild works in full swing. In fact, we may have an even fuller swing than before. We thank you for your business and hope, as always, you will return. At this moment, however, we have a short term opportunity for two individuals to work as bodyguards for a Guild caravan. The work should take an estimated three weeks and involve travel through Orlais and Ferelden to reach our cousins in Orzammar. If you are interested and available to lend your blade or your bow, please speak to me here.

With best wishes to His Highness and Her Grace on their upcoming marriage,
Sandrin Tethras
Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild

Sign up for this plot here before responding

Filtered: Sorin Ghrian
When would it be convenient for you to come by my office? I have a moderate sized something for you.

Oct. 28th, 2016


It's a crass and heartless thing to even think, never mind commit to sharing on these things, but if there's one benefit to the violent outbursts in the city's streets it's the ability to get a great deal of work done while hidden away, waiting for the danger to pass. In my fear, I somehow managed to finish my all of my Satinalia orders and the tapestry I've been working on for months.

Sep. 8th, 2016


Is it just me or is today an exceptionally lovely day?

[Luren & Oz.]
Let me know when you two have slept it off. There is much to discuss right away if we're to throw a proper wedding this spring!

Sep. 1st, 2016


broke my lute which is a tragedy it was always a good lute but i bought myself a new one also bought a flute which i havent played in a long time

right so this evening ill be debuting my brand new song about the heroes who slayed agrevain at the golden skull and its great if i do say so myself so you should come out and here it.


so i was with the group that killed agrevain and it was crazy i think he almost cut my ear off and i got shot with a crossbow and that was awful but its all fixed now im okay but you would not believe how much they paid me and i bought you a present.

Aug. 27th, 2016


It pleases me to announce that justice has been served; one Agrevain Berith, guilty of assassination, of suborning order, of seeking to extort all of us and leave us worse off for it, is dead. The conflict between the Merchants' Guild and Berith, along with those who defended him, is finished. The embargo is lifted, and peace restored. Lyrium is being delivered to the Circle and the Chantry, to the Tevene delegation and the Grey Wardens. Should you need more immediately, for receiving none in the last fortnight, it is within our means to do so. Any and all interruptions shall have no ties to this necessary justice or the Merchants' Guild.

I am available and welcome meetings with representatives of the Circle and the Chantry, of the Tevene delegation and the Grey Wardens to meet your lyrium needs. Should anyone be in particular need of something else, the appropriate meetings can be arranged as well. And to the Carta, whomever's shoulders it falls onto next, it is clear that the relationship between Madam Narazda Tethras and Mister Agrevain Berith served no one well in the end, not the Guild nor the Carta, not the city nor its trading partners. Let us avoid that pitfall together. Reach out, and we too can meet.

Filtered: Merchants' Guild members and associates
You have all made me quite proud these last two weeks. There will be a celebration and a remembrance tonight, a celebration of what we have accomplished and a remembrance for all those we have lost. I will be there, for all who wish to speak, or drink, with me.

Aug. 21st, 2016


CUMBERLAND CIRCLE, backdated to yesterday plz and ty.

If any one of you is experiencing any persisting symptoms of lyrium withdrawal (lightheadedness, increased agitation, confusion), please come see myself, the Knight-Commander, your instructors, or one of the Senior Enchanters as soon as possible. Lyrium deficiency can be unpredictable, and we encourage all to keep magic use to a minimum while this embargo continues to prevent further symptoms.

I will be frank: we have no estimate on when this embargo will come to an end. We have only what remains in our stores, and we will continue to ration what is left to ensure withdrawal symptoms do not persist for long. Those of you who are contributing to the relief efforts in the city, thank you for your continued devotion and selflessness. Please be especially mindful of your mana exertion while we are trying to accommodate all.

With increasing violence in the streets, the Knight-Commander and I would like to propose a companion system for continued safety. If you have plans to leave the Tower, please partner with another mage or templar, or if no one is readily available, the Knight-Commander or myself. We, too, will adhere to this system, as will all Junior and Senior Enchanters. You may choose whomever you please, but we do encourage partnering with another you have not had opportunity to speak with before. In this, we will both protect and perhaps learn something about one another.

We do this not to stifle or cage you, but to preserve our strength and establish good will throughout the Tower. There is strength in numbers, and I am sure that together we can overcome this if we remain careful, brave, and vigilant.

Should you have questions or concerns, I open the floor to you all. Thank you.

Mister Tethras, I suspect your time is very precious as of late, but if I may schedule a moment to speak with you, I would be most humbled.

How do your mage wardens fare during all this?

[ PILAR. ]
This book is certainly distracting.

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