Jun. 27th, 2016


If you want something mended, don't just dump it in a pile with no name left. 'S a recipe for the person you dumped things on reckoning they'll not get paid if they mend them.

You want your collection of torn trousers mended, you say so to my face.

But since you didn't, thanks for the donation of potential patching material.

Jun. 18th, 2016



A few words of advice: the day of an event is too late to suddenly decide to purchase a dress. I watched two women literally tear one in half at the market this morning. It was quite the spectacle.

[ Cassidy ]

You've been quiet lately. If you're planning to make trouble tonight, please let me know so I can be elsewhere. I would prefer the Duchess to keep liking me.

[ Aeren ]

Any interesting news lately? The city is buzzing.