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Apr. 18th, 2017


posted pre-aliya tavern fight.

why are shopkeeps getting ready for Summerday already? it's still two weeks out. the flowers will be dead by Bloomingtide.

good news: repairs still under way and looking good
weird news: you won't believe it, but Pickle found his way to the fucking inn.

holding up alright? with the Wardens being gone.

[.....] ALIA.
so raziya says you're a berserker. for how long?

Apr. 12th, 2017


Might I inquire about a few brave volunteers? It seems that with the Wardens and a great deal of the city's forces en route to the front, some unsavory people have begun to ambush weary travelers and refugees. The Chantry will provide compensation for anyone who will deal with these bandits.

Apr. 3rd, 2017


[ Public ]

So, I was going to say, I'm finally walking like a normal person, let's go get drinks!

But then things got serious, so I'm saying... let's go get drinks!!

I'd promise to buy any Warden who wanders into The Drunken Barmaid a drink, but I'm basically a pauper at this point. Still, I promise to drink to your success and good fortune.

[ Una ]

I swear, if I don't get out of this room I'm going to kill someone!! Everything's been too serious lately, and then red went and got herself killed like an idiot. Let's go out. We have nothing better to do anyway. Argus' latest estimate is 5 Bloomingtide.

[ Alia ]

I doubt you've got the time, gorgeous, but that's an open invitation.

Mar. 26th, 2017



Well, when one hears the title of a play often enough, it certainly encourages one to go see it! I certainly hope Fadestalker and His Battle Versus the Void Warrior lives up to its reputation. It should make for a lovely Tuesday evening, I think.

[ Drusilla ]
We are going to this play, Dru. You need to get your mind off of yesterday.

Feb. 18th, 2017


[Filtered to friends of Luren and Oz. Apply term liberally.]

Attention dear friends who like celebrations and alcohol and food.

Oz and I are getting married two weeks from today. The ceremony is going to be boring and family-only. The party is going to be as fantastic as you can possibly imagine and you're all required to come. Presents are accepted if they are food, alcohol, or shiny things. But no one is obligated to gift anything outside of their pretty smiles. Bring who you want.

Feb. 4th, 2017


I need you to tell me as soon as you're awake again and let me take you out to breakfast.

I'll be late to the shop tomorrow. Captain Nadhari is meant to to send someone to deliver the Rivaini trouser patterns we ordered, as well as a supply of fabric I offered to buy the entire stock of. I'm hoping to be back before then but if not, I trust you to negotiate a decent price around the fabrics' quality.

Feb. 1st, 2017


its wintersend so yknow what that means whos going drinkin? gotta start the celebrations off right after all

and dad wanted me tmention that the shop is having a sale up thru the ball so if ya need leathers come by and get some for a decent price

Jan. 30th, 2017



alright, the rooster and the clam wasn't that bad at all, let's go at it again tomorrow night

and if you feel so inclined to buy me drinks because it's my birthday tomorrow, well, I won't stop you

Jan. 16th, 2017


[ friends ]

no one happens to have a spare broadsword lying around do they?

[ luren ]

do you have time to take a rush commission?

[ reha ]

going to see your brother today, is that offer to have something made for me on your tab still open?

[ godric ]

if you wake up while i'm out, i'm bringing food, put in requests now or i'm assuming pie.

[ cassidy ]

assuming you got home alright. we should get a drink sometime. probably not in the alienage.

[ sorin ]

[...] you don't have to reply to this but if you need something, let me know.

Jan. 14th, 2017


Melra's Clothiers will be closed this week. Incomplete orders which were expected to be fulfilled this week will be refunded in full.

On a more personal note, I'll be offering a small sum of gold to whomever can provide me with this most detailed and truthful account of events that have recently taken place at the alienage.

[Princess Adrianna Alia Pentaghast.]
Your Highness. I am very much aware of the impertinence of using this device to contact you personally when our connection, though always amicable, has been purely professional and certainly not one of social equals, but I'm afraid it is legitimately a matter of life or death for some individuals I care for very much. Please, might I beg some of your attention towards a matter that is surely beneath you but of the utmost importance to me?

[Luren, Oz, and Sandrin.]
What's the fastest way to get three individuals out of prison/potential execution in this city?

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