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Apr. 4th, 2017



You better be coming back, Asmund.

Mar. 22nd, 2017


Filtered: Asmund Astyth
You can find Bastien in the second room on the right above the Copper Triton.

Feb. 21st, 2017



wait, Luren, Oz, your wedding colors aren't blue and silver with griffon figurines everywhere? well damn. guess I better try a new method of recruitment

[ Wardens ]

ha, I knew Montbelliard liked pussies after all

Feb. 18th, 2017


[Filtered to friends of Luren and Oz. Apply term liberally.]

Attention dear friends who like celebrations and alcohol and food.

Oz and I are getting married two weeks from today. The ceremony is going to be boring and family-only. The party is going to be as fantastic as you can possibly imagine and you're all required to come. Presents are accepted if they are food, alcohol, or shiny things. But no one is obligated to gift anything outside of their pretty smiles. Bring who you want.

Jan. 30th, 2017



alright, the rooster and the clam wasn't that bad at all, let's go at it again tomorrow night

and if you feel so inclined to buy me drinks because it's my birthday tomorrow, well, I won't stop you

Jan. 16th, 2017


[ friends ]

no one happens to have a spare broadsword lying around do they?

[ luren ]

do you have time to take a rush commission?

[ reha ]

going to see your brother today, is that offer to have something made for me on your tab still open?

[ godric ]

if you wake up while i'm out, i'm bringing food, put in requests now or i'm assuming pie.

[ cassidy ]

assuming you got home alright. we should get a drink sometime. probably not in the alienage.

[ sorin ]

[...] you don't have to reply to this but if you need something, let me know.

Jan. 14th, 2017


tonight needs a drink the kinda drink that only the rooster and the clam can provide

got a question for ya

Dec. 28th, 2016


imma need a whole lot of ale to wash the taste of dust outta my mouth hafta say im glad to be a surface dwarf erryone wore pants there too so whatd i miss?

honey im home

honey im home


posted around noonish.

I returned from Orzammar early this morning, but in catching up with the last three weeks, I don't know how to feel.

I'm so sorry, Pilar.

ASMUND AND MIDHA, since she only knows cas is gone!!
Are either of you still at the outpost? Is Cas back yet?

Dec. 5th, 2016


dont let the city burn to the ground while im gone

volunteered for sandys merc job so im going to fereldan should only be a couple weeks dont miss me too much

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