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Apr. 3rd, 2017


[ Friends ]

I'm sure you've seen the news.

It's been
I'm glad I

[...................................] As it turns out, it was a good idea to laze around town with you these last few days. There's nothing like a bit of fun before a long march, right?

Stay safe.

[ Alia ]

Can you come to the outpost this evening?

[ Pilar ]

[..............................................................] Can I come see you tomorrow? I know you're busy.

Apr. 2nd, 2017


[ Public - posted late morning]

Cumberland's remaining Warden forces will depart for the front at dawn on Wednesday, 5 Cloudreach. Anyone willing and able to fight is welcome to join us without pledging to the Order or to any nation's army. Arrangements have been made for such volunteers to receive daily mercenary pay for the duration of their time with us. Pay contingent on skill and experience, inquire at the outpost.

Mar. 29th, 2017


[ Friends ]

My schedule is a bit lighter over the next week, so if any of you have time, let's meet in town.

I want It's been a rough few weeks, I'd like to spend some time with people I like.

[ Alia ]

If you have a couple of hours any day soon, let me know. It's nothing urgent, I'd just like to see you.

[ Rosalind ]

All signs of the taint are fully eliminated from the outpost now, so if you'd like to start coming by again, I hope you will. I do intend to make it out to the Circle sometime soon, too, but I doubt they'll let Giulia out until they feel she's battle-ready, so this way you can see us both.

[...] And I miss waking up to your face.

[ Giulia ]

How are the bruises?

[ Drusilla ]


The commander has just informed Montbelliard and myself of last night's tragedy. My deepest condolences for your loss.

[...] Please do not feel obligated to answer this message, but if there is anything I can do for you (personally or on behalf of the Order), let me know.

[ Pilar - ultimately unsent ]

I have something I want to

Mar. 26th, 2017



Well, when one hears the title of a play often enough, it certainly encourages one to go see it! I certainly hope Fadestalker and His Battle Versus the Void Warrior lives up to its reputation. It should make for a lovely Tuesday evening, I think.

[ Drusilla ]
We are going to this play, Dru. You need to get your mind off of yesterday.

Mar. 11th, 2017



I'm heading out for about a week tomorrow morning. Take care until I return.

[Team Artefact ]

We've got transportation in the morning. The riders generally leave at dawn, so you will want to be here early. Ordinarily, I would offer sleeping quarters here at the outpost to save on morning travel, but under current circumstances, let us meet outside the outpost gate at six bells instead.

[ Rosalind ]

Please, for my sake, be careful. Keep clear of the tainted as much as you can.

[ Giulia ]

While I'm gone, if you need something, ask around for Midha Aenoch.

[ Midha ]

While I'm out, can you do me a favor and keep an eye out for one the new Wardens? Giulia Sala.

Mar. 10th, 2017


[TEAM ARTEFACT: tahelos, capentaghast, bamontbelliard]

We have good news, gentlemen(!)

After this: [OCTAVIUS]
It's working, at last. Ana & I are going on a field trip west with our very favourite blue-clad do-gooders for another trial.

Mar. 9th, 2017


(After the incident in the community garden, Iveani was confined to the Circle's medical wing and given a sedative. She woke up in the very late evening, and discovered her possessions were left within arm's reach. Her writing is slower, more deliberate than usual due to fatigue and potions.)


someone is missing. is going missing.


i need your help.


i'm sorry. i was not

i was rude to you today, i think.

Mar. 8th, 2017



To all of the refugees from across Thedas seeking safe harbor in Cumberland, I humbly welcome you. The Pentaghast family will do our best to see to your needs in these dark and troubled times, and let us pray for a swift end to the Blight so that those who can return home are able to do so, and those who cannot may start a new life in peace.

[ Raziya ]
[.........................................................................................................................................] I only just heard that it was your Are you How are [.......] I just received confirmation that your ship was one of the ones that crashed during last week's storm. I am sure you are busy, but I [..............] hope that you are just wanted to check [...] wanted to make sure that you did not require anything but if you do I, and [...] I hope you are doing well.

[ Cas ]
How have you been, Brother? I've noticed that you frequent the ducal palace lately but you've seemed too busy to stop to chat, and I didn't want to be a bother, assuming it was about [...] Grey Waren business. They [...] are not sending you to the front too soon, I hope?

Mar. 7th, 2017


about an hour after this.

I'm sorry to bother anyone at this hour, but I have questions about the taint

How [......................] contagious is it? What are the symptoms?

Can you come into the city?

Feb. 21st, 2017



wait, Luren, Oz, your wedding colors aren't blue and silver with griffon figurines everywhere? well damn. guess I better try a new method of recruitment

[ Wardens ]

ha, I knew Montbelliard liked pussies after all

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