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Feb. 4th, 2017


I need you to tell me as soon as you're awake again and let me take you out to breakfast.

I'll be late to the shop tomorrow. Captain Nadhari is meant to to send someone to deliver the Rivaini trouser patterns we ordered, as well as a supply of fabric I offered to buy the entire stock of. I'm hoping to be back before then but if not, I trust you to negotiate a decent price around the fabrics' quality.


[ Public - posted late morning]

Cumberland, it is exceedingly good to see you still in one piece.

[ Takwana ]

Tell me you got my missive.

[ Reha ]

I've got your patterns, not to mention a selection of fabrics which might interest you if you're truly going to get into the business of Rivaini trousers.

[ Alia ]

So, did absence make the heart grow fonder, or are you going to pretend you're not happy to see me??

Jan. 22nd, 2017


friends/family/acquaintances - apply liberally tbh

If you haven't heard yet, I'm ali all right, [......] or I will be. Sorry it's taken me so long to say anything. I hope everyone is doing well.

[ Marin ]
I don't know if you still want anything to do with me, but if you do, is the offer to let one of my loved ones stay at your estate is still good?

[ Luren ]
Lev said that he talked to you about me needing a new shield, and that I should see you myself for a new sword. Can I come by today or tomorrow?

[ Audra ]
I'm going to head out again today. Do you need anything?

[ Reha ]
I think [...] I'll be okay to come into work tomorrow. I'll see you in the morning?

Jan. 19th, 2017


[ Reha ]
I'm sorry I haven't reported to you in a few days. If I still have a job, and I understand if I don't, is it all right if I come in sometime early next week?

[ Godric ]
How are you? Can I see

[ Lev ]
[...] Did you get a new sword?

Jan. 14th, 2017


Melra's Clothiers will be closed this week. Incomplete orders which were expected to be fulfilled this week will be refunded in full.

On a more personal note, I'll be offering a small sum of gold to whomever can provide me with this most detailed and truthful account of events that have recently taken place at the alienage.

[Princess Adrianna Alia Pentaghast.]
Your Highness. I am very much aware of the impertinence of using this device to contact you personally when our connection, though always amicable, has been purely professional and certainly not one of social equals, but I'm afraid it is legitimately a matter of life or death for some individuals I care for very much. Please, might I beg some of your attention towards a matter that is surely beneath you but of the utmost importance to me?

[Luren, Oz, and Sandrin.]
What's the fastest way to get three individuals out of prison/potential execution in this city?

Dec. 9th, 2016


I haven't heard a word from you since whatever it is that happened yesterday happened but I'm deciding to take that as good news. Surely someone would have the decency to inform me if you were dead. Unless, of course, your body is beyond recogn--

Do you have a better idea of what went on in the market yesterday than word on the street? The gossip is becoming truly unbelievable.

I'm keeping the shop open for now-- at least until details of yesterday's events become clearer. But there hasn't been a customer all day so far. If you'd like to take the time off, I'll hardly blame you.

Nov. 27th, 2016



No, I am not thinking about joining the Grey Wardens. As much as some of you apparently wish I would Please, stop talking about it; it isn't true.

[ Shae ] - unsent
You wouldn't have happened to have been the one to start that Warden rumor

[ Lev ]
So [...] are you doing all right? I heard about I feel weird asking Reha about [......]

Nov. 14th, 2016


It's the season for dressing in layers at last and in that spirit, Melra's Clothiers will be running a promotion. For every purchase made in the next two weeks, customers will be entered into a lottery to win three custom designed pieces of the winner's choosing-- the only limits being the winner's imagination and my skill with a needle.

Good luck!

Oct. 28th, 2016


It's a crass and heartless thing to even think, never mind commit to sharing on these things, but if there's one benefit to the violent outbursts in the city's streets it's the ability to get a great deal of work done while hidden away, waiting for the danger to pass. In my fear, I somehow managed to finish my all of my Satinalia orders and the tapestry I've been working on for months.

Oct. 16th, 2016



so let me get this straight, i come back from a few days away to discover another mage went off their rocker playing with blood and demons? i'm so surprised.

[ the fam - you know who you are ]

back calmer and richer. thanks for the good wishes for someone to attack us; we stumbled on a nest of bandits. the city's safer and we got to appropriate what we found in their camp. they won't be needing those things anymore. apparently they weren't the worst raiders in nevarra, since there was plenty of coin stashed away. no way to know who it belonged to, so we'll just have to live with it.

no more warehouses.

everyone wins. except the bandits, but good riddance.

[ fam + friends ]

on a completely unrelated topic, how do people do satinalia around here? we're considering pulling something together to keep up an old tradition.

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