Mar. 29th, 2017


[ Friends ]

My schedule is a bit lighter over the next week, so if any of you have time, let's meet in town.

I want It's been a rough few weeks, I'd like to spend some time with people I like.

[ Alia ]

If you have a couple of hours any day soon, let me know. It's nothing urgent, I'd just like to see you.

[ Rosalind ]

All signs of the taint are fully eliminated from the outpost now, so if you'd like to start coming by again, I hope you will. I do intend to make it out to the Circle sometime soon, too, but I doubt they'll let Giulia out until they feel she's battle-ready, so this way you can see us both.

[...] And I miss waking up to your face.

[ Giulia ]

How are the bruises?

[ Drusilla ]


The commander has just informed Montbelliard and myself of last night's tragedy. My deepest condolences for your loss.

[...] Please do not feel obligated to answer this message, but if there is anything I can do for you (personally or on behalf of the Order), let me know.

[ Pilar - ultimately unsent ]

I have something I want to

Mar. 12th, 2017



For those of you who are contributing to the wellness of those at our clinics, thank you. You do the Circle proud. Please continue to assist the Grey Wardens as you can, as another complaint about quarrels with the Wardens will not be tolerated. Furthermore, please continue to fully familiarize yourself more with the symptoms of the taint to avoid further infection, and permit yourselves to be thoroughly examined before departure. I will have lyrium supplies replenished within the day.

Junior enchanters, you are to limit your clinical hours drastically. Please allow the senior enchanters to take your places as necessary. This is not a suggestion. You are all reminded that under no circumstances are you to speak of your experiences outside of the clinics for the safety of all.

If you are having difficulties during this time, please know that my door is open to speak.

May the Maker's light shine upon you all, and those in your care.

Are you well, Iveani?

[....] I regret we did not have a chance to see one another before you left, Giulia.

Will you accompany me to the Chantry tonight?

Mar. 11th, 2017



I'm heading out for about a week tomorrow morning. Take care until I return.

[Team Artefact ]

We've got transportation in the morning. The riders generally leave at dawn, so you will want to be here early. Ordinarily, I would offer sleeping quarters here at the outpost to save on morning travel, but under current circumstances, let us meet outside the outpost gate at six bells instead.

[ Rosalind ]

Please, for my sake, be careful. Keep clear of the tainted as much as you can.

[ Giulia ]

While I'm gone, if you need something, ask around for Midha Aenoch.

[ Midha ]

While I'm out, can you do me a favor and keep an eye out for one the new Wardens? Giulia Sala.