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Mar. 15th, 2017



I've got a job for the two of you.

Mar. 13th, 2017



Neither of you fucks are tainted, yeah?

Feb. 24th, 2017


Where the fuck's my romantic griffin ride, Nandoro?

You shacking up with my second in command, Cassidy?

Feb. 15th, 2017


The weather is quite mild today, is it not? I would like to invite all who wish to stroll through the gardens to do so at their leisure through the weekend, provided the Maker sees fit to keep the temperatures so lovely.

In addition, the training grounds will also be open for those who have been inspired by the Wintersend tourney.

A word, elf.

Jan. 27th, 2017


[ Crows ]

New contract was just handed down. Think you can take some time out of your busy schedules to do your jobs?

Jan. 16th, 2017


[...] i know this doesn't make it any better, at all, but i owe my life to your mother. & i hope you're holding up. if you need anything, let me know.

guess who isn't dead.


got home alright?

Jan. 13th, 2017


Are you really this dumb, or are your organs made of fucking mousse?

This isn't a rhetorical question.

[ SHAE, added two hours later. ]
I think our marshmallow was finally toasted, and I don't know why I'm so damned surprised still.

Dec. 23rd, 2016



At the risk of opening a can of worms, what new calamities did I miss over the last two weeks?

Also, how do people this far south survive winter without dressing head to toe in fur like the Avvar?? This is a very important question.

[ Una ]

At first glance, no wanted posters in the market. Congratulations, back to work with you.

I'll see if I can find anything out, so just remember to smile politely at everyone and wear your gorgeous new clothes.

[ Alia ]

Have they permanently locked you in your golden tower?

Dec. 5th, 2016


This is your monthly reminder that you're not as great as you think you are.

Where the fuck are my birthday drinks?

Nov. 26th, 2016



Didn't get around to telling you: Vath's dead. Or the closest thing to it.

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