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Apr. 2nd, 2017


[ Public - posted late morning]

Cumberland's remaining Warden forces will depart for the front at dawn on Wednesday, 5 Cloudreach. Anyone willing and able to fight is welcome to join us without pledging to the Order or to any nation's army. Arrangements have been made for such volunteers to receive daily mercenary pay for the duration of their time with us. Pay contingent on skill and experience, inquire at the outpost.

Mar. 21st, 2017


[Grand Cleric Anastasia & First Enchanter Kuvira Drake]

My people haven't come across a new case since yesterday morning, so I'd say we're close to having the taint contained. My thanks for your help, and for keeping the panic to a minimum.


Good work these last few weeks. No fighting in the streets, so I'd say we handled that about as well as we possibly could have.

For those of you who've taken on extra shifts in the city clinics, you'll find a clear morning or afternoon on your schedule in the next week.

Mar. 12th, 2017



For those of you who are contributing to the wellness of those at our clinics, thank you. You do the Circle proud. Please continue to assist the Grey Wardens as you can, as another complaint about quarrels with the Wardens will not be tolerated. Furthermore, please continue to fully familiarize yourself more with the symptoms of the taint to avoid further infection, and permit yourselves to be thoroughly examined before departure. I will have lyrium supplies replenished within the day.

Junior enchanters, you are to limit your clinical hours drastically. Please allow the senior enchanters to take your places as necessary. This is not a suggestion. You are all reminded that under no circumstances are you to speak of your experiences outside of the clinics for the safety of all.

If you are having difficulties during this time, please know that my door is open to speak.

May the Maker's light shine upon you all, and those in your care.

Are you well, Iveani?

[....] I regret we did not have a chance to see one another before you left, Giulia.

Will you accompany me to the Chantry tonight?

Dec. 5th, 2016


Greetings Cumberland,

The Merchants’ Guild works in full swing. In fact, we may have an even fuller swing than before. We thank you for your business and hope, as always, you will return. At this moment, however, we have a short term opportunity for two individuals to work as bodyguards for a Guild caravan. The work should take an estimated three weeks and involve travel through Orlais and Ferelden to reach our cousins in Orzammar. If you are interested and available to lend your blade or your bow, please speak to me here.

With best wishes to His Highness and Her Grace on their upcoming marriage,
Sandrin Tethras
Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild

Sign up for this plot here before responding

Filtered: Sorin Ghrian
When would it be convenient for you to come by my office? I have a moderate sized something for you.

Oct. 15th, 2016


i may be adding more filters to this, stay tuned plz

New information about the events of last night has come to light, Your Majesty. Do you mind terribly if we use this medium to discuss it?

Additionally, I will send for another of our best healers tomorrow to aid with your family's injuries.

It is imperative that we speak immediately, Ashi. I am afraid it cannot wait.

How are things faring?

Oct. 10th, 2016


Willow bark tea tastes like chalk.

I had a vision in the library this afternoon. It involved one of members of the Circle. It was Meserre C What does Olivier Castillo know of

The Tranquil healer's assistant told me that you caught me before I fell. Thank you. [...] I hope the books I was giving you were not damaged too badly.

You need to know What do you in the crypts You are not safe

Oct. 1st, 2016


pretend this was posted yesterday

It certainly isn't a complete week without a sighting of demons, is it.

So! My forty-sixth birthday was last Sunday. I'd rather hoped that by burying myself under my duvet and refusing to acknowledge the relentless passing of time, I might stave off the inevitable obsolescence. This was pointless. Instead: Let's celebrate! I've rented a private balcony at a pub tomorrow afternoon. Come drink with me and pretend we don't live here.

Octavian was

My condolences, cousin.

Will you be anywhere near the Three Knaves tonight or tomorrow? I've a mind to win some of my money back.

Aug. 21st, 2016


CUMBERLAND CIRCLE, backdated to yesterday plz and ty.

If any one of you is experiencing any persisting symptoms of lyrium withdrawal (lightheadedness, increased agitation, confusion), please come see myself, the Knight-Commander, your instructors, or one of the Senior Enchanters as soon as possible. Lyrium deficiency can be unpredictable, and we encourage all to keep magic use to a minimum while this embargo continues to prevent further symptoms.

I will be frank: we have no estimate on when this embargo will come to an end. We have only what remains in our stores, and we will continue to ration what is left to ensure withdrawal symptoms do not persist for long. Those of you who are contributing to the relief efforts in the city, thank you for your continued devotion and selflessness. Please be especially mindful of your mana exertion while we are trying to accommodate all.

With increasing violence in the streets, the Knight-Commander and I would like to propose a companion system for continued safety. If you have plans to leave the Tower, please partner with another mage or templar, or if no one is readily available, the Knight-Commander or myself. We, too, will adhere to this system, as will all Junior and Senior Enchanters. You may choose whomever you please, but we do encourage partnering with another you have not had opportunity to speak with before. In this, we will both protect and perhaps learn something about one another.

We do this not to stifle or cage you, but to preserve our strength and establish good will throughout the Tower. There is strength in numbers, and I am sure that together we can overcome this if we remain careful, brave, and vigilant.

Should you have questions or concerns, I open the floor to you all. Thank you.

Mister Tethras, I suspect your time is very precious as of late, but if I may schedule a moment to speak with you, I would be most humbled.

How do your mage wardens fare during all this?

[ PILAR. ]
This book is certainly distracting.

Aug. 14th, 2016


You may have seen the fire last night. You may have started to hear rumors. I write here to establish the truth for all:

Last night Narazda Tethras, Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild, deshyr of the Guild Assembly, pillar of Cumberland society, ally and supporter to all those who would end the Blight was assassinated at her home. Agrevain Berith, Head of the Nevarran Carta, leader of the organization that delivered tainted lyrium to the Circle and the Chantry, to the Tevene ambassadors and the Grey Wardens, whose greed for your gold led to more than disruptions and sickness but death, placed several contracts out for her assassination. While he dared not face her personally, her blood is on his hands.

And yet, hers is not the only blood on his hands. Her murder was not simply personal, it was business. He has paid gold to sow further discord and troubles in our city, in our country, so that he can step forward as your savior and rake in even more gold than he spent for cheap goods you cannot trust. He would see you lose what you need with one hand to sell it to you, for an exaggerated value, with the other.

None of this will stand. I, Sandrin Tethras, Acting Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild and all of the Guild, will not let his crime go unpunished and his greed be rewarded.

FIRST Evidence of Berith’s crime has been provided to the proper authorities. There is no doubt, and the punishment for his crime is death. Should he be apprehended and secured long enough, he will die.

SECOND His crimes warrant swift justice; since he is a wily man capable of disappearing for great lengths of time, I hereby place a bounty of 5,000 (five thousand) gold pieces for his death. Bring me his corpse, and you will have seen justice through and be paid well for your part in it.

THIRD In honor of our late leader and your staunchest ally, because the injustice done to her and to this city cannot be allowed to stand, in demonstration of all that Narazda and the Guild has done so far, to show you the far ends the Carta wants there will be no lyrium delivered to the Circle or the Chantry, to the Tevene Embassy or the Wardens, until Agrevain Berith is dead. The Guild will not deliver its lyrium supplies. However, to prevent further deaths, the deaths of innocents, and the rewarding of murder, all attempts made by the Carta will be intercepted. There will be no more lyrium as of this moment.

FOURTH Once justice is served, once lyrium services resume, I will happily meet with representatives from any group that needs more to ensure all your needs are met with product you can depend on. Whatever your needs are, we can meet it, and we can be trusted with it.

Your faithful ally,
Sandrin Tethras
Acting Head of the Nevarran Merchants’ Guild

Postscript: Do not bring Agrevain Berith to me alive. It matters more that he is dead than who kills him. If you have his location and contacting me will not compromise action, I will happily join you in exacting justice, and whether it is by my hand or yours, you will receive the full award.

Aug. 8th, 2016



As we approach two weeks after the fallout that afflicted us all, I encourage all who continue to experience difficulties adjusting to speak to me or the Knight-Commander as your schedule permits. What we experienced was trying, but we emerged from it. I will get to the bottom of this, but in the meantime: Apprentices, continue with your studies. Junior and senior enchanters, please watch over your pupils. As ever, my door is open for those who wish to talk.

And as for silly rumors, pay them no mind.

What further measures can be taken to ensure all lyrium imported into the city is of the safest, purest quality?

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