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May. 4th, 2017


[ Warden Commander Ortan ]
I have been receiving [...] highly troublesome reports from Hunter Fell and I was hoping you might be able to enlighten me on the situation. I am aware that the Grey Wardens have since left the region, but maybe you can provide me [...] a more objective perspective on what, precisely, the armies from the Tevinter Imperium and Orlesian Empire are doing.

[ Pilar ]
The Tevene army still occupies Hunter Fell and the Orlesians have changed course from the Empire to our capital city. I fear that the negotiations are yielding the results we have been fighting to avoid during the negotiations. I wish I could ask you to reassure me that I am being paranoid, but I refuse to lose our country to "wait and see."

May. 2nd, 2017


[ Friends ]

Well, it seems I am departing Cumberland by the end of the week. My estate requires my urgent atention. For those of you I may not see before I depart, it has been a genuine pleasure.

[ Cassidy ]

You may wish to congratulate me on not being dead.

[ Souvelani ]

[...................] If you have not yet departed and see this, I wish you well. You know how to contact me.

Apr. 26th, 2017


[Public Announcement]

It brings me [...] much joy to announce to you all that our troops at the front have reclaimed Hunter Fell and the archdemon has been slain by the Grey Warden hero Caspian Pentaghast on 23 Cloudreach, 3:25 Towers.

The Blight is over.

We will not forget the sacrifices our troops and those of our allies, and most importantly, the Grey Wardens have suffered through this terrible time. As the darkspawn incursion during 22-23 Cloudreach was part of the broader battle, we will also honor our fallen at the Chantry services this Sunday. There will be a separate service to honor the late King Markus III tomorrow morning at ten bells. Both of these services will, as always, be open to the public.

However, since the end of the Blight merits celebration, we will hold a festival on 1 Bloomingtide in conjunction with the Merchant's Guild throughout the city. As always, we will have our traditional Chantry services for our young people reaching adulthood that morning. We encourage all to join together to commemorate the end of this long darkness and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Apr. 24th, 2017


[Public] - posted early morning

It is with great sorrow that I inform the people of Cumberland and Nevarra that King Markus Pentaghast the III lost his life in the darkspawn attack on 22 Cloudreach. He will be greatly missed and forever remembered as the man who did everything in his power to protect Nevarra from the Blight, down to his final moments.

In the wake of the attacks in the city, the Chantry can help those whose homes were destroyed with food, shelter, and other necessities. I am working closely with the Merchants' Guild to mobilize crews to begin clean-up and reconstruction in the city as soon as possible.

Although these circumstances leave me with a heavy heart, I will do my best to serve you as my uncle did, and my grandfather before him.

Apr. 18th, 2017


posted pre-aliya tavern fight.

why are shopkeeps getting ready for Summerday already? it's still two weeks out. the flowers will be dead by Bloomingtide.

good news: repairs still under way and looking good
weird news: you won't believe it, but Pickle found his way to the fucking inn.

holding up alright? with the Wardens being gone.

[.....] ALIA.
so raziya says you're a berserker. for how long?

Apr. 3rd, 2017


[ Public ]

So, I was going to say, I'm finally walking like a normal person, let's go get drinks!

But then things got serious, so I'm saying... let's go get drinks!!

I'd promise to buy any Warden who wanders into The Drunken Barmaid a drink, but I'm basically a pauper at this point. Still, I promise to drink to your success and good fortune.

[ Una ]

I swear, if I don't get out of this room I'm going to kill someone!! Everything's been too serious lately, and then red went and got herself killed like an idiot. Let's go out. We have nothing better to do anyway. Argus' latest estimate is 5 Bloomingtide.

[ Alia ]

I doubt you've got the time, gorgeous, but that's an open invitation.


[ Friends ]

I'm sure you've seen the news.

It's been
I'm glad I

[...................................] As it turns out, it was a good idea to laze around town with you these last few days. There's nothing like a bit of fun before a long march, right?

Stay safe.

[ Alia ]

Can you come to the outpost this evening?

[ Pilar ]

[..............................................................] Can I come see you tomorrow? I know you're busy.

Mar. 29th, 2017


[ Friends ]

My schedule is a bit lighter over the next week, so if any of you have time, let's meet in town.

I want It's been a rough few weeks, I'd like to spend some time with people I like.

[ Alia ]

If you have a couple of hours any day soon, let me know. It's nothing urgent, I'd just like to see you.

[ Rosalind ]

All signs of the taint are fully eliminated from the outpost now, so if you'd like to start coming by again, I hope you will. I do intend to make it out to the Circle sometime soon, too, but I doubt they'll let Giulia out until they feel she's battle-ready, so this way you can see us both.

[...] And I miss waking up to your face.

[ Giulia ]

How are the bruises?

[ Drusilla ]


The commander has just informed Montbelliard and myself of last night's tragedy. My deepest condolences for your loss.

[...] Please do not feel obligated to answer this message, but if there is anything I can do for you (personally or on behalf of the Order), let me know.

[ Pilar - ultimately unsent ]

I have something I want to

Mar. 8th, 2017



To all of the refugees from across Thedas seeking safe harbor in Cumberland, I humbly welcome you. The Pentaghast family will do our best to see to your needs in these dark and troubled times, and let us pray for a swift end to the Blight so that those who can return home are able to do so, and those who cannot may start a new life in peace.

[ Raziya ]
[.........................................................................................................................................] I only just heard that it was your Are you How are [.......] I just received confirmation that your ship was one of the ones that crashed during last week's storm. I am sure you are busy, but I [..............] hope that you are just wanted to check [...] wanted to make sure that you did not require anything but if you do I, and [...] I hope you are doing well.

[ Cas ]
How have you been, Brother? I've noticed that you frequent the ducal palace lately but you've seemed too busy to stop to chat, and I didn't want to be a bother, assuming it was about [...] Grey Waren business. They [...] are not sending you to the front too soon, I hope?

Jan. 14th, 2017


Melra's Clothiers will be closed this week. Incomplete orders which were expected to be fulfilled this week will be refunded in full.

On a more personal note, I'll be offering a small sum of gold to whomever can provide me with this most detailed and truthful account of events that have recently taken place at the alienage.

[Princess Adrianna Alia Pentaghast.]
Your Highness. I am very much aware of the impertinence of using this device to contact you personally when our connection, though always amicable, has been purely professional and certainly not one of social equals, but I'm afraid it is legitimately a matter of life or death for some individuals I care for very much. Please, might I beg some of your attention towards a matter that is surely beneath you but of the utmost importance to me?

[Luren, Oz, and Sandrin.]
What's the fastest way to get three individuals out of prison/potential execution in this city?

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