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May. 4th, 2017


[ Warden Commander Ortan ]
I have been receiving [...] highly troublesome reports from Hunter Fell and I was hoping you might be able to enlighten me on the situation. I am aware that the Grey Wardens have since left the region, but maybe you can provide me [...] a more objective perspective on what, precisely, the armies from the Tevinter Imperium and Orlesian Empire are doing.

[ Pilar ]
The Tevene army still occupies Hunter Fell and the Orlesians have changed course from the Empire to our capital city. I fear that the negotiations are yielding the results we have been fighting to avoid during the negotiations. I wish I could ask you to reassure me that I am being paranoid, but I refuse to lose our country to "wait and see."

Apr. 2nd, 2017


[ Public - posted late morning]

Cumberland's remaining Warden forces will depart for the front at dawn on Wednesday, 5 Cloudreach. Anyone willing and able to fight is welcome to join us without pledging to the Order or to any nation's army. Arrangements have been made for such volunteers to receive daily mercenary pay for the duration of their time with us. Pay contingent on skill and experience, inquire at the outpost.

Mar. 21st, 2017


[Grand Cleric Anastasia & First Enchanter Kuvira Drake]

My people haven't come across a new case since yesterday morning, so I'd say we're close to having the taint contained. My thanks for your help, and for keeping the panic to a minimum.


Good work these last few weeks. No fighting in the streets, so I'd say we handled that about as well as we possibly could have.

For those of you who've taken on extra shifts in the city clinics, you'll find a clear morning or afternoon on your schedule in the next week.

Mar. 6th, 2017


[Wardens - posted morning of 2/27]

Civilian reports of blighted animals in the woods. Might just be jumping at shadows, but better to check. Some of you with free mornings are on the duty roster now. Go take a walk in the woods.

[Grand Cleric Anastasia - several hours later]

Looks like your herbalists were right. My people are on it, but if you could keep your most overzealous parishioners from any stupid heroics, that would be best.

Feb. 26th, 2017


So Andraste said to her followers: "You who stand before the gates,
You who have followed me into the heart of evil,
The fear of death is in your eyes; its hand is upon your throat.
Raise your voices to the heavens! Remember:
Not alone do we stand on the field of battle.

"The Maker is with us! His Light shall be our banner,
And we shall bear it through the gates of that city and deliver it
To our brothers and sisters awaiting their freedom within those walls,
At last, the Light shall shine upon all of creation,
If we are only strong enough to carry it."

And the armies of Andraste raised their voices,
Singing a hymn of praise to the Maker. And feared no more,
And Andraste went apart to seek the Maker's wisdom
For the battle to come.

[Warden Commander Ortan]
I'm afraid that I've been the recipient of some [...] troubling news. If I might have a moment of your time?

Feb. 10th, 2017


To anyone who has been feeding the cat in the kitchens, I recommend stopping. Her begging is She can find vermin on her own.

I'm afraid I cannot get away from the outpost today for a meeting, but the raven from Val Royeaux came today if you have some moments to spare.

You've [....] recovered fully, I take it?

Feb. 6th, 2017


A warm thank you to all who participated and ventured forth to watch the tourney this Friday past. And, of course, a gracious congratulations to our victor, Warden Bastien Montbelliard. Your performance during the tourney has given us all comfort that our lives are safe within the hands of the Grey Wardens.

[ Warden Commander Ortan ]
About that matter we had discussed. Would Thursday be much trouble were I to arrange our meeting for then?

[ Drusilla & Tatiana ]
Thursday, one bell. I've arranged a meeting with the Warden Commander and I shall need you both available to discuss what it is you will need from them. They ought to arrive around two bells - this shall give us time to discuss anything you may need to know prior to the meeting.

Feb. 1st, 2017


[ Wardens ]

Like the king says, we've finally gotten somewhere.

Expect marching orders by Monday for about half the current Cumberland force. The rest stay, for now, though we'll continue decreasing our presence over the next few weeks. If you've got a strong preference on going now versus later, speak up.

Except you, Pentaghast and Montbelliard. I'm going to need you for something the Tevenes are bringing to the table. I figure of the lot of you, you two are least likely to offend them. Details once I've got them.

The rest of you, enjoy the party on Saturday if you're planning on taking the duke up on his invitation - that'll be the last fancy finger food you'll see for awhile.

Dec. 20th, 2016


[ Wardens - posted early morning]

Update from the front: we need a strike team to fly up the river to Caimen Brea and figure out what the sodding hell is going on up there. The outpost's gone silent.

Nandoro, Ghilain, you two plus four more leave as soon as you can pack. Volunteer fast or you be voluntold.

[[ added a bit later ]]

Pack up, Alerion, you're needed at the stables.

Sep. 14th, 2016



I've got reports of darkspawn a week's ride away from the city. Not a breakthrough from the front - I was assured they're still holding the line there. This is something else.

Looking for three volunteers to go find the source and resolve. You'll fly out via griffon tomorrow.

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